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Posts posted by YGabbana

  1. Barely any coverage of the terrorist attack in Pakistan. 65 dead and 300 injured with alot of those being women and children.

    No pakistan flags on downing street or minutes silence anywhere.

    RIP to all those that have lost their lives.

  2. You start of by saying you don't get the Garde hate on here and then proceed to dissect the previous manager with a barbed comment of " the team was thrown under the bus"

    This is the same team he managed to stay up, when many of us thought we had gone ....way before TS arrived......and presided over a FA cup final which granted was a wet squib.

    I am not supporting Tim Sherwood, but the distinction in criticism between the 2 is a bit rich IMO ....you would think Remi had lost 2 and won 18 with the comparison you seem to draw.

    The background both managers had was poison and quite frankly I am not sure how either of them have achieved anything at all.....The players turning up must have been a feat.

    We now seem to have senior personnel who are willing to do something positive about it.....lets give them the space to try.

    This, he is a better manager than him thing, is tedious.....Its only opinions anyway, because results wise you couldn't get a cigarette paper between them.

    Thats what makes it so petty.

    Garde has the team performing alot worse than Sherwood ever did.

    How many losses and how many conceded now?

    Garde lacks any sort of fight or passion himself, all you have to do is look at him during a game. Yet he has thrown the team under the bus saying some of the players have no fight.

    I still do not get how some say he has improved us, that is laughable.

    Needs to be sacked soon, worst villa manager in our history.

    • Like 4
  3. I wouldn't even have him in the squad, not only has he not delivered at a tournament for 12 years but he slows down the play and doesn't have the legs anymore. He's also no where near good enough to play the 'number 10' role at international tournament level football. I heard the overrated pundit Lee Dixon advocate him to play on the left of the front line (where Wellbeck was playing) and it was an absolutely ridiculous suggestion. For all Wellbeck's faults he's a much more dynamic option than Rooney in that position. 

    If Rooney does play then it will be another case of square pegs for round holes, the sort of policy that clearly 'benefited' England so much during the so called 'golden' generation era.  

    I agree mate. Problem is that Rooney is the captain and the poster boy so that pretty much guarentees he plays.

    • Like 1
  4. Nope, not got any of them.

    Currently negotiating to get P. Gurpegui in at the next transfer window plus I'll try and sign a couple of the regens that appear.

    Might look at Stones. I've got Marquinhos who's still young but could do with a younger partner for him as Otamanedi is good now but is 30 on it I think.

    Try get them in now while their prices are lowish. Which regens are coming through in your save ?

  5. This week ive hit my targets for the comp, 130 bench, 175 squat, 190 dead. I think theres more in the bench if my mindset is right on the day. I need to sort my diet out and get some good clean cals in and drink alot more water.

    Soon as that comps over ill be on a strict cut for the summer

    • Like 1
  6. I'm surprised at how easy I've found the prem so far. I expected a season like my first season in the championship where I struggled. 

    I can imagine after a couple of seasons it gets very easy indeed.

    It probably helps that I've signed a fair few recommendations from you guys. My entire front 3 probably wouldn't have been signed if it wasn't for this thread.

    Have you signed Berradi? If not then get him. Also Stones developes to 90OVR as does Laporte. Solid CBs. Gaya for LB also gets to 90 and is quick as ****.

  7. Im in 22/23 now. Berradi has 10 goals in 3 games. Thrashed united 6-1 in community shield and 4-0 away in prem. Beat city 4-1 in supercup. Games too easy now so ive been playing all my regens last few games. Pirlos passing is immense

  8. Batman vs Superman was good imo, i enjoyed it. Im no comic book geek though so i enjoyed it for a stand alone film.

    There are a couple of suprises in there which i wont detail.

    Overall though i thought it was good all round. The plot does get abit iffy at some points but again, im no comic book geek.

    Gal Gadot makes a great wonder woman, i think her and affleck were the standout performers.

  9. They'll force it through unless it's a complete bomb. This film will make money, but Warner want it to be doing Avengers money and it probably won't on the back of the bad word of mouth.

    Moreover, Suicide Squad is basically done, filming is done on the Wonder Woman movie, preproduction on Justice League is done and they are just starting filming... I think they double down and go for it, although I wager they change tact and possibly bin Snyder at the first opportunity. I also bet the push forward the solo Batman movie.

    But I agree entirely, and have said so myself more than once, that they've messed up by trying to rush the set up for the Justice League movie. Marvel spent 10 hours and 5 movies setting up the Avengers, introducing characters a lot of people are unfamiliar with and making then likable established faces. WB haven't done anything approaching that and instead have just given cameos to the wider Justice League in 1 film that was already overstuffed and contains a central plotline that everyone who hasn't read a comic doesn't understand. To your man on the street Batman can't beat Superman. To a comic geek he can and usually does.

    And even then they appear to have messed up - I don't like  Superman as a character much, but even I know he's basically a boy scout, an embodiment of good and light, even when he's perhaps acting in the wrong. Every scene in this film appears to make him out to be a moody word removed. Even Frank Miller didn't do that!

    Filming isnt done on Wonder Woman btw.

    Justice league begins in may and the rumours of zack being close to being sacked off is a load of bull.

  10. My best ever on each of those (kg) is 92.5 + 155 + 127.5 = 375 :blush:

    Atm im at 125kg bench 160 squat and 180 dead. I reckon i can push for 130 bench maybe a 170 squat and 190 dead

    Not saying i will get those though, always good to set the target high

    • Like 1
  11. Then I'd really advise looking at a peaking program. Maybe to late now mind with it being end of month.

    Yea its abit short notice now. Its not a serious competition tbh just the gyms strongest man as such. Hopefully ill get top 5 ill be happy with that

  12. Ive agreed to do a comeptition at my gym, no massive strongman type event. Its just bench dead squat to give your max total.

    Its at the end of this month so im training purely for those lifts until then

  13. If your push strength isn't moving ahead train the hell out of your upper back/lats...whenever you push/pull as well. Don't just push one day/pull another. I can't say enough how training my upper back more made my bench/OHP better so don't limit yourself to thinking like the majority of people.

    Also down sets are a great way of hammering home a lift at a reduced weight but it'll allow you to 1)get volume in on the given lift without over doing it 2)drill home the movement pattern. So say a OHP day on week 2 of the program o usually run would go something like


    warm up sets (using a weight max)




    band pull aparts for total 100 reps between sets


    work sets




    Set of pull/chin ups between each set 3x10-15 (or whatever you can do/or lat pull downs)


    down sets (this is going back to our first work set of the day)

    70% for 5 sets of 5 reps 

    dumbbell rows/cable row between all sets.....whatever just do some tugging. 


    Even on deadlift/squat days I do something for upper back. 


    Here's a couple articles by Jim Wendler on how to bring up OHP/bench press...both push movements







    What I listed was & is how I train my push/pull & its always gotten me strong for meets.

    if you're benching I'd really recommend watching "so you think you can bench"on the youtubes by Dave Tate.

    Thats bang on advice. Some here would call that over training though.

    I had similar advice on the upper back thing and it made my bench numbers go up, not massively but slowly.

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