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Posts posted by Sam3773

  1. Hey, don't mind me. Just poking my head in to see if any decisions had been made about our manager before the season starts.. In three months.. With a month long international tournament in between.

    And a month of preseason. 

    Two weeks after the transfer window opened. 

    I'll pop back later then. 

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  2. I wouldn't be surprised either from both angles. It hasn't worked how he wanted it to, but also for us, new Chinese rules mean it's difficult for him to pump money abroad. 

    Xia almost has two FFPs to get around. Ours and China's. I imagine it's very difficult for him to fund the club at the moment. 

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  3. Simon Jordan of all people, who seems to have been following the Villa for a few years (for some reason) was on TalkSport last night. Said he knows some things so has to be careful what he says, but expects to see a change of ownership at the club. 

    He probably knows chuff all, mind. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

    Didn't he retire from management to become a rally car driver?

    Perfect, then he knows how to deal with a car crash. 

    But really, I seem to recall reading somewhere that might fancy a return to the dugout. 

  5. I don't think you can take the final in isolation as a reason. Bruce himself seemed annoyed/upset/angry that we played so deep in the first half. Doesn't strike me as a decision he made. Not sure why he reverts to putting all the strikers on with no service, mind. 

    I also believe he has done pretty well given circumstances. Our top scorer of last season was out for most of this one, and still hasn't got back to anywhere near the player he was. The entire spine of our team in Grealish, Jedinak and Terry were out for decent periods injured. And we still finished 4th. Would we have got automatics without the injuries? I'd be pretty confident. 

    There's also an adage that another manager could have done better with this squad. I disagree. That's not a compliment to Bruce, though. The squad put together, on the whole, aren't designed to play quick attacking football. There's very little pace for that. However, Bruce put the squad together, so with the resources (money) Bruce had, then yes, potentially another manager could have done better. 

    I'm not absolving Bruce by any stretch. He's the manager and has ultimate responsibility. Also, I've made it clear in the latest 'new manager' thread that I'd be happy with a change, but let's not kid ourselves here by making Bruce out to be a disaster because really, he was far from it and if we do keep him, I'd back him to get us 'there or there abouts' again. 

    I'd much rather dominate and do it the easy way. ?

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  6. 3 minutes ago, lexicon said:

    Couldn't get Olympiakos to win games.. 

    Bit unfair, they won about half of games under him in the three or so months he was there. He left when they were 6 points off the top, after the club had been given a 3 point deduction for fan violence. Shortly after he had to be taken to hospital after getting hit on the head... During fan violence. 

    In terms of winning games though, given the circumstances, he didn't do overly bad. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:

    I think the job that the Villa manager has this summer is bigger than what Jokanovic had to deal with last summer. Apart from Grealish (at the moment), a lot of our best players are leaving this summer, whereas Jokanovic had Cairney and Sessegnon to build on before he even started.

    If we can get a manager who can convince Grealish to stay, make him the focal point of the team, and help him realise his potential, we might have a chance next season. However, I just don't think Bruce is capable of doing this.


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  8. Wasn't there always and endgame with Bruce? I mean, if he failed at getting us up, chances are he would be gone. If he got us up, his history in the Premier League suggests he would struggle with his tactics and would be gone. 

    Team OAP were always built for this season and a rebuild was always on the cards following today, one way or another.

    What do I want? Consistency, but consistency under the right manager. I don't want to be thinking "either way, he'll be sacked soon" if we go up or stay down. Let's pick the right man who can work with youth, can play some exciting football, stick with it, get up in a couple of seasons, then push on with that same man. 

    That was never happening under Bruce sadly. Very likeable bloke and he has turned the dressing room around, but now we need someone else to take it up a level. 

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  9. I've loved the championship this season and being at the business end. My reasons for wanting to go up are the squad. We have a great group currently who have integrated themselves with the fan base better than most before them and seem to have a brilliant team bond. 

    That being said, when I take my claret tinted glasses off, how many are gonna stay if we go up? How many are PL quality? 

    Either way, the 26th is likely the last game with this group. ?

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