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Posts posted by weedman

  1. Any thread of hope I had has gone now, this is our easiest run of the season and we've managed 2 points from 3 games despite playing better. I'm resigned to it now, although it would be typical Villa to go and beat Sunderland just so that bit of my brain will keep chirping up with "you see? There IS a chance!"

    Can't believe I just said it would be typical Villa to win a match, what a strange day

  2. 1.47 points per game to get to 38 points.

    We currently average 0.41 per game

    Win our next three we'll need 0.81 per game (every team from 17th placed Newcastle upwards are currently averaging above this).

    Draw our next three we'll need 1.55 per game (every team from 7th place Watford upwards are currently averaging above this).

    Lose our next three we'll need 1.72 per game (Only Man City, Arsenal and Leicester are averaging above this).


    So realistically we need 5-6 points from the next 3 games that would require top 10-12 form to keep us up, certainly not beyond the realms of possibility. 

    That's the positive spin, the negative is 1.47 per game is required at the moment and only West Ham upwards are averaging above that.

    So top 8 form required for the remainder of the season, as it stands. :unsure:

    Absolutely spot on post, it looks really bleak at the moment but those numbers really prove it's not over yet, our form needs to drastically improve, sure, but it can be done

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  3. Opening up space by having teams double/triple up on him is only useful if he has it in his locker to move the ball quickly to the players in that space so they can exploit it. If he does have that vision and ability he's not shown it yet, and until he does I don't think he's worth a place in the team. If he can learn to move the ball quickly (not all the time, just some of the time) then he can become a very dangerous player. At the moment he's easy for Premier League teams to defend against once he loses the element of surprise

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  4. The main hope I have for this game is Newcastle are fairly similar to us, big club, woefully mismanaged and misfiring, bad owners etc. And if we were in their position, just out of the bottom 3, a couple of really good results against good teams, confidence growing, and about to play the team dead bottom without a win since the opening day you just know we'd lose and come crashing down to earth. Therefore, we will win

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  5. Never ceases to amaze me how much we can read between the lines. One speculative article in the media (with no quotes) about us being willing to off-load him and one short quote from the manager saying he was unhappy that he was dropped. What professional player with appearance bonuses is happy at being dropped?

    Having said that, I do hope we get rid but I would imagine it's highly unlikely we will unless we sponsor his wages.


    It all depends on how you rate the player. If it was Ayew or Gil or dare I say Adama unhappy at being dropped they would garner widespread support here and the manager would be under scrutiny. When Gabby or N'Zogbia or even Hutton or Westwood do it they effectively become the devil incarnate. Everyone seems to have double standards.

    Also, every time I see a post calling Gabby "fat" everything else in that post instantly loses credibility, if he's fat half the country is about to drop dead due to morbid obesity

  6. He needs to create an "us V them" mentality really, Mourinho has been doing it since he whinged into Chelsea (went too far this year though and lost the players respect somewhat), it's what Pearson did last year (debatable how intentional it was), MON did it with us to an extent. Praise the players publicly and argue against anyone doubting it, blame other people for players not performing (ref/linesman/play acting/tea lady) and say it would never happen at "insert club in similar position". You may get fined, you may get touchline banned but you'll drum some determination into the players

    It's short term, wouldn't work for more than a season or 2 but as I also believe he's a good manager it could help to just get us going a bit then actual management can do the rest

  7. 14 minutes ago, weedman said: OK maybe Suarez was a bad example, the man never stops running - although I never said he would have less touches, just that he wouldn't have been able to do much more. The point was the service forward that 45 mins of football was probably the worst I've ever seen, at best he competed for headers after a couple of hopeful punts upfield, I can't actually remember us even being in their half more than a couple of times. Playing with an injury to boot I'd say the problem was with the whole team that game and short of us having a Suarez in it I don't think anyone would have made a difference to that

    I've heard some excuses in my time, but a boot injury? Come on!  [emoji3]

    Boots are so fragile these days, poor things

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  8. 2 hours ago, weedman said: Even when it was blatantly clear they weren't laying the blame on Agbonlahor, rather on our horrendous team that couldn't get the ball out of their own half? There's a lot of criticism that can be (and is, and then some) given to Gabby, but I'm not convinced Suarez would have helped us in that 45 minutes let alone an injured Gabby Agbonlahor

    You must be kidding right? I just can't comprehend that you think Suarez would not have had more touches of the ball than Agbonlahor did against the Spurs . Have you seen this man play? He has the appetite of 3 players, he probably gets more touches of the ball in a single game than Agbonlahor does in 3-4 games IMO 

    OK maybe Suarez was a bad example, the man never stops running - although I never said he would have less touches, just that he wouldn't have been able to do much more. The point was the service forward that 45 mins of football was probably the worst I've ever seen, at best he competed for headers after a couple of hopeful punts upfield, I can't actually remember us even being in their half more than a couple of times. Playing with an injury to boot I'd say the problem was with the whole team that game and short of us having a Suarez in it I don't think anyone would have made a difference to that

  9. I think, when you get to a situation where television pundits (who are reluctant to overly criticise any individual player) making fun at some of their ( touches)stats......it maybe a good  time for some of us to reappraise our thoughts on him.

    Even when it was blatantly clear they weren't laying the blame on Agbonlahor, rather on our horrendous team that couldn't get the ball out of their own half? There's a lot of criticism that can be (and is, and then some) given to Gabby, but I'm not convinced Suarez would have helped us in that 45 minutes let alone an injured Gabby Agbonlahor

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  10. 19 minutes ago, weedman said: I see this argument a lot but why? Why do we have to be only 2-3 points off before Jan? We can be in the bottom 3 all season as long as we get out of it on the last day surely?

    I know we just make it harder for ourselves with each game we don't win, but we're 7 points off now meaning at some point we need a little run of consecutive wins (looks unlikely on current form, but form changes for every team, every season - except Derby that 1 year but that was just a freak season for them), if we can continue to be 7-8 points off then surely it doesn't matter if we get those consecutive wins this month or next month or for our last 4 games of the season?

    There's plenty of time for this to turn around yet, and we do have time for the baby steps right now. Like anyone else I'd rather win the next 4 games and be out of the bottom 3 as soon as possible but if it doesn't happen it's hardly the end is it?

    Last season Leicester were virtually down, the last few seasons Sunderland have been virtually down before miraculously saving themselves at the last. We looked doomed last year but in the end stayed up with games to spare. Form changes, it only takes 1 moment sometimes and it's not over until it's over, it's certainly not going to be over by January

    We need to close the distance and make life easier for ourselves, this lot are hardly fighters and hardly blessed with quality, we're not going to turn round a massive deficit in Feb, we will be down, we don't even have the quality that Leicester had in key areas, they could rely on Mahrez's brilliance for example. We need to be in touching distance by the end of the month, it's as simple as that. 

    It's easy to say that now with Mahrez and Vardy setting the league alight, but last season they were bang average until they hit form. This time next year another team could be talking about Villa's great escape with someone pointing out "but we don't have quality players like them, they could rely on Ayews brilliance".

    My point is simply how things are going now is not necessarily how they will be going in a few months time. We all want to be out of the bottom 3 now and winning games now but there is plenty of time. I'm sure most of us would be happy if a win on the final day kept us up by 1 point after 4 straight victories despite being turgid all season before that

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  11. The whole "treat them like kids and they'll act like kids" is boulderdash when the reason they're are being punished is for acting like a kid when they had been treated as an adult.

    Grealish asked to make his own way back from the game, Garde himself has said there is no problem with that and happens occasionally throughout the season. He then acted irresponsibly and stayed out drinking for 2 days.

    He asked to be treated as a professional and an adult, he was, he took advantage of that and acted like a child, he gets punished. Simple really.

    Hopefully it can help focus him because while he has loads of potential he isn't good enough yet, and you don't reach your potential as a professional athlete by getting pissed on the weekends with your mates, you get it by working, working hard and working more than your boss makes you, which is the bare minimum.

    At the moment he is not good enough to be a Premiership player, if he's happy with that and content to slip down the leagues as his career progresses so he can continue having fun, then that's fine, but there's no reason to put him in the team in that case.

    To go with the business analogy, he's a new staff member, if he shows up bang on time, borderline presentable and does exactly what he has to do before he can leave bang on time again, he isn't going to progress in the company beyond the role he currently holds, compared to the guy who isn't as good to start with, but shows up early, state late, uses his own initiative and volunteers for extra training courses whenever they're available. Natural talent isn't the most important thing in virtually any business including football

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  12. 1 hour ago, villa89 said: Given the situation we are in, and the fact that it's likely to be worse in January, plan A should be preparing for the Championship. Staying in the league would just be an unexpected bonus. I wouldn't be surprised if Garde's instructions are to rebuild the club from the ground up by bringing young players through regardless of the division we are in.

    Have to disagree. Its also possible that things may look better in January, (suggesting "things are likely to be worse" is simply an opinion) yet you think we should except relegation with 5 months left? 

    I agree things are looking grim at the moment but plan A should be to stay in this league. I wonder if Leicester fans had the same defeatist attitude when they where rock bottom last Christmas.

    27 minutes ago, villa89 said: It doesn't matter what the fans attitude is. What matters is that if you are running a business that's 1/4 to have it's revenue halved in 6 months time then you better start preparing for that as it's by far the most likely outcome. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

    So if by January we are say, 2 points from safety, you would still prefer to be planning for the championship rather than looking to bring in players that would help to keep us in this division?

    As I said in my opening post, the club should of course have a plan in place for relegation, and if I had to bet my house on a finishing position come May it would probably go on a bottom 3 place, so I'm certainly not oblivious to how dire the situation is. 

    All I'm saying is that Plan A should be to stay in this League, I'm not prepared to simply except relegation with so much time, and opportunity (by way of the transfer window) left in the season. And I would hope our Chairman feels the same. 

    IMO there is absolutely no chance that Remi Garde accepted the job here if the remit was to plan for the Championship. 


    Otherwise I agree

  13. I'm not for 1 minute going to argue Clark is a good defender, he's been woeful this season but I don't think the 3rd goal is his fault.

    I'd have to watch it again to be sure and I have no real interest in doing so, but the ball was spinning away from him and he had to back towards it leaving him off balance and unable to really jump at it combined with it being in the perfect position for Deeney to attack, I personally don't think any defender would have won that header or stopped Deeney from scoring that goal.

    Anyone who's played football must have dealt with the ball spinning away from you in the air and know how difficult it is to actually get off the ground and head it away in those circumstances

    It always looks like it's a mistake, the same way that the ball bobbling a yard in front of you causes you to shin it miles off target looks a mistake, doesn't mean anyone would have been able to handle it differently

  14. I don't think he's great on the wing, and I really don't think we can play 2 out and out wingers and a man off the striker basically in the free role.

    I think he's good just off the striker with a licence to roam and do his thing, but we need to sacrifice the wingers to play that way. Basically IMO it's either him with our width coming from Hutton and Richardson, or leave him out and stick on 2 proper wingers to supply our striker. Without actually having 2 out and out wingers (no one on the left) we should play a narrow 4-5-1 with Gil behind Ayew, Westwood/Veretout and Gana in the middle with Sanchez holding, for all their flaws Hutton and Richardson both get up the pitch well and will give opponents something to think about when we need them. It limits our creativity somewhat, but should solidify us and still give us options when we attack

  15. 56 minutes ago, jim said: Man City was a good performance but the last 2 games we were woeful.

    7 goals shipped in the last 2, sorry but I don't see that as progress.

    It was OK but owed a lot to the awful finishing of City, had they got their finishing right they would have won by three or four

    We were far more unlucky yesterday than we were lucky against City.

    Against City we restricted them to only a few real chances which on another day they may have scored, but because we restricted them to only a few chances they snatched at them somewhat

    Yesterday we dominated the game until they very effectively killed it in the last 10 mins, but they scored from a lucky double deflection landing perfectly for their best finisher which you wouldn't be able to replicate 99 times in 100, an own goal which, while not the best defending, would not have ended in a goal 9 times out of 10, and another lucky deflection resulting in the ball spinning away from our defender and perfectly positioned for their best header to get on the end of it - a couple of feet away in any direction and that's not a goal.

    We're shit, truly terrible and look odds on to go down but we were unlucky yesterday. If we were generally playing well and higher up the table everyone would just be putting that down to "one of those days", it's only because we've been so bad this season we're slaughtering the team for that performance which was good and 99 times out of 100 we'd have won that comfortably.

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  16. For all the hate, Richardson is the best left back available at the current time so he should play. I'd rather see Cissokho in there but he is away, unavailable and therefore not worth worrying about unless we manage to get him back from his loan early. He's had a few stinkers, but hasn't everyone? He's cost us less goals this season than Amavi for instance, I'd feel far more confident with him there than with any of the other options I can see

  17. 36 minutes ago, Keyblade said: No, he was suggesting that you were making things about about Gabby being away simply to go on holiday.

      Exactly. It would be daft to deny he's abroad. He says so himself.

    However, it is daft to use a picture of him obviously at night to criticise him for not doing training/rehab. A person can train all day, then go out at night. A person could do 12 hours training and still go out at night. And he's clearly not wasted, or drinking on that picture. Looks like he's just in a restaurant.

    It would like pulling up a picture of an office work who is abroad on business, eating a meal in the evening and saying 'LOOK THEY'RE CLEARLY NOT DOING WORK'


    Ok I take your point.

    I will go back to my original point and say that I don't think he should be away on warm weather training. Every new signing raves about how good a facility BMH is. Why go away to recover? Especially as club captain and also considering we have a new manager.

    I'm no ITK or anything, but just putting the idea out there that it probably wasn't entirely his decision to go there?

    I can't imagine he just popped in to training one morning with a brand new manager waiting and thought "screw this I'm not dealing with this weather, I'm off lads" and jetted away? I would have thought the manager and physios etc sat down with him and decided this would be the best course of action for him to recover and get fit...I mean I could be wrong, it's happened before, but I doubt it

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  18. Well Bennett is not good enough, letting him leave was a no brainer, and I have no inside information but I'd wager that the reason we let Cissokho go and kept Richardson is pretty simple - we only needed 1 as backup and no one wanted Richardson

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  19. I wish Richards had never played Right Back ever so people would shut the **** up about moving him there.

    He's our best Centreback by some distance. How on earth would we be better off with him at right back?


    I get the impression that if he'd never played RB before most would be hugely impressed with him since joining but because many came to the conclusion before he'd arrived that "he's rubbish at CB and should only play RB" they are highlighting and over amplifying every thing in support of that theory, possibly even without meaning too.

    But what do I know, I'm no #stevoITK or anything

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  20. I keep thinking Leicester are going to implode a la Blackpool but think their manager is too good and they've probably got too much now. They can't continue like they are tho surely?

    I think we for once need to rely on us being good enough and yesterday showed that there is a chance that we are.

    Leicester are basically us under MON, never say die, bodies on the line with a couple of real runners in the team (Vardy-Gabby and Mahrez-Young), their style of play will see them burn out (like we always did, and like West Ham did last season after also emulating ourselves under MON. They almost certainly won't get relegated barring some ridiculous implosion of Villa proportions but they won't challenge the top 4, somewhere between 7th-12th for them.

    Anyone from about 11th down could get dragged into it, it's very early in the season but I would have a cheeky outside bet on Swansea if I were a betting man

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