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Posts posted by Merlincourt

  1. Is 67 goals over 9 years good enough?

    I agree largely with OBE but when you look at players like lukaku who has scored almost the same amount as gabby over 9 years within 5 years and is only 20 years old, when you look at Benteke who has scored 73 over 7 years and is only 23 years old, hell, even Grant Holt had scored 80-90 after 10 years.

    I like Gabby, admire his loyalty but he isn't a great, I don't think he'd have survived at another club and he should be on the bench from now on.

    I really need to stop reading so fast! At first I thought you agreed with gabby getting an OBE!!

  2. I personally think we need dedication from somebody, and not see us as a way of expanding there own publicity solely... Hopefully they see us as a club that is massively under achieving and have the fans best interest at heart! Not asking too much, just 600 mill should do it :)

  3. Just got a phone call from a lecturer telling me not to show up at the final exam tomorrow morning because my attendance during the semester was not up to an adequate standard.




    Morning in bed? Happy days. That's horrible though, I was always threatened with it, but they never followed through.

    "You've made your bed, now lie in it" could never be truer

  4. Do you know what word you get if you type 58008 in to a calculator and then turn it upside down?....Go on do it! I dare ya!



    Yes I know that everyone knows this.


    Can't do that on a computer or your phone, can you?.

    Do a handstand it's worth it!

    Just got a phone call from a lecturer telling me not to show up at the final exam tomorrow morning because my attendance during the semester was not up to an adequate standard.



    Happy days!!

  5. But then you have to ask, why would a deal still be being made with Lerner now if he caught wind in December? Surely it would have been done by now.

    Talks after premier league status regained?? Wasting his time if we didn't stay up

  6. I see that lad who had cancer, and was raising money for cancer has died. He died this morning in his sleep. Absolutely tragic, so young but fair play to him, he helped raise over 3m for cancer research. What an hero and inspiration he is, RIP pal.

    He certainly left people with lasting memories!

    I'm in a hotel within Leeds today.... Found the manager and receptionist coming out of the room opposite with some serious noises!! Interestinggggg!! Hard work making those beds :))

    I bet mooney was involved somewhere along the line.
    I raised my concerns haha and a decent room upgrade plus a few free drinks have gone down nicely,
    spoil sport.

    Ha! Shot my self in the foot, back to the laptop...

  7. I'm in a hotel within Leeds today.... Found the manager and receptionist coming out of the room opposite with some serious noises!! Interestinggggg!! Hard work making those beds :))

    I bet mooney was involved somewhere along the line.

    I raised my concerns haha and a decent room upgrade plus a few free drinks have gone down nicely,

  8. Canadians are the most overly proud people on the planet.

    Have you met any dutch fans?



    Yes I was part of a 5,000 strong orange parade with their fans to the stadium in Kharkiv at Euro 2012.


    Yeah, they tend to draw attention to their nationality.  That's a football thing though.


    Not just a football thing. This is Amsterdam on Queen's Day:



    Wouldn't fancy the bar que

  9. I'm in a hotel within Leeds today.... Found the manager and receptionist coming out of the room opposite with some serious noises!! Interestinggggg!! Hard work making those beds :))

  10. Hello, Iv been a villa fan all my life (25 years), planning on a season ticket 2014/2015! Been reading villatalk for a year or so! Thought I'd add my pennies worth on a few interesting topics from time to time!


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