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Posts posted by Merlincourt

  1. UKIP are based on fear, nationalism and xenophobia. It's a cheap way to win votes, Hitler was also elected on a similar platform... ;)

    Don't forget the homophobia and sexism...

    *disclaimer... Previous poster comments not mine...

  2. I don't vote and probably never will, if people want to vote for UKIP then so be it. I've not really gave them much attention and probably never will. In my eyes they are all rocket polishers, at the end of the day if people believe in the BNP,UKIP, or even mickey mouse they are more than entitled to their opinion. I support my legs because they support me(that's an old one ay it).

    The people who vote for these parties are uneducated voters, I'm not saying the people are unedcuated themselves, but they vote on snapshots they hear on the TV, Radio or newspapers.

    When you see a headline saying "UKIP only give jobs to UK Citizens" - it looks good.

    Likewise when you see a headline saying "Tories spend £4 billion of UK tax payers money into Europe every year" - it looks bad.

    The people who don't look into these headlines are the people who vote for them.

    It's why none of them should be allowed near a media outlet, let alone given an hours special attention on Channel **** 4.

    Sweeping statement of the year...

  3. Ha of course, let's not go over old ground as they say!!

    I expect most UKIP voters don't know the difference between "their" and "there".

    Oh dear.... They've arrived

    The spelling and punctuation brigade

  4. Yep. I was happy to hear that a lot more people I know voted than I was expecting. I was even more happy to hear that non of them voted for UKIP.

    One of our borough's actually managed to elect this charming UKIP candidate to one of their two seats.

    I **** despair.

    Unlucky for you... There manifesto is a good read if I'm totally honest... Just wether they stick to this or not is the question. I'm sick of the mainstream b*****ks pretending they'll do everything then blame the previous government on why they can't implement things...

    Not sure if you're trolling or not, but how do you feel about their plans to stop / lower maternity, sick and holiday pay, privatise the NHS, and introduce a flat tax rate that means the rich pay less, and the poor pay more?
    I agree with all the quoted above....

    But as for your last last lines... U live in a dream world if you think just UKIP have these type of members... I'd love to see there official manifesto that mentions all of the sexism/homophobia/xenophobia?

  5. Yep. I was happy to hear that a lot more people I know voted than I was expecting. I was even more happy to hear that non of them voted for UKIP.

    One of our borough's actually managed to elect this charming UKIP candidate to one of their two seats.

    I **** despair.

    Unlucky for you... There manifesto is a good read if I'm totally honest... Just wether they stick to this or not is the question. I'm sick of the mainstream b*****ks pretending they'll do everything then blame the previous government on why they can't implement things...

  6. When does the premier league fixtures come out + what date is the first game?

    I believe 18th June for fixtures - first match (probably away at Old Trafford - 16th August)

    Cheers pal

  7. Just ran out of protein. Where do you guys get yours from? Also, what is your opinion on mass proteins which contain around 1000 calories per 2 scoops or whatever. I eat well but I don't eat enough. Are those shakes a good substitute? I've originally been on Lean Mass which I bought from My Protein AGES ago (hardly used as I was back and forth at the gym) just seeing if there was anywhere better/cheaper?

    Decent place in minworth


  8. What would you say and think of me if I said I was walking home one morning from some girls house, it was about 6 in the morning. I'd had a skin full the night before but I'd had a few hours sleep and felt ok. I was walking down the main road and I saw this old lady come walking out of the park, she was walking up the main road away from me. I thought it was a bit strange as it was really early for an old lady to be coming out the park and something seemed weird. Anyway I gradually got closer to her, as she crossed the road I got this really weird feeling so I coughed really loud. She turned around and smiled at me, she had this plaster on the side of her face. She carried on walking so I decided to miss my turning down to my street and follow her instead. Down the road from me is a church/graveyard, I watched her walk up the steps into the church entrance and walk through one of the walls and vanish. I was absolutely shocked and freaked out. Then as I was stood there I saw a young ish lad come walking from the opposite way I had walked and he done the same, he just walked through the church walls and vanish. I was not high on drugs and I had been to sleep the night before. How can I or anyone explain that, some people may think its bullshit but I can assure you it is not. One or two other things I've saw but that's just an example of why I find it hard to believe there is nothing out there.

    I would say there is a perfectly legitimate scientific explanation for

    what you saw.

    Yes..... Mushrooms....

  9. Dare I say... Fully fit our squad isn't as bad as the records show...! But on the other hand you have to expect the injuries and fulfil the void left by others... I think you'll be surprised if lambert left, they'd be another 10 managers lined up around the same calibre...

    *Prepare for the bombardments*

    I think the problem is, if Lambert left, would a new manager want to come, when he would know that the new owners might not like him and he could be sacked within a few months of being here, if a takeover happens? To me, you're not going to get many committed managers in those circumstances, just a journeyman looking for a last payout, playing the 'committed manager to this big club' act.

    Totally agree but I'm afraid these people are out there and they will come in no problem, maybe on the hope the new owners give them a chance, then they are quids in... I don't think we have much to worry about even if lambert leaves/gets sacked... Who knows anyway lol I'm not a massive football man in the know, so I couldn't put a name on who would come in, but someone defo would...

  10. I don't get this, having 20m to spend but Lerner doesn't actually spend his own money. Can someone explain this to me?

    That's how normal business works outside of football... An initial investment is made and then the business is supposed to sustain it's self with its own funding, hence in my opinion why he is leaving, football at the top level is really hard to stay afloat without more capital pumped in per year.. Let's be honest, these guys at the top level have money to burn, and Randy Lerner doesn't unfortunately and his actions show that...

  11. Watch something on youtube called Zeitgeist.... It's a bit of topic, but it basically blows religion and a few other theories out the water... Very interesting! I'm caught in two minds but after seeing that, I'm swinging towards there being nothing out there...

  12. Not so much agree, just a moment of "whaaaaaaat" lol

    I'd love to know the real reasonings... My guess is the caterers couldn't fulfil the Balti Pie orders...

  13. Dare I say... Fully fit our squad isn't as bad as the records show...! But on the other hand you have to expect the injuries and fulfil the void left by others... I think you'll be surprised if lambert left, they'd be another 10 managers lined up around the same calibre...

    *Prepare for the bombardments*

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