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Posts posted by HanoiVillan

  1. It was great to see him given a chance, and the fans did well with the reception. As noted, he looked very nervous and didn't really do anything to justify any more significant involvement at this stage, but once we're mathematically safe I'd like to see him get more pitch time. 

  2. The disadvantages we have are obvious - nobody who looks like scoring a goal between now and the end of the season. 


    However, it would be remiss not to mention that we do have two major advantages - a goal difference that's basically an extra half point, and the number of teams below us. For us to go down, we'd have to see really good run-ins from Albion, Norwich, Cardiff and Fulham at this point. I've been fearing for us all week, because I felt sure Cardiff and/or Fulham would win today, but that hasn't happened. 


    We'll probably be safe thanks to a desperate 0-0 draw at home to Hull. But unless there's major changes to this club over the summer, we'll start next season as favourites for the drop. It's a loooooooooooong time until Benteke returns. 

    • Like 1
  3. Because Birmingham, its inhabitants and anything related to Birmingham (apart from Black Sabbath) suck all the joy out of existence. 

    THOSE STUPID **** ACCENTS mixed with the never ending dirge of "shit support, my lord".

    And they've got ugly kits. 

    The only thing they're part of the fabric of is a giant sack pieced together with the intention of carrying a large amount of shit. There'll be no shame if they go down. It'll be **** hysterical.



    He should talk! Or, ideally, not. 

  4. I assume that, following the takeover news of this morning, the 'realistically' element of this thread title will soon be removed?!

    Above all others, I would love to see Martinez as our manager, but something would need to go badly wrong at Everton for that to happen.


    Maybe we should wait to see if it actually happens first?

    • Like 2
  5. I'm not cheering anything yet, no matter how necessary it is. There's just so many pitfalls to avoid with a new owner. Will it be an Allam, who will only give us money if we change our name to Birmingham Dragons to make us more appealing to Chinese betting syndicates? A Zingarevich who just doesn't care? A Yeung or a Shinawatra who'll cause a crisis with their personal shadiness? An Abramovic or Cellini who'll sack the manager every 6 months? A Ridsdale who'll send us into administration? A Tan who'll insist on briefing the press against the manager and choosing who to pick?


    I'm cautiously hopeful, but there's a lot worse owners than Lerner out there. We might be back here in a year or two reminiscing about him yet. 

  6. I don't know if i'm just overly pessimistic but I really do feel that we're going to drop this season. Our strikers are i terrible form, and we're not too great at the back either.  For me it's not just a struggle to see where our next win is going to come from, it's hard to see where our next goal is going to come from.


    We just need Gabby to have one of those days where he's unplayable. He always seems to have a game like that when we most need it (Norwich away last season). 


    Thank you for putting my feelings into words. I really feel we're going to continue our collapse, there wasn't one ounce of creativity or spark against Palace. I hope I'm wrong. UTV. 





    Oh great, a debate about the nature of truth. That's what I look to VT for. Here's a fact - water boils at 100 degrees. The chemical formula for water is H20. 


    Here isn't a fact - 'The Godfather' is a better film than 'Manos: The Hands Of Fate'. That might not be a fact, but it's a widely-held cultural belief, and you won't find too many people to take the other side of the argument. I don't find too many people taking the other side of the argument when I say Villa are s*** at home either, but you're welcome to start. Please tell me all of the ways in which you've been wowwed, awed and entertained by our worst ever home record performances. 



    This is a very odd post.

    The poster he was responding to presented an opinion as a fact - he was highlighting this error, nothing more. You've then inferred that he's happy with the performances by putting all sorts of words in his mouth.



    The point, as you're surely able to divine, is that it is so obvious that we play rubbish, boring football - pacbuddies' point - that calling it a 'fact' is really an acceptable shorthand. Rather than calling the post 'very odd', I explicitly offered you the chance to tell me about the times you've been dazzled by our performances this season, and I notice that one poster did actually take that opportunity. But don't pretend like my point was hard to understand. 



    I wouldn't call fact acceptable shorthand for opinion - that's the point. Now you're inferring that I'm defending the performances, just as you did with the other poster on the previous page.



    I don't propose to continue this argument, nobody wants or needs to read it. Enjoy the rest of your day. 


    These bullying allegations are getting serious now, my source who i wont disclose said lambert caught culverhouse writing "Ashley Westwood is gay" in biro on a desk at BH and just last week both karsa and culverhouse took clarks dinner money off him.

    Please tell me they didn't de-bag Bowery, the poor guy gets enough stick for playing basketball in a wheelchair.



    Think Helenius is the one who gets de-bagged. 



    Oh great, a debate about the nature of truth. That's what I look to VT for. Here's a fact - water boils at 100 degrees. The chemical formula for water is H20. 


    Here isn't a fact - 'The Godfather' is a better film than 'Manos: The Hands Of Fate'. That might not be a fact, but it's a widely-held cultural belief, and you won't find too many people to take the other side of the argument. I don't find too many people taking the other side of the argument when I say Villa are s*** at home either, but you're welcome to start. Please tell me all of the ways in which you've been wowwed, awed and entertained by our worst ever home record performances. 



    This is a very odd post.

    The poster he was responding to presented an opinion as a fact - he was highlighting this error, nothing more. You've then inferred that he's happy with the performances by putting all sorts of words in his mouth.



    The point, as you're surely able to divine, is that it is so obvious that we play rubbish, boring football - pacbuddies' point - that calling it a 'fact' is really an acceptable shorthand. Rather than calling the post 'very odd', I explicitly offered you the chance to tell me about the times you've been dazzled by our performances this season, and I notice that one poster did actually take that opportunity. But don't pretend like my point was hard to understand. 





    So Villa were a disorganised shambles when we beat Jose Mourinho's Chelsea 1-0 at Villa Park recently?

    No. I think not.

    That same alleged shambles deservedly turned Arsenal over on the opening day of the season too & Man city at home with their backs against the wall.

    The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

    Where you been for the other 30 odd games?

    Villa have been a shambles for most of the season and all this nonsense with coaches etc is further proof that the club is a shambles! I've watched Villa 40 years mate and I can tell you it's a shambles. So don't give me the whole, "It's not paulie's fault nonsense". He's called a manager for a reason.

    Paulie's fault??

    Have you been watching Goodfella's?

    The team, the manager & The Club have been severely handicapped by constant injury to our key players & at vital times throughout the season.

    Had we won the last 4 games nobody would be bleating on about Karsa & Culverhouse.

    Too many fans are OTT in their judgements without being privy to facts.

    The facts as far as I am concerned speak for themselves.

    ie - injuries to key players thwarting the development of Lambert's plans as in Okore, Benteke, Kozak, Nzogbia & Vlaar at various points throughout the whole season.

    Any other team in tghe Premier League would struggle in the same circumstances.

    ie where would Liverpool be without their key players Gerrard, Suarez, Sturridge etc etc for long periods of the season.

    Also, Suarez is Liverpools best player by a country mile in the same way that Benteke is ours.

    Too many fans are OTT in their judgements without being privvy to facts! Do me a favour.

    The facts are staring everyone in the face. A few facts spring to mind straight away:

    1. The boring style of football on display in nearly every game played home and away.

    2. Losing 10 league games at home.

    3. Failing to score in 13 league games out of 33.

    Trying to find excuses is really lame and just covers up the shortcomings.

    Number 1 is an opinion and not a fact.



    Oh great, a debate about the nature of truth. That's what I look to VT for. Here's a fact - water boils at 100 degrees. The chemical formula for water is H20. 


    Here isn't a fact - 'The Godfather' is a better film than 'Manos: The Hands Of Fate'. That might not be a fact, but it's a widely-held cultural belief, and you won't find too many people to take the other side of the argument. I don't find too many people taking the other side of the argument when I say Villa are s*** at home either, but you're welcome to start. Please tell me all of the ways in which you've been wowwed, awed and entertained by our worst ever home record performances. 


    Easier topic would be 'Things Right With Our Club'


    1. The Balti Pies.


    The End.


    the Pitch is always immaculate as well



    It really is, we do have an excellent groundsperson. We'll definitely have the best kept pitch in the Championship. 

  12. Cattermole has nothing to his game. Fouling a lot does not make you a good defensive midfielder. It's no wonder they've struggled for years with him as a midfield regular, he makes some of our lot look like Xavi and Iniesta.


    His second touch is always a tackle. 

  13. I've studiously avoided the Lambert thread for the most part, and until today I genuinely wasn't convinced he couldn't do a job. But today has made clear that he isn't up to this task, that the team he's built isn't good enough, that we're still very much in the thick of the relegation battle, except that every other team in it is in good form, with the sole exception of Sunderland, who are too far gone to count. How are we going to win a game during the rest of the season? How are we going to score, even? Because nothing looked likely today. 


    Lambert refused to make a change until everyone knew it was too late. He sat and watched a 20 minute spell of football during which time we didn't string 3 passes together, and Palace had the ball in our half the entire time. He sat on his hands. Before that, he set up the team to grind out a 0-0 draw, and here we are, a totally predictable result of failing to get all the way to 90 minutes at 0-0, which is what always happens. His team selection was a joke, his tactics and formation were abysmal, the players he's signed aren't good enough to save us, and we're crumbling into the Championship. 


    Lambert out, tomorrow morning. 

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