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Posts posted by nobler

  1. I've managed to make Greater Rift 60 so far this season with the new thorns Crusader, really nice change of design and play style. I should be able to go 70+ if I get the damn ring I need to drop. 2.4 has been an excellent patch, they keep adding bits of content and improving the game step by step. Item set dungeons are pretty cool, with some nice cosmetic rewards if you're prepared to put the hours in. It's a great game, it really is but it still has this lingering issue that it can't quite keep your attention for more than a couple of weeks of a season, unless you're a real hardcore player going to top leaderboards.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Mantis said:

    I'm hoping he's trying to force their hand. Garde knows the fans are on his side and that the anger directed at them will only increase if he leaves. Maybe this is his way of trying to get the board to back him in the summer?

    But why would he want to be fighting constant battles with them? Playing games. It's tiring, particularly when managing a football team is stressful enough. This is the problem, any manager who comes in doesn't just have the challenge of getting results, they have to fight a constant battle with a board who are pulling in the opposite direction. It's something you don't need because ultimately it's impossible to achieve anything under a board that won't cooperate with you.

  3. Usually you have to try and strive to keep players from leaving when you're relegated. It's the opposite for us, we have to get rid of as many as possible. This bunch of players cannot play together. They're duds, they have no interest in working for each other, no interest in running that extra bit, no interest in even trying to turn things around. They would get mauled by harder working players in the Championship. It's scary, we have to build an entire new team suited for that league.

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  4. We've been down since about October but today has pretty much sealed it. Only having 8 points makes us one of the worst teams in top flight history and I don't really expect many more points. I never really imagined it could be this bad, but it is and we have to take it on the chin and try to properly deal with it. Whether or not this board is capable of making the right decisions, is another issue.

    It's so so important that we now start to think about bringing the right players in for next year. Hungry, experienced Championship players that will bring consistency, stability and are up for the scrap. We also might as well start letting go some of the absolute losers that continue to hang around our club; just banish them from Birmingham. i,e Richardson, Hutton, Westwood, Guzan, Clark.... the list goes on.

    I'd personally like to stick with Garde, I want him to have a few transfer windows anyway but I guess how long he has boils down to the manner in which he takes us down. Tough times ahead but it's been coming for so long. I just hope the club doesn't now just fade into the abyss. 

  5. 4 hours ago, stewiek2 said:


    Wasn't feeling it for Kylo. Wasn't as menacing as he could have been.




    I have a feeling he was meant to come across as weak but not as weak as we thought after he does what he does to his dad. Supreme leader Snoke also requests him to be brought to him near to end to complete his training. We'll probably see him get stronger as he gets older.


  6. Spoiler

    I thought the first 45 minutes or so, weren't too great. Lots of forced acting and just didn't feel right, but as soon as the resistance came in, those X-Wing feels kicked in and the film just got unbelievable. So glad I hadn't had it spoiled for me as it would have completely ruined my emotions, but I'm basically a wreck now. Cannot wait for episodes VIII and IX.


  7. It'll be The Witcher 3 for me. I just feel it's taken storytelling, particularly side quest storytelling to a level beyond anything I've seen before. For such a large game, It's unbelievable how engaging it is and how it keeps wowing you the further you advance. It's set a precedent for future games of this genre and hope it's expanded even further with their next game, Cyberpunk 2077.

  8. It is puzzling why we're so bad. I think we probably need to accept that we've assembled a squad that just doesn't in any way work together, it's just not a team unit and together with a core of players not good enough for this division, the league is just too difficult for us to remotely compete in. It's pretty grim. 

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  9. The more time I'm spending on this game, it's better it's becoming, the random events that are unfolding are just brilliant. There's so many moments that have a put a smile on my face. Thought i'd share a few that have happened in the last few hours.



    The diamond radio DJ. First thing you notice is how terrible he is and how he clearly lacks confidence. After stumbling across a quest to help him out and restore his confidence he becomes a better DJ and starts telling better news stories, to the delight of the townsfolk who all now prefer the radio station. One exciting news bulletin in particular was about a chems deal that went wrong and some guy ended up murdering the deliverers and taking the chems and money for himself. (This may have been me..)

    The Silver Shroud storyline in Goodneighbor. It's just hilarious, especially if you choose to do the Silver Shroud voice. 

    When your base starts to come together. Building generators, connecting pylons to power and recruiting settlers via a radio signal. The settlement begins to grow and there's a real feeling that all that junk you've collected is really meaningful and you're actually starting to re-build a civilisation. Then you assign a settler to a job (in this case a scavenger hut), you see him mysteriously welding away at something, next thing you know he's walking around the settlement with a large plank of wood with nails strapped to them. 

    Then a completely random plane crash happened at my settlement, not related to a quest or anything...



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  10. Definitely. If there's a weapon you find that you feel really comfortable using, you can turn it into a beast. There's a perk that makes new technology available, but requires harder to find materials, it's a nice project to work on. You can always take off any weapon mods too if something isn't working for you.

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