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Posts posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. Does anyone still go to Azims for a Balti? Used to be the place to go, glass tables with the menus underneath the glass, a starter a balti (in a big balti, not the small things you see a lot now) onion dip and a naan for a fiver!

    Just add a rasmalai (or 'a furry mouse' as we used to affectionately call them)and the memories of the early 80's come flooding back, not particularly of Azims, though i did go there on occasions.

  2. I guess it depends what you look for in a curry. Hot? Tasty?

    Myself and the Missus are off to Lasan's tomorrow night for some posh injun food. Sweet.

    To digress from curry, has anyone tried Glom'jamons (sic) of Jalabis (again sic)? I'm not normally a fan of sweet food, but that stuff is great

    I love indian sweets, especially Pistachio Barfi, but also partial to kulfi and i made some great Rasmalai a few weeks ago, no body else would eat then because of how they looked so i had the pleasure of 4 large helpings.

    As far as curry goes, my staple would be chicken & spinach balti, plenty of plain naan and no rice (rice with a balti is just wrong) and no cutlery, normal madrass balti depending on my mood

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