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Posts posted by Corcaigh

  1. Thats nor what I was saying. I was saying if any British PM had been assassinated by the IRA, it would be unlikely that we would eventually get to where we are now at the speed we did.


    So it was ok then for Maggie to drag her heels then for a number of years and refuse to engage in dialogue when everyone else - her own party, the Labour party, moderate nationalists in NI, the Irish government - were all saying its time to sit down and thrash a ceasefire out?


    Doesn't exactly portray her in a good light now does it? for a job like PM you should be leaving personal grudges and animosity at the door.  

    • Like 2



    So 5 people dying would have been worth it if they'd have got her as well?


    You are a disgrace. Pure and simple.


    Where did I mention being OK about 5 other people dying? I'd have been more than happy to see her get taken out though. Millions suffered because of her, many taking their own lives because of her actions.


    Any success for the ƒucking bastard terrorists on either side in Ireland was a terrible thing. 


    Problem is, collusion between Loyalist Paramilitaries and British secret service's was at its height under Thatcher. Fine you might say when they were targeting the PIRA, not so much when they colluding to murder innocents like Pat Finucane.


    His crime you ask? As a lawyer he defended republicans in court. Outrageous! 


    All a shocking thing, but I am not sure if Thatcher was directly responsible for this? Much of her Irish policy was informed by the assassination of Airey Neave, which I am sure led to certain parties doing various illegal things


    The reality is that if Thatcher had been killed, the death toll of innocents would have huge, as various groups took a tic for tac approach. Who knows if we would be where we are now?


    'fraid not Paulo, the reality is that it wasn't until Thatcher left the scene and Major took office that the talks which eventually led to the ceasefire's and the peace process  could begin in earnest. Thatcher thought by continuing to fight a dirty war against Republican paramilitaries she'd eventually grind them down, this despite the fact the troubles in NI were already going on for a decade at by the time she gained power. 


    Widening out this topic somewhat, Thatcher was forced by the Americans to sign the Anglo-Irish Agreement, this in itself could be construed as the first step towards eventual peace in NI. Problem was not only did Thatcher not want to sign it, Ron Reagan forced her to do so, in her retirement she came publically expressing her regret at signing it, even after the peace process and the ceasefire's had happened!


    Any kind of compromise was too much for her. Thank goodness she went when she did! 




    On comments about her backing a dictatorial regime, which one? Pinochet? The financial and military backing she gave to Suharto? Or the billion pounds she loaned to Saddam Hussein to buy weapons?


    Don't forget the Thatcher government provided arms and support to the Khmer Rouge, yes that Khmer Rouge, the crazy communists who liquidated a huge proportion of their own population in a few short years. Mags decided toarm them after the killing fields.


    So much for her fervent anti-communist credentials  :bang:

    the Khmer Rouge was over in 7th Jan 79  , Thatcher didn't become PM until May 79

    apparently she supported them keeping their UN seat after they'd been ousted from power


    sounds weird, hadn't heard of it before, but it's on Wikipedia and therefore absolute fact


    She went on Blue Peter to explain that Pol Pot was a bad man, but we should work with the more reasonable parts of the Khmer Rouge.  Here.


    Thatcher in 1945: "That Hitlers a bad lad, but Goebbels and the rest of the lads are reasonable sorts lets work with them"




    On comments about her backing a dictatorial regime, which one? Pinochet? The financial and military backing she gave to Suharto? Or the billion pounds she loaned to Saddam Hussein to buy weapons?


    Don't forget the Thatcher government provided arms and support to the Khmer Rouge, yes that Khmer Rouge, the crazy communists who liquidated a huge proportion of their own population in a few short years. Mags decided toarm them after the killing fields.


    So much for her fervent anti-communist credentials  :bang:

    the Khmer Rouge was over in 7th Jan 79  , Thatcher didn't become PM until May 79


    From Time magazine


    Thatcher’s government is also alleged to have funneled arms to Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein and to have provided training and technical assistance to Cambodia’s murderous Khmer Rouge, who, in Western eyes, was a hedge against Soviet-backed Vietnam in Southeast Asia. Defenders of Thatcher’s legacy argue that such policies were the necessary product of the realpolitik of Thatcher’s age. But as the image of Thatcher as a moral titan gets burnished in the press, they also cast a necessary shadow




    So 5 people dying would have been worth it if they'd have got her as well?


    You are a disgrace. Pure and simple.


    Where did I mention being OK about 5 other people dying? I'd have been more than happy to see her get taken out though. Millions suffered because of her, many taking their own lives because of her actions.


    Any success for the ƒucking bastard terrorists on either side in Ireland was a terrible thing. 


    Problem is, collusion between Loyalist Paramilitaries and British secret service's was at its height under Thatcher. Fine you might say when they were targeting the PIRA, not so much when they colluding to murder innocents like Pat Finucane.


    His crime you ask? As a lawyer he defended republicans in court. Outrageous! 

  6. On comments about her backing a dictatorial regime, which one? Pinochet? The financial and military backing she gave to Suharto? Or the billion pounds she loaned to Saddam Hussein to buy weapons?


    Don't forget the Thatcher government provided arms and support to the Khmer Rouge, yes that Khmer Rouge, the crazy communists who liquidated a huge proportion of their own population in a few short years. Mags decided toarm them after the killing fields.


    So much for her fervent anti-communist credentials  :bang:

    • Like 1
  7. Saw this on twatter


    "Not a lot of love for Margaret Thatcher in Ireland. As an enemy of the state she sits somewhere between Oliver Cromwell & Thierry Henry."


    Surprisingly enough, at least in the 26, Thatcher is more popular then you might think. Both for her hardline stance on the PIRA as well as her no nonsense attitude to the unions. Some even ask as to where is our Thatcher! 

    • Like 1
  8. I think some of the comments about thatcher and her family probably say more about the people making them than thatcher and her family.


    yeah I hate it when people say mean and nasty things, especially when they are false




    That's Bernard Ingham, Maggie's press secretary btw.

    • Like 2
  9. Margaret Thatcher

    Born-Grantham - 13/10/1925

    Died-London - 08/04/2013

    Sadly missed - Brighton 12/10/1984       

    You'd side with the IRA over a Tory?  That says an awful lot about your moral compass.


    Almost certainly the only thing the PIRA ever did which a section of the British public applauded them for  ;)

    • Like 1


    Beer Promo

    the papers released on the 30 year rule showed that the milk issue  was forced on her by Heath 


    just saying like :)


    To borrow an old phrase from Thatcher's 'special' friend Ron Reagan; when you're explaining, you're losing!

    how about ignorance is bliss  ;)


    I don't think Ron Reagan ever said that  :detect:

  11. @BOF dinner for me is evening time, for my country bumpkin parents/grandparents Dinner was always in the middle of the day.

    Cheers. That's odd. For me the terms supper and tea can go anywhere in the day but terms like breakfast, lunch and dinner are not interchangeable so it's odd to see someone refer to what is 'lunchtime' (as in the common workplace understanding of the word) as being when they have their dinner. Crazy bar-stewards :)


    You probably find it odd BOF as you're an urbane city slicker type :D, I think its an Irish country thing to say you're having your dinner in the middle of the day.

  12. I can't eat anything until I have been awake for about 4 hours and then I have a big meal about 6pm.


    I'm like this too, can't face eating anything when I get up, breakfast for me is Tea/Coffee. 


    @BOF dinner for me is evening time, for my country bumpkin parents/grandparents Dinner was always in the middle of the day.

  13. Just about to use a stove top espresso maker, what is the plastic ring inside the top for? Do I use it or take it out?


    I guess these type of dilemmas are just for inbred, dribbling emergent service worker types, any of you elite 'real people' nobles able to help?


    I will assist you lowly prole. Leave the plastic ring as is!

  14. I may be misinformed about this but I've been told that the GAA's behavior over the development of the stadium was disgraceful. They pulled every underhand legal trick and political maneuver they could to make sure Shamrock couldn't build their stadium over the fear that they would lose any talent in Tallaght to soccer. Whilst it was the local club that were the focal point they had the weight of the GAA (and their cash) and all of it's political pals behind them.


    Pretty much this. To be fair, in theory I can see it from the GAA's side, a municipal stadium should be open to all, after all Ireland underage rugby matches are played in there as well. I understand that in Tallaght stadiums case, the dimensions of the pitch wouldn't allow GAA matches to be played on it without having to scrap the plans for the stadium and start again. By the time the GAA brought their case the stadium was already being built, so the optics of it definitely looked like they were just trying to delay its construction and Shams moving in for as long as possible.


    The gross hypocrisy comes from the GAA who are adept at hoovering up all public monies to build their own facilities, try asking them can a football team play in one of their many impressive stadiums -invariably payed for almost entirely by the Irish taxpayer like Croke Park - and you'll be laughed at in most case's, told to **** off, or in Croke Parks' case you'll be asked to provide a cheque for a cool couple of million euro before they let you in. 

  15. You must know that the majority of Shamrock Rovers fans are not actually from Tallaght. They were groundless and nomadic for years. A friend of mine to this day boycotts the GAA (and by extension O'Neills) because they tried to buy or evict Rovers from some ground years back.



    Yeah the ground is the one they are playing in now. Thomas Davis GAA I think is the club which held up the building of the ground as they argued that as it was a publicly funded stadium then it should be open to the GAA to play in as well.


    The man who was their owner, sold their ground and made them homeless went on to become a CCFC FAI delegate, nice guy from what I heard  :D.


    Villa fans reading this in a few months time and going to the game, just have your wits about you and travel in groups to and from Dublin city centre, you should be fine.

  16. Have to disagree there BOF, sure there are plenty of genuine Tallaght Shamrock fans, but there is plenty of scum in their crowd as well. That's despite all the lifetime bans Shams say they've handed out over the years. I've seen plenty of their 'fans' hijinx with my own eyes over the years so I have!


    RE: Zatman I agree Bohs can be as bad as Shams, Both clubs have a long way to go before they can be considered paragons of virtue like the mighty CCFC :P.

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