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Posts posted by Corcaigh

  1. Being linked with Fulham today.  I think that could be a good fit for him, playing alongside Berbatov.


    Wasn't he pants when he was playing alongside Berbatov for Spurs? Although the transfer tittle tattle suggests Berba might be on his way out of Fulham in the summer.

  2. The Irish bringing 20,000 to Wembley?



    I heard that it was 22k tickets allocated between the FAI's away allocation and the FA selling tickets themselves to UK based Ireland supporters. 


    RE: Sledge, he's nothing special as a player but come's across as a nice guy in media appearances.

  3. Trap to Napoli?  :crylaugh: 


    Give it up old man, maybe 10 years ago!


    Squad for upcoming WCQ & friendlies:


    Forde, Westwood, Randolph, O’Shea, St Ledger, Delaney, Richard Keogh, Wilson, Coleman, Kelly, O’Dea, McShane, Whelan, McCarthy, Green, Hendrick, McGeady, Pilkington, McClean, Brady, Meyler, Andy Keogh, Keane, Long, Sammon, Walters, Cox and Hoolahan.




    A huge problem Everton face is the lack of compo they'll get for Moyes. That in itself rules out Martinez and Laudrup as Kenwright won't have the money to poach a manager.

    It also means that Wigan won't sack Martinez even if they do go down


    They will probably get a big wedge for Fellini and there is the new TV money to consider as well.


    They get a big wedge for someone most seasons, it doesn't stop them being skint. Every one gets the TV money so its no real advantage until the end of the season when the prize money is allocated



    Why are Everton so broke? They get decent crowds, TV money and transfer fees. I know they had financial troubles in the 1990s, are they carrying legacy debts from that or what?


    Villa = Everton = Spurs = Newcastle


    What on earth does this mean?




    Think he means in terms of stature or status then the clubs listed are somewhat equal? Wouldn't agree myself, Spurs are streets ahead of Villa and the other 2 clubs.


    Just did the BBC predictor there and had Villa going down on GD :(

    Get on that 40/1 then kid, good luck.



    Given my awful luck at gambling I think I shall, there's no better way to guarantee villa's safety  :D

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  7. Oops I totally forget about the game organised a few weeks ago my bad, was actually watching my local team play anyway so wouldn't have been able to make it.


    I'm up for a game whenever if peeps are still interested? 

  8. VP confirmed for RWC 2015


    Of the original long list of 17, stadiums in Coventry, Bristol, Derby, Southampton and Sunderland have missed out. Villa Park in Birmingham, the Etihad in Manchester, St James' Park in Newcastle, Leicester's King Power Stadium, Stadium MK in Milton Keynes, Elland Road in Leeds, the Brighton Community Stadium and Wembley will host group stage games.






    Won't these rugger buggers destroy the smooth, silky surface of VP? Madness if you ask me but no doubt the club is getting some nice cash for it.

  9. The key to your future success isn't keeping Benteke, but using the money you get for him well. At the end of the day, all good player want to play for the biggest clubs, so he will leave. In the past you've had a pretty bad track record when it comes to selling players and reinvesting. Barry, Milner, Young and Downing have all been sold and the result has been a relegation battle. But it doesn't have to be like that and there are clubs that often sell their best stars, but still manage to stay in that top 6. Valencia in Spain are the obvious example, but in the Prem, us (Spurs), Everton and Arsenal have all frequently sold our best players and remain in the top 6 or 7 most of the time. Carrick, Berbatov, Modric and VDV have all gone, but the club moves on. Bale will go and I still think we'll challenge the top 4 spots. 





    Tekkers can be the key to Villa's future success. In the same manner as Spurs have done with the players you've mentioned there, bought relatively cheap and sold on for a fat profit. It's the same with Benteke, there's no point selling him now or next year to 2nd tier teams like Spurs, Arse or Pool for £15-20m, who can then sell him on again in a few years for funny money to a Real Madrid or Manchester United.


    Taking the medium to long term view here, Tekkers can take Villa back up the table and into Europe if Lambert and the kids live up to their potential. then Villa can sell him for £30-40m to a top tier team and reinvest like you suggested. 

  10. Sadly I do indeed, I had the offer of an amazing apprenticeship when I was a teenager, the guy who took it when I turned it down is now living in Dubai and pulling in a sweet, sweet salary. Not saying I would be in the exact same position as him now but I'd have been considerably better off now with that skillset then the one I've got.


    But no, like a fool I thought I'd be better off staying in school and going to college and getting a shitty degree. Now here I am, stuck in a crappy job with low pay saving my pennies so I  can get out of this shithole country and emigrate to the new world.


    **** **** **** 



  11. Beat Norwich on the Saturday, offer fat new contract to Benteke on the Monday. Keep him sweet with a big salary bump and a release clause that only the big clubs - not second tier outfits like Spurz - will be able to afford.

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    My wife was talking to her mother on the phone in the kitchen, I decided to run in, mooney and fart. I dont really know why and yes its very childish, unfortunately on forcing said fart out I also forced a little pellet out that landed on the kitchen floor.


    As for Morpheus I believe he is now stuck in a no win situation, if it is real does he admit to it or does he claim a joke. If he was joking will we all really believe him. If it was his blood aunt will he admit to that or change it to a non blood relative and again will we all believe him.

    I wouldn't post what isn't true even on an internet forum and yes it is my blood aunt.




  13. When i was a lot younger one of my auntie's was very touchy feely towards me. Nothing between the legs just hand up my back and so on.


    Thought she was just being very affectionate and thought nothing more of it until one night about ten years ago when she found out i had plenty between the legs.


    Been shagging her ever since and my fiancee thinks i visit my aunt to do her garden.


    Splendid wumming oldboy  :clap:


    My commentary is on the dignity and decency we should show upon someone's death.

    Why "should" we? what is it that says "yes, by all means call someone names when they're alive and can hear or read you do so, but once they're dead and they can't, then, well it's just not cricket, and it's disgraceful, terrble manners...

    The thing with manners is they change - Women and children are not allowed to speak without being spoken to. We don't have to call everyone "Sir". The level of deference accorded to people is now much more about earned respect, than the conservative (small c) traditions.

    People who liked or respected the poisonous, soulless witch, by all means hold a whatever type of thing it is you like, to steady your spirits and remember her, and those who regard her as a menace to Society, by all means have a street party, or whatever.

    Of course you can do what you like.


    i personally feel that to criticise someone in the way many have done with the Baroness and then to display the lack of common decency or dignity on her death is basically displaying the same,  if not worse,  traits that they are sometimes complaining of when they level the accusation at her that she did not care and had no morals..  Double standards and hypocrisy.


    As human beings we surely have a duty to display decency,  dignity,  manners , standards call it what you like.  Not to do that does,  in my opinion,  make our society a poorer place. 


    Very very sad to be honest that people feel that way



    Out of interest, would you yourself have any criticisms of Maggie Thatcher relating to her time as UK Prime Minister?


    Thats nor what I was saying. I was saying if any British PM had been assassinated by the IRA, it would be unlikely that we would eventually get to where we are now at the speed we did.


    So it was ok then for Maggie to drag her heels then for a number of years and refuse to engage in dialogue when everyone else - her own party, the Labour party, moderate nationalists in NI, the Irish government - were all saying its time to sit down and thrash a ceasefire out?


    Doesn't exactly portray her in a good light now does it? for a job like PM you should be leaving personal grudges and animosity at the door.  



    Thats true with the wonder of hindsight and looking at it analytically. But you and I know it was nothing like that for both sides, Thatcher’s views were hardened by several things, which I don’t need to list, and as I ve said killing Thatcher would have caused a pouring of blood in Great Britain on a much greater scale as scores were settled. 


    The idea originally mooted that Thatcher’s death at the hands of terrorists would have improved the situation in Ireland and the UK was and is beyond the realm of common sense


    She was ludcriously silly to try and gag Adams and McGuiness. And as is widely acknowledged the Unionists weren’t too hot on her either.



    Indeed I can't argue with any of that. Going into the alternative historys for a moment, I wonder what would have happened if the PIRA had killed Thatcher? I would wager the reprisals from the state and citizenry of Britain would've been pretty gruesome for the Irish in Britain and Nationalists in Northern Ireland.

  16. TonyH29, the ''original post'' you're referring to is mine I presume. Please read it again:


    On comments about her backing a dictatorial regime, which one? Pinochet? The financial and military backing she gave to Suharto? Or the billion pounds she loaned to Saddam Hussein to buy weapons?


    Don't forget the Thatcher government provided arms and support to the Khmer Rouge, yes that Khmer Rouge, the crazy communists who liquidated a huge proportion of their own population in a few short years. Mags decided toarm them after the killing fields.


    So much for her fervent anti-communist credentials  :bang:


    At no point did I infer that that Thatcher was complicit in the killing fields. Please edit your post to reflect that.


    And while I have you here, a few hours ago you had no idea that Thatcher was involved with the Khmer Rouge, now you're trying to play down her association with it. Are you just making this up as you go along?

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