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Posts posted by Bazmonkey

  1. A good player who would definitely bring something to the squad.

    However, i've always got the impression that he is and always will be chelsea this, chelsea that, even when he was at Palace after a good season, yeah im going back to chelsea.

    As much as he is a good player he doesnt want to leave Chelsea and now that spurs are linked I think out of the two clubs the london factor will play apart...leaving chelsea.....ok...but leaving london...no chance.

    Plus, we have had one good season in years, Spurs unfortunately have had more better seasons than us so he may look at that. 

    • Like 2
  2. Clearly divided opinions.

    He maybe first on the teamsheet because we just don't have anyone else. Who knows?

    Losing kamara...dont think he was the issue...if anything it showed he needs him

    But for all his technical ability...tactically IMO he stifles our play through the middle.

    I'm struggling to think of a game where I have come away and gone....wow...he has bossed that midfield...ran the show.

    Good bits...absolutely...played a part to get us here....absolutely.

    But I do believe he is replaceable as we have shown and will need more from a central midfielder next season.

    See what the summer holds if we get anyone in...he stays

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Not if we can replace him with a better player.

    Luiz isn’t as good as people think. Hell, some of our best performances last season came without him and Tielemans was exceptional in that position later on in the season.

    Losing him would be a blow. No question, because he’s a good player. But if we can get a good price for him and go and strengthen the first XI, then do that.

    For example. 70m.

    Go and buy Baena and Frimpong and you’ll still probably have some change left over.

    Right now, if I had to pick my best XI with all players fit, I’m not sure he’d even get in it…hard to drop Tielemans on his recent form and Kamara is really important to our team in general. There’s the central midfield two and I doubt he’d be better out wide than McGinn, Ramsey, Rogers and Bailey. He’s not that sort of player.

    Not fussed about losing Luiz for a price that allows us to seriously go and strengthen the first XI.

    I agree and have said similar things.

    Doug is a good player...a tidy player...technically good.

    I domt buy the pass completion stats...id go to say...most are 10 yards sideways....anyway.

    I do think he is overhyped. The loss of kamara has really shown this as he is looked lost for the last third of the season. Is that due to confidence...tiredness...maybe.

    The main thing for me. And before I get shot down. Just go watch a couple of games from across the season and you see what I'm saying.

    He is ball shy. Especially when playing from the back...karmara was better. But luiz just doesn't do it. He hides next to a player almost to look...well I'm.being marked...ok...well move then...if not for you...create something for the rest of team.

    It stifles the play often meaning we go sideways or out to the wings too much then kick it long... I keep hearing its not his position...he has had three managers now and still....what is his position.

    He will always be part of what we have done and where we are now but we need better in the middle...someone that wants the ball...in tight situations...not just when the game is in front making 15 yard passes sideways.

    I would cash in if the price is high as being mentioned. There are better central midfielders out there...more mobile...more proactive 

  4. On 14/05/2024 at 08:24, alreadyexists said:

    This graphic is being bandied about on Twitter a lot, and many rival fans are saying it clearly means we’re lucky and that we’ll drop off next season. My question is for those more in to stats than myself… what does distance, pressures, etc, actually mean? And why is that a bad thing if we’re clearly performing well and we’re likely to be 4th. Sorry for sounding stupid but it all sounds like an NFL stats analysis to me. Stats are only useful when they predict an outcome, but if they don’t like they don’t here, then what’s the point?


    With my coaching hat on.  I know stats can be misleading and interpreted in different ways but these quite compelling.  I have said for a number of months we are so passive as a team and its a risky way of playing.

    Now you could look at it saying, we have had that many injuries we cant just run around all game as players that were already burnt out would have never made it to March, let alone end of the season.

    For me, as a coach, If I was playing a high line there has to be some sort of pressure applied either from the from attack minimal and/or midfield and we never have done that.

    We tend to sit high and hope for 'offside', does it work...yes....sometimes..is it risky....absolutely....using the Palace game.....it only take one not to be quite there and its a goal.

    With all the injuries I would have hoped for a more conservative back line....a bit deeper...to take away that 50/50 onside/offside completely out.

    We have seen it when teams have come to us....they sit a bit deeper....force us wide...we barely get a look in.  We need to do the same.

    As a defensive UNIT we are so open its amazing....our wingers get forced back....oppo's can run 30 yards before a hint of pressure and that's usually down to them running out of space rather than being pressed.  Fullbacks 100% guilty of this!!!

    So what happens when we do win it....we very rarely win it back in the middle third going forward...its usually in final third/middle third boundary having most of the time had to run back to do so....we win it but because we are effectively playing backwards we then end up going back to the keeper further back and then playing from there...the high turnover stat is due to the oppo then going from attack to defending but with a press...we have struggled to then play from our own third.   from a settled position we have looked good...but the transition from defence to attack is often poor with high turnover simply due to the passiveness and high line combination.

    We also allow to many crosses...too many shots and too much space for players to run in.....its high risk with little reward as shown in the amount of goals we conceded this season.

    Having said all that...I do think there is an element to not having all players available to implement a better press but....and its a minor but of Emry.....we should at times been more PROACTIVE than REACTIVE.

    Going into next season we have shown going forward we are good...very good...we need to be more tighter...sometimes just shut the door....press higher..so that we dont have defend the final third as much....eliminate the threat higher up the pitch rather than on our own 18 years line. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, Leeroy said:

    He hasn’t and clearly nothing went for him last night, but when you’ve already conceded a daft penalty you really have to stick that one away or let someone else take it.


    Usually his composure is great from set pieces, but his ice cool mentality seems to have gone coupled with his poor performances generally. 


    I still think he’s borderline world class when he’s at the top of his game but he really is stinking out the team at the moment and whatever is causing it needs to be addressed quickly.

    Borderline world class....there are a lot of overtop reactions on here both positive and negative. But he is no where near world class.

    Luiz is a tidy player, technically very good and can find a pass. 

    I like him but he nowhere as good as he is made out when have we ever said he dominated a game, pulled the strings, held the midfield, one...good performance yes, outstanding?????, I have watched him a lot this year, he is ball shy from goal kicks, doesnt like it when its tight in the middle and hides in the middle most of the time.

    Other better players around him make him look better than he is, otherwise with most of them injured we would see him actually taking change, standout and actually showing how good he is supposed to be made out.

    I think there is better to come from him and a lot more, there's talk of a transfer, he'd be the first over the midfield options, as he can be easily be replaced.

    He has served us well, but heart over head doesnt win you games nor give you the right for high praise.

    • Like 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, Xela said:

    He needs Kamara alongside him to be at his best. 


    36 minutes ago, Pinebro said:

    Is he overrated on here? Yes

    Is he still a very good player? Yes

    I know people will say...its an over top reaction but I tend to agree these comments.

    He is a good technical player but even when kamara is next to him I still.domt think he is that good. He does good things but I have never seen him dominate a midfield or gone..wow...he played well.today.

    Something is up..hasn't been half as good since Jan and it was ok upto then...arsenal talk a distraction..who knows.

    Now that teilemens is out I'm not looking at him going its ok he will pick up the slack.

    If anything he will go into hiding like he does most games and just pop up now and then.

  7. Problem we have is..we are not a pressing team so the opposition will have lots of the ball.

    Then add in the fact that the last month we can't keep.hold of it....other teams will look better and we will look worse 

  8. 10 minutes ago, jimmygreaves said:

    If things fall off a cliff and we get knocked out of Europe and end up in 5th.... This'll still be the best season we've had in decades.

    Get a grip! 


    But the way people will look at it is we have been in top four most the season and have had chances to go higher but always faltered.

    If we have climbed into 5th more people will say what a great season BUT dropping to 5th may see it as a bit of a failure.

    Mixed comments on here some ...each one has it merit...look where we were a few ago...yes.....but look where we are now....football is quick things change...we take the opportunity when it comes...its here now...4th is here...yes we have injuries but we need to rally....maybe play a bit old school...do the dirty bits and sneak a few one nils.

    Teams in and around us will look to improve we need to be one of them...we will have a better chance in champs league and europe....with Unai being the attraction.

    I get the doom on here as well as the lets enjoy it.....me im slightly more to the doom as this is great opportunity...one we might not see again...we have to be strong...and not throw away the past 12 months work.....we have to take it!!!!!


    • Like 1
  9. i think the atmosphere is timid most of the time because we dont have any songs.

    All i hear is allez allez allex all the time....which after three or for times is boring.

    we need a anthem of some sort....blues have KRO.

    I get when we are playing bad the atmosphere can be a bit subdued but even when its good its the same boring song.

    Need to get creative...few player songs.....in stead of he's one of own...theres only one..... 


  10. 2 hours ago, Davkaus said:


    And the first.

    Absolutely shocked you'd think he was great. He **** threw that game away for us. 

    Gave the ball away yes.

    But go back.and watch the lack.of options when he gets the ball.

    Nothing from.the midfield...not his fault.

    1st goal was just a great cross

    • Like 1
  11. Missing again...never wants the ball....never shows....hides behind players when he should create an angle.

    Technically very good....but offers very little plays well when other play well.

    Look at mccallister for Liverpool today....always moving....gives...goes....gets the ball back....wants the ball....moves the ball....Luiz does neither.

    Teilemens was poor also...but luiz main issue today....didnt show for konsa when he needed him....konsa then makes the mistake...game over 

  12. 1 minute ago, Villaphan04 said:

    McGinn & Konsa lost us the game. 

    Mcginn for losing head...though we already two down

    Konsa....how about the lack.of urgency from the luiz 1st and other players to give him an.option so that he doesn't make that mistake.

    Midfield for another game were shocking...lack of.movement....wanting the ball and urgency when.we had it.

    That's what lost us the game....mcginn meant we wouldn't get back into it...even if he was still on the pitch we wouldn't have 

  13. Red or yellow

    We have been second best all game...attack...moving the ball...execution.

    Play well first half..id say more Spurs not using the ball as good as they should have.

    2nd half Spurs have waltz round

    That's the disappointing thing 

  14. 10 minutes ago, allani said:

    Interesting take.  I thought Luiz was pretty good given that basically the central midfield is flooded with both teams determined not to lose that battle.

    Opinions but never shows or want rhe ball.with back to goal...konsa was screaming for a drop off from him there even to create space...he doesn't...konsa forces pass...goal conceded 

  15. Missing ramsay

    Missing luiz....anyone seen him....never shows when need a pivot

    Looking casual...maybe a bit scared to play....game Thursday now this and again next week...poss tired...but most have been sloppy and slow

  16. Increasing revenue would help a great deal

    I have said it before and some have said here...they spend before they get to the ground.

    I would pay more if i get more....for example...if a bottle of pop was £2 id buy two one for me and one for my lad....instead of it being £3.50 and share....yes its only pinds and pence more to the club but you get 40000 each home game it will son add up...that goes for food....merchandise too. 

  17. I've said this before I think he goes missing in a lot games when we are under pressure.

    Not targeted but goes ball shy, doesn't want the ball and just hides in the middle.

    Often the ball goes round the back to wing and the back again and he just doesn't offer that pass back into the middle. Especially on goal kicks.

    I would post a picture but it won't let me to explain what I mean.

    Technically very good but for me too often plays it safe.

  18. To increase revenue surely lowing the prices of confectionery on match days would help.

    I go to VP a lot and only buy a bottle of pop if Im really desperate, Im assuming Im not the only one due to the extortionate price.

    If a bottle pop is £3 and only 10,000 people buy it, would they be better off selling it at £2 and having 20,000 buy it.  Its not much in the bank but surely every penny in tills is better than nothing.

    Plus if that's cheaper I would be more willing to but something else rather than choose one item over another....id but two...and thus more money in again????

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