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Uncle Albert

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Posts posted by Uncle Albert

  1. I've said it plenty of times before,  He's clearly going no where fast. why would a chairman who has been cost cutting for years simply rip a 4 year contract up? its never going to happen. what is more scary is the fact he was given it in the first place. The lack of football knowledge at the club is frightening, how lerner and fox can think he's doing a good job is beyond me. Back onto Lambert, He is the worst manager in our history. He has no idea how to set a team up, no idea how to identify problems and make changes, does not learn from his stupid mistakes and couldnt motivate an under 12 team. Id take anyone over him right now. if the board had anything about them, they'd fire him, and bring someone in until the end of the season to give us a lift, and in the meantime pull out all the stops to get us sold.

  2. Relegation would rip this club apart. Crowds of 20k in the championship, an owner that would slash the already pathetic budget he has provided for the premier league, can you imagine what he would provide if we went down?

    Doesn't bare thinking about.

    couldn't agree more, Every team would want to get one over on us, and show us what that division is all about,  a half empty stadium at home to Rotherham on a wednesday night doesn't bare thinking about

  3. There isn't 3 teams worse than us in the league thats worrying. We will go down this year, I'd put my house on it. Im pissed off with trying to find positives/negatives about it now. The whole club is a shambles top to bottom. I've washed my hands with it all, it's getting me down far to much

  4. I really haven't seen anything in Januzaj that excites me or would want him here. I think he's been massively hyped by media which in turn had 4 different countries wanting him to play for them, which in itself is barmy. Sinclair could end up being a steven ireland mk2 who were struggling to shift of our books in a seasons time. also the last thing we need is another crock on our hands.

    yes really.




    I really haven't seen anything in Januzaj that excites me or would want him here. I think he's been massively hyped by media which in turn had 4 different countries wanting him to play for them, which in itself is barmy. Sinclair could end up being a steven ireland mk2 who were struggling to shift of our books in a seasons time. also the last thing we need is another crock on our hands.

    yes really.




  5. I really haven't seen anything in Januzaj that excites me or would want him here. I think he's been massively hyped by media which in turn had 4 different countries wanting him to play for them, which in itself is barmy. Sinclair could end up being a steven ireland mk2 who were struggling to shift of our books in a seasons time. also the last thing we need is another crock on our hands. 

  6. Paul Jewell's available. What do we think of him?

    liked him when he was at wigan, not sure why he left there? seems to have all gone pear shaped for him since then. not sure what he'd be like as a no2

  7. I'd sign a 4 year deal to manage Villa. I'd make an absolute arse of myself, but at least i would be consoled by the fact that a few on here would still support me :)

    Because your a nice bloke

  8. Why does Lambert hate wingers? And why can't Lambert see that Hutton and Cissokho, as competent as they are, aren't providing the attacking quality, namely neither of them provide decent enough crosses or get close enough to the byline?


    On the other hand the few times Grealish has put some suberb balls into the box, no one has gambled and Benteke has pulled to the edge of the box.


    He definitely hates wing play. 

    it seems madness to play without width especially at villa park with its size. We clearly don't have xavi and inesta in the centre of the park to play so narrow. I honestly think playing with some width would improve us so much. my problem with Lambert is he is will not change tact even when its clearly obvious to the layman its not working, That sort of naivety is dangerous especially the position were in at the moment

  9. Lamberts plodding along scraping a win here and there suits the board down to the ground. He's a clearly a puppet for them who they can control won't moan, request money for transfers etc. There are no other clubs in the league that would have gave him a 4 year deal with his record, he must have thought his lottery numbers had come up. Unfortunately for us he's here for the long haul expect 4 more years of dross either in this league or the championship

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