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Posts posted by wiggyrichard

  1. I don't see the urgency to cash in on Milner when we have 4-5 players we need to sell and get rid of first.

    Its £28m (rumoured), after this summer his value will only decrease as his contract will run down. If his head is turned flog him to the highest bidder.

    Im actually accepting of him leaving for the right price.

    IMO he isnt worth £18m let alone £28m. He is no better than Stephen Ireland.

  2. Millions of people would have had their doors open hat night because of the heat. Just a one in a million accident I'm afraid

    It happened during the day which makes it even more of a freak event.

    Very very sad.

    But as i said in my previous post, its more of a common thing to hear of dogs mauling kids, but no-one suggests we cull all the dogs.

  3. I was wondering when this would turn up.

    Are we having a problem with foxes ravaging children? If we are they're keeping it quiet. So does that make this an isolated and sad freak occurence? Yes.

    So no to a cull.

    Pretty much agree Chind.

    Its the same as when a dog attacks a child (which happens a lot more often), do we then say all dogs should be should culled? No.

    So its a no from me too.

  4. I wouldn't want to give up on my personality and freedom.

    I certainly don't mean this as any kind of insult but a huge amount of your posts on here revolve around how depressed and unhappy with your life you are. Why don't you want to give that up?

    I meant the side of me that I'm happy with - my interests, my personality when I'm being more upbeat. I wouldn't want to sacrifice that to being singleminded on a child like I've seen people do, and seemingly going by what Laura has said I'm not alone in that.

    Maybe Dundee is right, I just don't get it. I don't want to. Calling the pictures hateful was me exagerrating btw.

    Congrats to anyone who has decided it's for them and I hope everything turns out well. It's just not for me, I don't think. At least not for a long while yet.

    EDIT - Didn't quite come across right.

    To be honest Chindie I probably had a similar attitude to you at 21. Your outlook will change, that's for certain. That's not to say you will want kids, but Iwould be prepared to bet that you will at some stage in your life.

    Yep, Dundee's right. I can see hand on heart i have never been so excited about anything in my entire life.

    If i get the call just as England are about to start a penelty shoot-out in the final of the World Cup, would i leave?...i wouldnt even be bothered about phoning anyone to see if we won.

    EDIT: Maybe i would after she had given birth :winkold:

  5. Its a bit silly labelling it 'sad' mate, just because you dont want kids doesnt mean its 'sad'.

    Its a bit 'sad' that you think your personality and freedom is more important than bringing a life into the world and bringing it up. I find THAT 'sad'. Obviously you are not parental in the slightest.

    Might just be an age thing i guess.

    I'm not saying it's sad because I don't want kids, I'm saying it's sad that people give up so much that made them who they are to have kids. As Laura said you get people going from fun fierce independant... whatever, into mummy/daddy mood where their life is absolutely dominated by having a kid. They can't talk about anything else, every free moment becomes about doing this or that or the other for the baby. It's sad that a lot of people waste 18 years, at least, of their lives being like that. If more people I'd known managed to juggle being a parent and also still being pretty much the same person they were before (within reason of course) I'd see it in a better light.

    But as I said, I know one person that has more or less managed it. I value people a lot and to see them become... well, shells, is quite sad. thankfully not too many of my friends have gone through it yet, and none of my very close friends. I'll wish them well when inevitably they do go through it but I'll be hoping what made them be the people I wanted to have as friends wasn't too heavily sacrificed to being a parent, as I think it'd be the death of a small part of them for a while.

    But thats the whole idea Chind! You HAVE to be prepared to give up a hell of a lot (not all) for the sake of your child, and if your not prepared to do that then you shouldnt have kids.

    Have you ever stopped to think that the reason that those friends have turned into 'shells' as you put it, is because they want to? The fact that they want to do everything they can for their child? They want to give there child the best upbringing possible?

  6. Its the sacrifice you make to have kids. You become rewarded in many other ways but have to accept that a large part of your life will change. For me it was a simple question, where else are we here if not to give life. I get to watch my son grown a little more every day, ill get to teach him and help him develop into a young man hopefully sharing many experiences along the way. There has to be a bit more to life than simply working 9-5 crashing down in front of the telly a few holidays and waiting to retire. Thats my take on it anyway

    That is why i cant wait to be a father in 8 weeks time, well said CV.

  7. Everyone else I've known becomes a different person whose life revolves around their kid. Even blokes. It's quite sad, really.

    I wouldn't want to give up on my personality and freedom.

    Its a bit silly labelling it 'sad' mate, just because you dont want kids doesnt mean its 'sad'.

    Its a bit 'sad' that you think your personality and freedom is more important than bringing a life into the world and bringing it up. I find THAT 'sad'. Obviously you are not parental in the slightest.

    Might just be an age thing i guess.

  8. And it does turn people, in my experience, into more or less shells of who they were.

    Wheres the dignity gone? Wheres the independance? Wheres what made her her, gone?

    This, this and this.

    I am yet to know anyone around me who has had a child and maintained that. If/when I do, I will do my very best not to turn into some glorified robotic babysitter who is totally and utterly unable to talk about anything other than my child, because that has happened to every woman I have known have a child around me, I have no idea where the intelligent, socially aware, bubbly and vivacious women I used to know went.

    Bless you both :D

  9. And it does turn people, in my experience, into more or less shells of who they were. Someone I knew from school recently had a baby and every time I log into Facebook it's 50 more hateful pictures of her offspring doing nothing more than being there, followed by a few statuses that may as well amount to 'OMG! Jacks breathing on his own!... OMG! Jack just gurgled!... OMG Jack just had a shit!' It's just... eurgh. Wheres the dignity gone? Wheres the independance? Wheres what made her her, gone?


    Its just being proud of your child mate, ive got just over 8 weeks to wait till the missis drops and i cant wait. Im not saying im going to plaster my facebook page with 100's pictures and status updates about my child soiling its nappy and such like, but i will be extremely proud about becoming a father, in truth i cant wait and even the thought of it puts a huge smile on my face. You think its 'eurgh' because you dont like kids which you have admitted. I will still be me, only a father.

    In response to Pat, im 27 as is my missis. And i agree everyone should live their life to the full and not have children until they can give that child their undivided attention and be there and support that child with whatever it needs.

    Ive lived my life and done everything ive wanted to do and more (trust me ive enjoyed myself 8) ) so im ready now.

  10. I do think some people just arent made to do it though.

    A 10 minute walk through your average shopping mall would confirm that. I wonder why some people have kids if it's only to ignore them, shout at them or alternate between the 2. It's a f**king human. Treat it like one and it might behave like one.

    This is very true. It's sad for the kids involved, but some people have kids to improve their benefits. Selfish beyond belief.

    A lot (not all) of young young mothers ie. under 18 IMO have kids as some sort of fashion accessory to parade in front of there mates and its great until they cant just leave the baby with their mom while they chav it with their pals!

    Or am i completely wrong and being very stereotypical?

    Sounds like you're being very stereotypical tbh.

    Fair enough...i read back what i wrote and thought to myself ''thats a bit harsh to be fair Rich!''

    My bad :oops:

    Its just that at that age i dont feel anyone is mentally ready to look after a child. IMO of course.

  11. I do think some people just arent made to do it though.

    A 10 minute walk through your average shopping mall would confirm that. I wonder why some people have kids if it's only to ignore them, shout at them or alternate between the 2. It's a f**king human. Treat it like one and it might behave like one.

    This is very true. It's sad for the kids involved, but some people have kids to improve their benefits. Selfish beyond belief.

    A lot (not all) of young young mothers ie. under 18 IMO have kids as some sort of fashion accessory to parade in front of there mates and its great until they cant just leave the baby with their mom while they chav it with their pals!

    Or am i completely wrong and being very stereotypical?

  12. No not rude at all, I'm 25.

    Cool, just wondered out of curiosity. I know this is probably the wrong thread, but what would you do if you did find out you were?

    Grieve for the loss of the next 18 years of my life and start a Mike-style freedom calendar countdown. ;)

    Honestly the thought of finding that out if it wasn't planned makes me feel sick. I'd just be gutted. I wouldn't have an abortion, it just wouldn't be an option for me and as I know I am likely to have some problems in that area then I would know it could be my only chance etc - so I'd keep the baby, but it would be a nightmare situation.

    I admire greatly anyone who decides to have a child, it's the most incredible commitment - so huge that I cannot even imagine contemplating such a decision.

    Thats fair enough, i suppose everyone is different and feel they are ready at different times/ages. So much comes into the decision its unreal. Your finances, living arrangments, work etc.

  13. I take it your not going to give parenthood a go anytime soon then Laura? :D

    :lol: Indeed.

    I absolutely adore my boyfriend, I couldn't imagine anyone else being the father of my child. But if I got pregnant before the age of say, 35, I would be absolutely devastated.

    Rude i know, but do you mind me asking how old you are Laura?

  14. I don't think some people change, I believe a huge amount of people think that they sound like a terrible person if they say anything other than 'I love it, it is the most amazing thing in my life' when they are really thinking 'I like my baby and all but I miss my old life and I want it back'

    But seriously, a friend of mine had a baby almost a year ago with her husband and she's seemingly outwardly happy about it all, but her life makes me depressed. It's like having a puppy - just not as good. Housebound, no adult conversation, no jumping on a train for a few days away (not without taking half the house with her anyway), crying, screaming, nappies baby television (arghhh) and toddler groups - it just appears like an utter utter misery.

    New mothers are different human beings. It's impossible to talk about anything else in life. Their conversation is so one dimensional it actually makes me feel like I am living in a groundhog day everytime I see her. And you look on Facebook at a page of a friend who just had a baby and expect to see a whole mountain worth of status updates containing things like: Ohhh Jack has 6 teeth now. Jack just smiled. Jack splashed me in the bath, wow! Jack is so cute. Jack is holding my finger. Jack waved at daddy today for the first time. Jack is such a good boy, gaga goo ga. Oh... My... God.

    But good luck to all the VT expectant parents out there x

    I take it your not going to give parenthood a go anytime soon then Laura? :D

  15. Did the people who say Milner is overrated actually watch any football this year?

    I wonder this myself, how people can't see how brilliant Milner is is beyond me. I'd like to see a stat on the people who think he's over rated, and who out of those actually have a season ticket and watch him. Then again loads of people love NRC and hate Petrov which again is totally beyond me. Milner is a must keep, potential future England captain. We MUST try and keep hold of him, best player we have by a country mile.

    Pretty soon people are going to be making out he has the potential to be world class. Like how people think he should start ahead of Gerrard or Lampard for England...Try looking at him without the claret & blue tinted glasses.

  16. Did the people who say Milner is overrated actually watch any football this year? He's a fantastic player and the best we have at the club. We'd have a massive gap to fill without him but I've every faith that MON is able to do so - he managed to replace Laursen and Barry without really breaking a sweat, so we'll be ok but I don't want him to go.

    That is one hell of a confusing post :? :D

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