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Everything posted by TOTTI-THE-GOD

  1. Well according to the BBC Beckham is close to agreeing a new 2 year deal at Madrid
  2. Someone at work has said Derby are supposedly getting Eastwood from Southend for 1 million , shocking really considering i thought we were gonna be charged 3 million
  3. Well on Preston's current form i think they'll be lucky to make the playoffs , personally
  4. One player i like but have seen much of this season is that Banayoun chap at West Ham , looked superb last season but seems to have lost his way abit this season maybe its worth a bid
  5. I just love how the egg head at West Spam keeps opening his mouth about how much money they have to spend , has he learnt nothing from Chelski , the word muppet comes to mind . Were playing things properly , no body knows how much we've got so we carnt be held to ransom
  6. Especially O'Shea i was extremely suprised how good he was in the centre of midfield
  7. Reo Coker seems to be gettin alot of stick at the moment , maybe its worth putting a cheeky bid in ?? Also 3 players i'd really love us to go for are : John O'Shea Wes Brown Mikael Silvestre Man U dont seem to be playing them as much as they deserve , maybe there worth a go ??
  8. I hear Trezeguet (or however the hell u spell it ) is delaying talk of a new contract at Juventus , maybe worth a shout ??
  9. He seems to be playing alot more at the Gialorossi at the moment , so not sure if he's available
  10. Rich your normally a person in the know , have you heard any rumours ???
  11. There not promoted yet , carnt see him wanting to go to a division 2 side personally , Also i am quite suprised that no one had said much about Luca Toni , isnt he still at struggling Fiorentina
  12. Dont forget the 7.3 million we've got coming to us on December 6th , alot of people are saying that this is whats boosting our transfer budget up to 25 million in January
  13. Havent Liverplop just signed some impressive youngster from Boca (i think) who is a LB/RB ??
  14. Somebody put there Fm2007 and take a look at this Katzer fellow , it might give us some idea ??
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