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Everything posted by nueDD

  1. Here's something I write earlier https://t.co/SFuJ7SgkAg

  2. Goodbye Full-Time Travel, Hello Uncertainty http://t.co/vaq3szOBwe ► @ai_followus #expat #RTWchat http://t.co/QBiUQ32UjL

  3. Goodbye Full-Time Travel, Hello Uncertainty http://t.co/0rUvKUogF3 ► @ai_followus #TravelSkills #eurail http://t.co/iEUjiUk0pe

  4. Goodbye Full-Time Travel, Hello Uncertainty http://t.co/97xUgCBuMh ► @ai_followus #nomad #wanderlust http://t.co/tSPgBUvX9y

  5. RT @Orbinho: Just where are the mythical 20-goal a season strikers? Remember Michael Owen, never scored 20 league goals in a single season.

  6. It's going to feel very strange to take an Interrail trip for the next four weeks with the full freedom to go where I want. It's not fair.

  7. RT @Asher_Wolf: Coordination is important. And immensely difficult in fluid situations http://t.co/nq6PFLmkmv

  8. RT @Asher_Wolf: Tuesday. I'm still looking for work. Does your NGO need a social media campaign? Hire me.

  9. RT @JamesLiamCook: http://t.co/x1N0tw05Jx

  10. Goodbye Full-Time Travel, Hello Uncertainty http://t.co/d1s7X1yzJg ► @ai_followus #nomadic #digitalnomads http://t.co/5owMEe2inE

  11. RT @ToryComedians: 'My dishwasher broke down last night. I told her to take the rest of the night off and finish up in the morning.' http:/…

  12. @JesusAVFC never heard of it

  13. ♫ Loved listening to "It's Natural to be Afraid (The Paper Chase Mix)" by Explosions in th… http://t.co/LnWxup8v8q http://t.co/2yIAAln674

  14. @scifisunsets salty views and sea air

  15. ♫ Loved listening to "Feral" by Radiohead http://t.co/BG3KL6gQal http://t.co/VyMGSkm5lz

  16. RT @footyramblings: Six days apart. Go **** yourself @DailyMailUK http://t.co/q8RgsmfLOw

  17. I like the idea, but I think it could be pulled off a little better. It's similar to this picture I saw the other day that has a lion along the side (front & back) which I'd love to see someone do a mock up of. If someone could do a mock up similar to this with the lion being half on the shirt, half on the shorts with the outside area being claret and the lion blue, with perhaps some gold trim in places? That'd be great to see.
  18. Hey all, just wanted to send a greeting to everyone from here in the south of Italy where I'm currently staying before continuing with my Around The World adventure with my girlfriend that we started almost 12 months ago. I've been 'A Villain' since I was born like my mother before me and I was born in Edgbaston at the maternity hospital (before it was torn down). Having a single parent and living just outside of Coventry the only thing I knew about Villa growing up was the scores being announced on the BBC by that classic voice when the final whistle blew during the 90's (before the Premier League was broadcast in lounges around the world). I never really got to attend matches until the season that MON arrived and being one of those unfortunates that had to work over the weekend I rarely saw many games, but when I did (about 5-10 a season) I gave it my all. It's been about that many games per season since then with me catching as much as possible on the TV - the shameful armchair fan. One of those fans that is bizarrely optimistic when the general consensus is hatred for either a player, manager or the owner at that moment - I love the badge as it is (we can't stay in the past 'Bright Future' and all), I've been behind PL since day one and was a champion of Guzan when he was missing crosses and corners at every opportunity. Looking forward to leaving my mark if and when I can between travel, Dale aka nueDD
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