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Posts posted by flamingsombrero

  1. 1st Half - :shock: The worst I've seen them play in... erm... half a week.

    2nd Half - Much improved as we took the game to them.

    MOTM: The Referee (potentially a contender for player of the season)

    It was nice to finally see a bit of pace and invention for most of the second half but excuse me for not getting too excited that we actually managed to make ourselves competitive against QPR.

  2. Any credit Alex McLeish had built up with Aston Villa supporters during an unbeaten start to the season – and it was not much, considering most of their games had been drawn – will have been severely depleted on Tuesday night, not so much by the result as by a performance of dismayingly cautious ineptitude. The single effort they managed on target came in the 87th minute, and by the close his team looked as dispirited as they did incompetent.
  3. The fans on the villa facebook are the most entertaining part of this game.

    "I'm surprised Barry, Milner and Young aren't even on the bench?"

    "Lets get Pongo Waring on!!""

    "God were missing Didier Agathe"

    "What is Houllier playing at? Give Savo a chance.."


  4. If the wall to wall Champions League coverage teaches us anything it's that more call and response chants are needed in the English game.

    To take just one example; whilst the Napoli fans were booming out chants in Manchester, the City fans sounded like they were taking part in some sort of TOTP2 world record attempt.

  5. Well I gave it a chance and what else can you say... Raw is TNA.

    I stopped watching for a good 6-7 years, slowly got back into it about a year or two ago. Thought they had something with the punk stuff and they have just shit all over it. So all thats left is a roster full of buried talent and story lines that go nowhere and make no sense.

    ROH and WRP for me now, I'm done with this shit. If WWE was any other TV show (seeing as they get so upset at being called wrestling) it would have been cancelled a thousand times over.

    Not even really that worried if WWE raid the ROH talent roster, as at least they know how to make new stars.

  6. That PPV... my god! :shock:

    They have made Del Rio and Punk both look like total bitches and the ending made no sense at all. If Miz and Truth wanted HHH out of the picture why'd they lay out Punk and break up the pin? That was TNA level bullshit.

    Mark Henry stuff was really good though especially his promo after he won, that was great. Only took 'em 15 years to figure out how to get him over.

    I'll probably catch Raw tonight but unless it blows me away and they have got some sort of logical explanation for what happened last night I'm done with WWE. It's not entertaining, it's not worth my time and the amount of false dawns of something decent coming along are infuriating.

    Ring of Honor TV show starts up this weekend so I'll get my wrestling fix there instead. I would also advise everyone to check out WRP Wrestling Revolution Project, it has the potential to be something incredibly special.

  7. First hour of gameplay 9/10

    Next 5 hours 8/10

    By the time you hit the sewers 5/10

    Final hour before giving up 2/10

    I got to the jungle stage and started to question why I was still playing. I was no longer having fun and the tedious slog had become more like an exercise in ocd (very similar to godfather 2 in that respect).

    Anyway it is now uninstalled and I have had no niggling desire to return to it so there you go. Arkham City and the final Fallout New Vegas DLC are on the horizon so things are looking up.

  8. I enjoyed the pes demo far more than I have in many years and it's a huge improvement, especially the ai, but it's still not quite there. Fifa looks the part but still feels like there is something missing for me.

    I'll give the career modes a bash when they come out but it looks like another year of being underwhelmed.

    I'll just stick to being a "goal scoring superstar hero" Swos4Life :twisted:

  9. Did they leave somebody to turn the lights off?, , , oh yea Agent Ridgewell keep up the good work.

    Ridgewell is gonna be too busy dodging coins to get to the switch. Ex-Villa, blunder prone horse/man goes in hot and heavy to seal a transfer and ends up stuck there with the knuckledraggers. Not a recipe for success.

    It's gonna suck to be him for the next few weeks.

  10. Everton have had a shocker but I would argue Sunderland have had the worst window, pissing away millions on poor players and in doing so wasting their one opportunity to push on. Stoke have done some good business and while Spurs have cleared some of their dead wood off the wage bill they did miss out on Cahill in the end.

  11. Houllier took over at a difficult time and and never got a pre-season to really put his stamp on the team. He served up some awful results and some dreadful performances but I could accept that because I felt like we would progress into becoming a far better team in the long run and I still believe this would have been the case.

    What we see now is pretty much the finished article, this is as good as we are going to be (apart from maybe zog who will start putting in the odd motm here and there) we are not going to progress as a team and the longer Mcleish is here the more this will hurt us in the years to come.

    We have made a solid enough start against some very mediocre opposition but given the hatchet job that has been done on the squad (not Mcleish's fault before I get jumped on) we will inevitably burn out before Christmas and then anything is unfortunately possible. We have seen plenty of times just how drastic a slide we are capable of when this happens but we'll be doing it from a mid-table start point this time round.

    I make no apologies for the fact I didn't want Mcleish, I don't want Mcleish and will never never want Mcleish as part of my football club.

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