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Posts posted by mrchnry

  1. I've lived in both and Manchester is a much much better city for culture. Loads of gigs going on all the time, places for independent cinema, events, great comedy nights etc. 

    I think Birmingham wins when it comes to restaurants and eating out. 

    Driving in Manchester is an absolute nightmare though, traffic everywhere all the time. 

    Also the reputation of it raining all the time is absolutely bang on. One of the main reasons I left Manchester and came back to the Midlands was I couldn't handle the rain anymore. 

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  2. Hated him with a passion as a kid after he scored that hat trick against us for QPR. Grew up to admire him though, especially for his time at Forest. He'll always be written in history as the first million pound player. 

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  3. I've recently discovered "Andys man club" and they're doing amazing work. 

    A safe space for men to talk, vent or pour out how they're feeling. If you're suffering yourself I highly recommend giving them a Google and seeing if they have a club near you. This is exactly the service that men need and are missing.


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  4. On 22/07/2023 at 00:47, Spoony said:

    I think we might have some of the worst branding in the football system and I think it’s one of the reasons it’s hard to identify Aston Villa as a big club, and seriously effects our image abroad. There’s absolutely nothing consistent about our branding. Our badge has changed 3 times since I started supporting Villa about 20 years ago. And it’s due to change again. There was no star. Now there’s a star. Will there still be a star? There’s no prepared when there was prepared. Are we Aston Villa FC. are we AVFC. Are we Aston Villa. Heck the only consistent thing is we have a lion. But that’s changed several times. Now it’s facing a totally new direction.

    I know this is a minor point but what about sponsors and kit manufacturers. The big teams don’t change these every other season yet we do.

    Our colours aren’t even the same year on year. There seems to be a whole dulux colour chart of clarets and blues to pick from.

    I really thinking our branding is horrendous and needs a really hard look at. I’m hoping that’s what Heck is doing. You can’t really point to anything and say “that’s Aston Villa”  

    For me I’d like:

    1. Just get over 1982. Please. For the love of god. It was a fabulous achievement but it is NOT our club’s identity. Get rid of that damned star and get over the round badge just for the sake of 1982. It’s like Man City having a badge with “AGUEEEROOOO” underneath  

    2. Pick a lion, stick with it and make that 90% of our brand. I would make our badge the ‘Aston Villa lion’ with our name and nothing else and plaster that same lion absolutely everywhere.

    3. Have a claret and blue that is the Aston Villa claret and blue. No compromises.

    4. Get longer term sponsorship deals. I know this one is all based on economics and is just a pipe dream, but seriously how can a million extra from a dodgy Chinese gambling company make that much difference to a football club. I’d love to see a long term manufacturer and sponsor.


    Points 1-3 are absolutely bang on here. The European Cup win was a massive achievement and it makes us elite but it doesn't define us. It's felt like that for too long nobody knows what does. It's clear the Luke kits got something right, yet we haven't built upon it at all. I don't get that from a business point of view at all. 

  5. This is such an exciting signing in terms of statements. The thing with Villa is everything is always a false dawn and a promise to take us "back to where we belong". This time it's feeling like we are actually up for contending. This season is  our most exciting in years. 

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  6. Just gone through and I can buy one but that price is mental. They also never made it clear they were gonna open it to non season ticket holders. It's really starting to feel like the club are rinsing fans now. If there was an instalment plan option i'd probably take it. 

  7. Just now, ender4 said:

    Chances of getting a ticket even if you’re a season ticket holder is slim.  

    Chances of Villa getting to the final at this stage is also slim rather than likely. Though of course we have a decent chance, depending on who we meet in other knock-out rounds.

    Oh I have zero chance of getting a ticket but the atmosphere before and after will be amazing. They'll be loads of villa there for the game too. 

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  8. Now this is interesting. It sounds like the new badge isn't staying to me!! Makes no sense to have 2 brand identities. 


    The club will continue to use the existing shield design around Villa Park and on our digital channels, as well as in other areas.

    Aston Villa will monitor local, national and global reaction along with feedback to the use of both the crest and kit moniker as the 2023/24 campaign progresses.

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