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Posts posted by chrissmith921

  1. You seriously dont get it do you? Your team is shit, most people here despise your manager, despite what the evening standard might tell you, Spurs most certainly are not going to be breaking the top 4 any time soon.

    Enjoy your time on here, but I'm sure you'll soon **** off back to COYS or whatever forum Glastonspur has recruited you from and begin masterbating over 'in the know' posts made by people making up bullshit, and GlastonSpurs glorious statistics that he rolls out all the time. 12% improvement when King plays! Ha! ****.

  2. 1. Your opinion your entitled to it

    2. I must say your attitude isnt coming across as fantastic

    3. As the more sensible posters on here have said all teams do that

    4. As above

    5. Werent the media talking about you being top four last season?

    6. No argument

    7. I like WHL but once again thats your opinion

    8. So you havent seen the "kop end" plans yet then

    9. You dont like our chants? Gutted.

    10. There are bigger divine righters out there (Pool / Newcastle)

    11. I dont even know what that is

    12. Agreed.

    In terms of 10

    Liverpool have a rich history - you can understand where their fans are coming from on that.

    Newcastle are by far and away the biggest side in the North East of the country.

    Spurs, mediocre history and arent even the biggest club in their borough, let alone city and most certainly not their region.

    I can understand why Newcastle fans think they're huge (they have to go a long way to find people raving about other clubs - its Newcastle, Newcastle, Newcastle up there) - Spurs though?? **** sake - you want to see a massive club, look down the road.

  3. So basically he got some grief at a game, gave some back and now you hate him?

    As for dodgy dealings it has never been proven despite numerous investigations and that panorama was a joke.

    I disliked before he came to us but only because of his West Ham affiliations.

    As for Spurs fans thinking that were bigger than Villa, I think you will be hard pressed to find many who think that.

    I think us you and everton are on a par size wise.

    Theres a difference between giving a bit of banter back, and complaining about people swearing and then turning and flicking the salute at a crowd of people.

    Plus, have I mentioned, he is a word removed. He'll probably try suing me for that though.

  4. Neon Blue is this years colour!

    That is Soooooooooo last year, in fact its probably three years ago but being as you live in South Wales no doubt you'll be the height of sophistication and a real trend setter this year :mrgreen:

    Too right. I got my millennium bug spray and everything.

  5. he would most certainly.

    but then again, hes the best of his generation, don't you know.

    he can even be considered amongst those greats such as paul mcgrath - who, despite having crocked knees, actually played.

    most of the time pissed, but he still ruined anyone he faced. but yeah, sitting on the side, not playing, puts you in the same category.... ;)

  6. From what i heard on FiveLive, Lawro was saying that he thought the wigan game had gone to the players heads. Inside the first 20 mins it was all spurs and old man neville was having a torrid time against Lennon, then they thought it'd be easy so every player started taking an extra touch. Even singling out Palacios due to him doing needless flicks in the middle of the park. (i picked up on him doing this in our game for the first 20 minutes, i was screaming for Nigel to clock him one)

    Finished up by saying that you don't over play against United, you go for the jugular and Spurs got what they deserved for the attitude they showed.

    mmm now that sounds like big time charlie attitude to me, what do you think Parky???? :winkold:

    How can it be big time charlie if its Spurs? For they are big time!!! Theyre not a small club imagining they're big!!!


  7. Has King ever won player of the month then?


    10 times this has been won by a defender during Kings generation.

    King has won it once.

    Micah Richards has also won it once, you asked when did I last watch MOTD, 2007? Yet you point out King is better, but he's not won an award since 2004... so...?

    Since then by the way, we've seen such legends as Kevin Nolan, Andy Johnson (TWICE!) and Micah Richards (of course hes shit... ;)) win the award.

    But they're also the best of their generation too :cool:

    To be fair he did miss out the * after he said that. Which would have mentioned that he is the best Spurs central defender of his generation, not named Jonathon Woodgate.

    And Sol Campbell.

    Perhaps he means the best Spurs defender who's taken them for £40k a week to let him get pissed up, not train and most of the time not even play?!

  8. Not at all, I think the fact that Jagielka is long term injured, Lescott is having a torrid time at city and Upson is looking fairly comfortable and assured is why he is now Capellos first pick.

    Nothing to do with the fact he's a better player than those mentioned then? Seeing as they were all fit for the said fixtures. And playing well.

    Don't be silly. Lescott was having a 'torrid time' at Man City, apparently. Despite the fact they were having an incredible run with one of the leagues best defenses at said time, but we won't mention that.

    Oh, dont be silly, he was having a torrid time.

    The same way Lennon has been 'causing panic and mayhem' throughout the Premier League.


  9. Has King ever won player of the month then?


    10 times this has been won by a defender during Kings generation.

    King has won it once.

    Micah Richards has also won it once, you asked when did I last watch MOTD, 2007? Yet you point out King is better, but he's not won an award since 2004... so...?

    Since then by the way, we've seen such legends as Kevin Nolan, Andy Johnson (TWICE!) and Micah Richards (of course hes shit... ;)) win the award.

    But they're also the best of their generation too :cool:

  10. if Upson was only added due to Kings injury (which is a completely false claim, by the way) that he has regularly been selected above every other CB in England (aside from Terry/Rio obviously) under Capello?

    Because Capello rates him as the best fit alternative? I nwould have thought that was obvious.

    I don't think you can understand English.

    There was a squad of 6 centre backs picked, got it? John Terry, Rio Ferdinand, Matthew Upson, Phil Jagielka, Joleon Lescott and Ledley King. That much we agree on?

    You said the only reason Upson was called up was due to King being injured, correct? Surely this suggests that he is rated less than the other 5 by Capello, as he was only called up due to Kings absence (which is a false claim, Upson was named in the orignal squad, but I'll humour you).

    So why is it, that seeing as you think that Capello feels Upson is rated lower than these, that he is STARTING games? Lescott and Jagielka had been fit, yet Upson was still starting.

    Your lack of logic is fightening.

    Not at all, I think the fact that Jagielka is long term injured, Lescott is having a torrid time at city and Upson is looking fairly comfortable and assured is why he is now Capellos first pick.

    Nothing to do with the fact he's a better player than those mentioned then? Seeing as they were all fit for the said fixtures. And playing well.

  11. So why did he keep injured players in there, yet send King home?

    Keep 'knocking them down' ;) if thats how you believe

    Point out one TRUE FACT that paints McGrath as equal, or inferior, a player to King. Please.

    Not your opinion, or what theyve done to Spurs' results - but as an individual player, post a fact.

    Here's the mcgrath fact - voted PFA Player of the Year as a centre half for a non title winning side.

    The first EVER centre half to win the award.

    Now, what can you say about King?

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