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Posts posted by Philosopher

  1. I expect him to not only fail, but ruin the finest crop of youngsters at the club in my memory. So anything above that will be great! Low expectations are best for now I think!

    So you're optimistic then? I fail to see where this opinion comes from though, why would he ruin the youngsters? It's been said all over the place that he's great with younger players coming through and he overhauled the FFF'S youth academy, so don't know why you're thinking that.

    I personally am quite excited. I'm not expecting anything from the Stoke game, they always play well against us and now with Gudjohnson and Pennant (not that I rate that whiny bitch much) they could do some damage and are a bit less one dimensional.

    I'm really interested to see which way he takes the team and what sort of players he brings in. Can't wait to hear his ideas and see his first signing, I just hope he gets some cash in January.

    It doesn't hurt to get your hopes up, I'd be just as elated if he turns out to be a great appointment, and just as crushed if it doesn't work out either way, so being hopeful whilst staying in touch with reality is no bad thing.

    Actually Benzema had already been blooded and was already being scouted by Fergie, Gerrard broke through in Houillier first season when he was sharing the managerial role with Roy Evans, He did do well with Carra though. Owen had already broken through. So Houillier's record with youngster is hardly not great its ok, but nothing special and he is several years older and heart bypasses weaker. I wish him the best of luck like any other Villa manager but I won't get my hopes up. Like I said low expectations are best nowadays.

  2. I can't say anything about the lads desire (Delfoueso), but for me he is the most naturally talented player I have seen coming through our youth system. His pace, height, dribbling, touch and technique are all at a very high standard. Towards the end of last season when he got a bit of first team action he looked like he could go past players for fun, but also looked like he was trying too hard to impress and do something really special all the time.

    Weimann works hard and chases down every ball, seems to have an eye for goal too, but he will need a lot more than that to succeed at this level. He's not tall or particularly fast, so he is going to have to rely on creativity and intelligence, and such strikers are the rarest breed.

    edited at 16.39 on 03/09/10

  3. Nige is a good player without the ball , but fataliy flawed when on the ball in that he can't pass for shit and spends to long looking down at the ball when its at his feet to see what going on in possession. To me he would have made a great right back if he had listened to MON as his pace, strength, running with the ball, energy and tackling are very good. As a midfielder he belongs in a good championship team.

    I do like him as a player he is committed, determined and works hard, but far too limited.

  4. It seems that I am one of many fans fretting over who the new manager is going to be. I can tell you now the likes of Sven and Curbishly would only confirm many fans worst fears that Villa are now back in regression much like when Randy took over Villa.

    If we are to move forward we need a manager proven at the very highest level (at home or abroad) and who is proven to be good at bringing through youngsters. Now I am sure you and Randy and the board are fully aware of this, and I am fully aware that doing so is an EXTREMELY hard task, but if you don't make the right appointment well Randy would be better off selling up now.

    I hate to say that as I am great admirer of manner in which the club has been run since Randy took over, but thats the cold hard truth. Now the transfer window is shut I couldn't care less if it takes until January for you to find the right man for the job, so long as he is just that!

    This is the most important decision for a chairman to make, and yes I am very worried that the transfer window shut with us signing a player we don't need (even though he is a very good player) and selling a player that has been our most impressive central midfielder in over a decade (yes Milner is/was better than Barry and Ireland is an attacking midfielder NOT a central midfielder).

    I must be honest and say as a fan the day I no longer believe its possible for Villa the win trophies at the highest level in the forseeable future I will stop being a football club fan altogether (Villa is the only club for me), as we fans need hope of success even if we don't get the success, and that hope quickly evaporating.

    The right man is a must.

  5. The options upfront are rather limited really. People have suggested Bellamy who is a very good player but once again he is too similar to Gabby and Delfouneso for me to see it happen. Now if we were to sell Gabby (as well as Heskey and Carew) for 20+ million and sign Doyle and Cole, and throw in E Gudjonson that would be a nice bit of sell to buy business. However I would like to see Gabby stay as I hate to see local lads leave Villa.

    That's what I wrote, and as you can see without the last sentence it looks as though I would like to see Gabby sold, however I did write that last sentence which CLEARLY STATES I WOULD LIKE TO SEE GABBY STAY!

    Edited on 27/05/2010 at 13.24

  6. Now if we were to sell Gabby

    I think you missed the bit where I said I'd like to keep Gabby


    IF WE WERE to sell him, does not mean we SHOULD sell him or even I WOULD sell him. Its just an option available to us I was exploring! Its no worse then saying sell Milner for 20 million plus Ireland (who is not a direct replacement for Milner anyway). This is something some on here seem to be OK with. I guess that's only because they don't believe we can keep him.

  7. Now if we were to sell Gabby (as well as Heskey and Carew) for 20+ million and sign Doyle and Cole, and throw in E Gudjonson that would be a nice bit of sell to buy business.

    So, sell Gabby Heskey and Carew.

    Sign Doyle, Cant Control and Gudjonnson?

    You really do come out with some crackers

    I think you missed the bit where I said I'd like to keep Gabby. C.Cole's ball control is better than all our strikers except for young Delfouneso. You don't rate him I get it, but you don't need to exaggerate.

    The fact is Gabby is worth keeping, but if we could get 20 million for him I am sure we could find a quality replacement for a lot less money. Milner would be much harder to replace than Gabby that's for certain. I do rate Gabby, just think he's lacks awareness and relies to much on his pace. The improvement in his technique over the last 3 seasons has been excellent, so has the improvement in his hold up play. For all we know next season he could bang in 20+ goals and be coveted by the best clubs, which is why I would like us to keep him, but if we sold him to boost transfer funds, I would be happier with that then to sell Milner to raise funds. Its a viable option to me.

    Also I like Carew a lot, his finishing is top class, when he's on his game he's unplayable. However he's on his game only 1 in 4 or 5 games. In the tail end of the last 2 seasons he scored a lot of goals, but he loses possession a lot, partly because his touch very inconsistent and partly because he likes to run at players (which normally doesn't work). At the beginning of the last two season he has been poor. We need a partner for Gabby that's consistent. If Carew had more than a year on his contract I would say keep him for another season as our third choice striker, but if we can get money for a player that turns 31 in September with only a year left on his contract that's as lazy, inconsistent and spends at least 3 months of every season injured then I am all for it.

    There are only 6 players I would really hate to lose, the 4 youngsters I mention on my sig, plus Milner and Dunne. A.Young, Downing, Gabby and Cuellar I would prefer to keep, everyone else in the first team squad is expendable as far as I am concerned. Would probably keep Warnock, Collins and Petrov as insurance.

    Buy a quality right back, and quality striker, and buy a heap of talented youngster to compliment the 4 fine youngsters we currently have. We have to take some big risks now to break the top 4, the only way to temper that risk is by keeping the first team together.

    This is going to be Martins toughest summer yet. He has to deliver champions league or silverware, it really is make or break. Patience is running out. flirting with success is no longer sufficient.

    I think all the names mentioned on here as players we'd like MON to sign (INCLUDING MINE) is just people clutching at straws because they can't (LIKE ME) think of players they TRULY believe will enable us to make that vital improvement necessary to be successful (I am talking REALISTIC targets). In past seasons we thought Bentley (Milner was signed instead and looks the better player) or Distin (Dunne came in instead thankfully) and usually MON went out and bought someone else who genuinely improved the team that most of us either never considered or completely wrote off as not good enough.

    Truth be told this thread is just a game we like to play.

    How about selling A.Young to spuds for 10 million plus Bentley, then bringing in Ben Arfa for 10 million does that sound good to you? It sounds interesting to me but would probably see us stay where we are most likely. Would make a nice change though don't you think. I just enjoy exploring the possibilities.

  8. I like Doyle but I can't see him playing alongside Gabby. As a lone striker yes, alongside Carew or Heskey yes but for me he looks like direct competition for Gabby and Delfouneso

    Doyle's nothing like either of them

    Doyle's certainly not a target man or a link striker. He is hard working, works the channels and not afraid to run at players looks to run in behind and harass opposition defenders. He uses his energy, movement and work rate to cause problems. Gabby's not really smart enough to play in tandem with Doyle.

  9. I like Doyle but I can't see him playing alongside Gabby. As a lone striker yes, alongside Carew or Heskey yes but for me he looks like direct competition for Gabby and Delfouneso, and I rate Delfouneso as our most talented striker (not best he hasn't proven a thing yet) but most talented for sure, possibly the most talented player in the squad. Throw in the fact that Doyle would cost over 10 million too now, I would have to say we don't need him. I would say a link striker and a target man to replace both Carew and Heskey (as i think they will both be leaving this summer) are the requirements. Cole is the best target man I see that's available. I don't see keane as a link striker he's more of a fox in the box that will only score 15 goals a season.

    The options upfront are rather limited really. People have suggested Bellamy who is a very good player but once again he is too similar to Gabby and Delfouneso for me to see it happen. Now if we were to sell Gabby (as well as Heskey and Carew) for 20+ million and sign Doyle and Cole, and throw in E Gudjonson that would be a nice bit of sell to buy business. However I would like to see Gabby stay as I hate to see local lads leave Villa.

  10. I would like to see Carlton Cole at Villa as a replacement for one of those two looks like a complete striker to me

    I have either read the most outrageous comment ever on Villatalk or have mis-read it altogether...Carlton Cole, the 'complete striker'??


    It was me I said it! :D

    I think he is really talented. This season he didn't do much, but the supply was non existent (I know this as my cousins are hammers fans so I have had to sit through some of their matches and it was like watching paint dry). Under 10 million and I would say sign him up as it is its best we look elsewhere.

    He's Tall, strong, fast, with excellent technique and touch and a good shot on him. His head wasn't always in the right place in the past, but I see a player that would score 15-20 goals a season with decent supply. That's my opinion. He's just a late developer to me.

    Take Drogba for example, he was languishing in the french second division at 24 with people questioning his ability, a season later he was signing for Marseille and playing his first season in the french first division for a top team, and a season later Chelsea were paying 24 million for him.

    You have to remember Cole was playing for west ham last season.

    That's my opinion I don't care if people don't agree, but you would have to be an idiot not to see that C.Cole has (physically and technically) everything needed to be a great striker, the questions marks over him are down to his temperament and having only one good season in the prem. BTW its those question marks that give Villa a chance of signing a player as talented as him I am very sad to say.

    If we did sign him he could become a great or could be the next Stan Collymore, which is why anything over 10 million is a risk I wouldn't be prepared to take.

  11. Carew's inconsistency, poor teamwork and injury problems mean his goal ratio is not good enough to justify his wages. I would like to see Carlton Cole at Villa as a replacement for one of those two looks like a complete striker to me






    :lol: The stats are posted on the same page to prove it's a crock... what was he thinking? :lol:

    Carews goals don't justify his otherwise average-ness as a player! Cole is a late bloomer. He is faster, has better technique and a better touch than both Heskey and Carew, is strong and tall, and is capable of scoring special goals. He is a little injury prone, but in a good team with good service he will score goals I am sure, plus he is more of a lone striker like Gabby so if one up became our prefer formation, Cole would fit in perfectly.

  12. Personally I would like to see Carew and Heskey buggar off! Heskey is a good team player, but limited. If Gabby was a 20-30 goal a season striker then fine Heskey would be fine but no. Carew's inconsistency, poor teamwork and injury problems mean his goal ratio is not good enough to justify his wages. I would like to see Carlton Cole at Villa as a replacement for one of those two looks like a complete striker to me. The other replacement is a hard one, maybe Bentley and use Young as a link striker. Get rid of Reo and Sidders and bring in Jame McCarthy, keep jimmy Milner, bring in Richards, Cline and Aureilo (available on a free) J. Cole on a free and bobs your uncle.

    Well I wish it was that simple anyway. That little lot would cost around 50 million and we would do well to recoup 25 million from our unwanted players. Carew 3m, Heskey 2m, Davies 5m Young 3m, Beye 2m, Sidders 5m, Reo 4m (24m in total) and those fee's are rather optimistic.


    Richards-- Collins--Dunne--Warnock








    Unfortunately I am living in fantasy land like everyone else here.

  13. I would only sell at 35 million or more, or Richards and Ireland plus 20 million. Otherwise he stays. If If Man U were interested then I would Anderson and 20 million as I see Anderson as a very young talented player who potentially is better than Milner. He had a bad season but he never really got a run in the team and seems to have lost a little confidence. The guy has everything thing though, speed, strength, he can run with the ball, tackle hard and is a fine passer.

  14. Yorke came and went as did Barry and we still had a good season last year.

    I am not sure in the case of Yorke we ever quite got over his loss; looking back the money never really replaced him.

    Yorke was a genuine 20 goal a season striker with the quality to create something out of nothing. I would in las 20 years only Cantona, Rooney and Ronaldo could be considered better strikers for Man U. So all in all very hard to replace.

    Milner will be difficult to replace, it can be done though, but I would prefer to keep him if 25 mill is the best we can get for him, that would only get us 2 or three decent players and they wouldn't have anywhere near the current standing of Milner. I do think the squad needs freshening up, so Milner leaving could be a blessing if we get in excess of 30 mill for him.

  15. I can't believe that people are writing us of for 4th, its ridiculous. We have played some blinding football at times in the last two games, we have come from behind to get a result and maintain our EXCELLENT undefeated run in the league. Tottenham have 4 point on us but still have to play Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U, Man city are only two points ahead of us and we still have to play them in the 37 game of the season, Liverpool are still poor.

    Throw in the fact MON is prepared to play Albrighton and the Fonz as well as Delph to come in. Throw in the fact Chelsea are a little vulnerable right now I think we still have all to play for.

    It not all doom and gloom, we need to be positive and back our fine team that play their heart out every week and the manager that inspires them to do so.

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