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Posts posted by PaulMcgrathsknees

  1. It was James Milner that re-intrduced baggy shorts to English football in the early 90's after persuading Eric Cantona that they had it right in the 50's when he was a lad.

    James Milner is not credited enough for the introduction of the yellow football which is a throw back to playing in the snow with an orange ball in the 60's.

  2. There may be more mortgages being agreed, but only because of repossessions and a realisation by homeowners that their houses aren't the cash cow they thought they were.

    Further depreciation in the housing market this year. Summer will be the time to see what happens as far as jobs etc are panning out. It will either steady to no movement by then another 5-10% down or be falling through the floor as our economy disintegrates.

  3. As Davkaus has said - the recipients of the public tax money do not become a public body covered by the FoI.

    The public bodies should be the ones to answer an FoI request about their donations and funding.

    Where is the clandestine behaviour then?

    Not with the Public bodies. With recipients of tax monies.

    Nice little loophole. Police state in the normal sense - no.

    Unseen Power and Police state - could well be. The Police are a tool of the people with real power and it isn't the folk who allow the consensual Policing. I sometimes wonder if the noises made by "human rights" folk aren't just there so we don't keep our eye on the real "ball".

  4. So why wouldn't the FoI request go to them, and not the actual public body?

    If the council buys their computers from PC World, do you think that company should have to answer whenever some irritating shit sends FoI requests to them?

    That's another question altogether. But whilst we are on about it, by that argument, where it is public money - for example the Prison service

    do you think that company should have to answer whenever some irritating shit sends FoI requests to them?

    My view is no. It all gets daft. But if we want to be transparent where it suits and not where it doesn't.....therein lies the problem.

  5. Read the article more closely.

    Simply adds words like routine as scaremongering tactic. Home Secretary is using the tactic for surveilance - intrusive.

    It isn't to "routinely" hack. Naughty slant put on the dtory if you read what it actually says.

    If it is wrong to use this tactic in youropinion, they are wrong. If it is a sound tactic, they are not.

    She speaks at Common Purpose (on their website) and will refuse to answer whether she is a member. FOIA requests are ignored by this group. Just a few issues which I find incredibly hypocritical. Or maybe she would prefer powerful organisations and members of our community can continue what appears to have completely unreported meetings and think tanks using their influence and power over the unsuspecting masses?

  6. Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, the human rights group, said she would challenge the legal basis of the move. “These are very intrusive powers – as intrusive as someone busting down your door and coming into your home,” she said.

    “The public will want this to be controlled by new legislation and judicial authorisation. Without those safeguards it’s a devastating blow to any notion of personal privacy.”

    She said the move had parallels with the warrantless police search of the House of Commons office of Damian Green, the Tory MP: “It’s like giving police the power to do a Damian Green every day but to do it without anyone even knowing you were doing it.”

    More sensationalist mumbo jumbo from the "rent a quote" queen.

    I'm more interested in what her part is in Common Purpose which ironically uses Chatham House rules on ALL courses and has a far fetched but interesting conspiracy surrounding it.

    Anyway, Police State? Don't know yet.

    The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) said such intrusive surveillance was closely regulated under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. A spokesman said police were already carrying out a small number of these operations which were among 194 clandestine searches last year of people’s homes, offices and hotel bedrooms.

    “To be a valid authorisation, the officer giving it must believe that when it is given it is necessary to prevent or detect serious crime and [the] action is proportionate to what it seeks to achieve,” Acpo said.

    Looks like this isn't new news anyway. Already being authorised by Home Secretary/ Surveillance commission.

    The word "routine" just seems to be purposely misplaced by the journo

    THE Home Office has quietly adopted a new plan to allow police across Britain routinely to hack into people’s personal computers without a warrant.

    And then adds hack/ quiet into the same headline.

    Unless the Home Secretary spends her days signing these applications up. Pah.

    Looks like drat was right - non story.

  7. About a fortnight ago:

    Here are the current rates loan to value 90%

    Lloyds 6.69%

    HSBC 6.58%

    Nationwide 6.59%

    Northern Rock 7.69%

    Interesting to check back next week! The housing market needs 10% deposit first time buyers to get it going again.

    This week:

    And ten days later.......

    Lloyds - 6.59%

    HSBC - 6.99%

    Nationwide - 6.59%

    Northern Rock - No mortgages offered

    So a 1.5% base rate cut means:

    0.1% cut

    0.41% increase


    or downright rufusal respectively.

    You can forget house prices surviving in 2009 too. Minimum 10% further drop to come yet. And I think that is optimistic.

    My views posted on one of the other threads. Probably sits better on here

  8. Woodrow Wilson:

    Like Roosevelt before him, Woodrow Wilson regarded himself as the personal representative of the people. "No one but the President," he said, "seems to be expected ... to look out for the general interests of the country." He developed a program of progressive reform and asserted international leadership in building a new world order. In 1917 he proclaimed American entrance into World War I a crusade to make the world "safe for democracy."

    Wilson maneuvered through Congress three major pieces of legislation. The first was a lower tariff, the Underwood Act; attached to the measure was a graduated Federal income tax. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act provided the Nation with the more elastic money supply it badly needed. In 1914 antitrust legislation established a Federal Trade Commission to prohibit unfair business practices.

    From www.whitehouse.gov

    What they don't attribute on this site is this quote:

    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

    And now we are reaping the rewards.

  9. Tough one.

    Not being a ST holder, I would probably not get to the match when we won it. Wouldn't get to the England match either.

    Mind you, would prefer the .... Season review with Villa DVD.

    Or would I? Gabby could score the winner after a Davies goal line clearance for England!

    Tough one.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. The 50%-50% split decision was made BEFORE any article came out. Again, we do MANY things for the Forces that we NEVER publicize...it just isn't what we do. As for going after NOTW, we just don't think that there is any gain in something like that. Our actions will speak for our Club.


    You are a legend, but seriously? Publicize?

    Great start to the season and fifty quid well spent on Wednesday to see a smile from the lad of real happiness following the win over Blackburn. As the advert goes.... Priceless.

    A Villa fan forever now!

  11. Rob won't be happy The Beach Boys only scraped it in at number one hundred!


    maybe the entries at number 35 and 38 by some other group will please him then :winkold:

    Haha missed them, well spotted!

    :shock: Alphabetic order rather than preference? :shock:

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