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Posts posted by PaulMcgrathsknees

  1. That's alot for a poor man's Carrera isn't it?!

    (Guessing what car you drive!)

    Being a family man i drive a Jag XF .. maybe not the car you had in mind ?

    my brother has just brought a Cayman though so i'll use that one on him :-)

    Audi A6/ Jag or Porsche came up on google search on 2.7 litre!

    Didn't think you would be old enough to drive a Jag?!


  2. over a thousand sadly

    about 10 years no claims and no points or previous convictions

    2.7 litre engine .

    I think postcode can also make a difference if I lived in Hastings then my insurance would be cheaper

    That's alot for a poor man's Carrera isn't it?! :lol:

    (Guessing what car you drive!)

    Just over £250 p/a. Then my car is not very powerful and is quite modern. And not very desirable!

  3. True. But it shows prices have to keep reducing to start to get some equity back in the building firms again. Laying off so many shows unemployment is on the rise. Include that with Councils being asked to help as repossessions will hit 45,000 next year. Link It is still got a way down to go before the demand returns. And the Libor rate at over 6.2% currentlyAnother.........

    If it is worse than anything since the 1930's the prices need to re-adjust to the market first. So, the crash continues?

    I think we all agree prices will sort themselves out in 18months-2 years, therefore the first tightening of purse strings from the banks is by that arguement the start of the bubble? Because we agree the bubble will return?

    Quite like this one?


  4. General,

    Following hearing the complaint made by Manure regarding the illegal aproaches made to Ronaldo by Real Madrid on Talksport I thought they sounded very petty and painted a picture of either a spoilt brat crying to their mommy or a "small club". It was quite cringeworthy.

    Following your earlier comments on the thread regarding Gareth Barry, I do hope we haven't gone whining aswell!

    I think on this matter to turn the other cheek and continue to rise above Liverpool both metaphorically and literally would be (and hopefully is) by far the better route to take.

    Here's hoping Gareth Barry isn't their missing link and hoping whichever way this goes iit is the continuation of building foundations that are being built with style and class!

    Be good!

  5. Last paragraph is a fair wayto put your views.

    We will differ. My views are the destruction of modern day society and normal morals have been taken to an extreme by left wing liberalism.

    So yes I am more right wing. Police state is your fear. Lack of is mine!

    The RIPA usage is being reviewed. I suspect nothing more than advice from those investigating.

    Unfortunately I also expected this

    So yes I believe we have a broken society. Bugger eh?!

    I suspect I am wrong. And I suspect you are too! :lol:

  6. Naughty post Snowychap.

    Never yearned for distopia.

    Surveillance was not unlawful prior to Ripa. There was no Ripa when plod followed burglars 20 years ago in plain clothes! That was not unlawful! Phone taps never lawful prior to RIPA?!

    Your post then disintegrated into a second rant of anti terrorism blah. Read my post we are agreed in principle there. No need for further rant.

    Worcestershire is not inner city B'ham. We have very different experiences. Your Chav will be slightly less of a blight than some I encounter! Maybe this is our difference in opinion? Unfortunately Bicks' 1st point is also a concern. And the second! (Bad eggs both sides of the fence.)

    But striving to make lives better for the majority and supporting pro-active intervention has me

    Without striving for an ideal we won't improve the lot we have

    Again naughty.

    I respect differing views. I know mine are set. But I think a modicum of respect should be afforded.

  7. Where's the problem?

    Where's the problem that anyone's movements are under surveillance as though they were criminals?

    Where's the problem that legislation that was passed through parliament for the purposes of tackling serious crime is being used 'willy nilly' (with retrospective 'auditing') for surveillance of any citizen deemed watchable by some council civil servant?

    Of course it ought to be proportionate. All 'powers' given to anyone ought to be proportionate.

    Is RIPA the best line of defence against dogshit? If it is then we, society and the whole of our existence is lost, lost, lost.

    If there ought to be carte blanche given to the surveillance of everyone with retrospective analysis as to whether it was OK 'audit wise', then our society deserves to be wiped out as a shallow, thoughtless, undignified, invasive, disgusting waste of oxygen.

    Quite a rant!

    I think you have missed the point! Utopian society will not be found in our life time!

    RIPA is not a power given to civil servants. It is a "set of handcuffs" controlling what was done prior to RIPA. It is actually assisting in the prevention of "willy nilly" surveillance. There will be some examples we all don't agree with. There will be thousands that I would agree with and some that 99% of the civilised world will agree with. (Don't take that the wrong way and think I'm suggesting you are not!)

    I agree the legislation is quite correct for proper security services. So that's dealt with 90% of rant!

    Just on the doggy doo side of things though......

    Local Chav man and bull mastif go to the park and leave doggy doo for you to stand in. I know how to deal with this..... a sign saying you will be fined will do!

    If the scary little sign is ignored.......

    Bollocks - Chav man has won because yes these parts of our society deserves to be wiped out as a shallow, thoughtless, undignified, invasive, disgusting waste of oxygen


    Never mind because......oh no, we can't catch the Chav man because

    Where's the problem that anyone's movements are under surveillance as though they were criminals?
    ...... maybe not a crime per sais but this anti-social chavvery is the blight of our society. (And hence proportionate actions by the said council? Just a different perspective on the word proportionate).

    There is no room for practical work to be done now. The Chav man is hardly going to have anyone give evidence against him on behalf of the council. Surveillance isn't proportionate.

    Rather the council tried than never even bothered. I feel sorry for the people who tried to stop the behaviour because sensationalist reporting suddenly turns the lefty council employee into the Orwellian nightmare!

    In principle I agree with your views on the over used monitoring of lives for no apparent good and/ or reason under the umbrella of "terrorism". (Conspiracy theory - All seeing eye - New World Order {see previous posts of mine})

    In the metaphorical "handcuffing" of councils to try and make the lives of the majority better. I cannot agree with you.

    Trying to word this so as not to offend! :winkold:

    And the "grim RIPA" quote - because fluffy chats with Chav man will not work. Legal aided solicitor/ barrister will make sure "evidence" is required before Chav man has anything to worry about. And where will the evidence come from. Unforunatley, that's right..... our friend the video/ cctv, therefore surveillance. (Unless you want to DNA the dog and doggy doo?!)

    We are a long way from communities pulling together. Sorry Snowychap - utopia is an unattainable state. IMO.

  8. I saw one of the representatives of Poole council being interviewed and part of his defence was that only three such investigations had taken place out of a population of x number of thousand.

    I think he might have got the concept of 'proportionate' mixed up with 'proportional'.

    The most worrying thing is that there will be some who think that it is not only OK but the way things ought to be and will seek to justify it on the same terms as the council - either that it was only a few people or that their first and foremost duty is to protect the access to the funds allocated to those within their parish.

    How about RIPA is not proportionate or proportional.

    What would you want the council to do if the grass your kids played on was littered with dogsh@t? Employ a full time cleaner for every park? Not good use of money (or funds).

    How can the council catch people committing the offences if they can only conduct enquiries hampered by a left wing piece of legislation (has to be surveillance to see an offender?) when surely it would just be easier to let someone "go under cover" and watch?

    If that's the locals issue, how do you not use RIPA? Council complaints regarding the amount of dog crap have not been released. I would put money on it being moaned about like f@ck to the council. So they tried to do something.

    Common sense is outlawed in this country. RIPA is there so surveillance can be audited. This has come to light because it is audited.

    Where's the problem?

    I would agree you should moan if they do surveillance willy nilly and without audit.

  9. General,

    Very interested in your views on the following hat has blighted sport over the other side of the pond:

    1. Baseball and Barry Bonds indictment and Balco's steroid use etc

    2. Star All-pro Michael Vick and dog fighting

    3. New England (ironic) Patriots and filming of practices etc. It has also been suggested they filmed walk through pre-Superbowl! Could they lose their titles?

    I know it's not good stuff! But will say I follow both sports and thought Bonds was awesome. (Doh).

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