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Posts posted by GREAT_BEARD_OF_ZEUS

  1. This is a great game!  What else did we under-value?

    "Oh hello EFL, yeah we've just been avin a quick gander about the place and we seem to have accidentally forgotten about these 24 carat gold urinals we installed a few years back.  Yeah we didn't bother to include them at the time, you know, didn't really think they were worth much, but hey guess what - turns out they're actually a worth a few million.  Anyway moving on, there's then the 200 diamond encrusted mop handles Jerry the janitor accidentally ordered from Harrods that time..."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. This is where Xia went massively wrong. He spent too much time and money on getting in talent at the bottom of the ladder (players) and not enough at the top (CEO / DOF / Manager).

    When he came in Jokanovic was gettable, Wagner was gettable, wave the £14m at Rafa  instead of waste it on Hogan and who knows back then!

    Right now I'd go and get the very best we can get. If Rafa is threatening to walk go offer him a fortune to get us up with the extra promise of a kings ransom to spend once he does.


  3. NHS hospital layouts / signage!!

    Words fail me!  It’s as if whoever is responsible for this within the NHS has a sick twisted plot to create the worlds largest maze network!

    I had to go to Salford Royal the other day and in preparation for my visit, they sent me a map of the place.  I kid you not it’s like an exploded diagram of the space station!!  Now in fairness they have colour coded it, in an effort to help simplify it - or so I thought.   I’m wandering around, trying to find my way to the main outpatients building, when I come across ‘The Mayo Building’.  God knows why they’ve called it that, but it’s big, got it’s name written on the front in huge letters, and they’ve painted it top to bottom in a light yellow colour.  Makes sense right - Mayo, Mayonnaise yellow.  What colour is it on the map?  F’KN PURPLE!!!  Of course it is!  

    When I finally get to the building I need, the walls are just covered with random information.  It’s a fly posters dream in there!  You ask anyone who works there where something is and most of them don’t even know, despite working in there every day.  I finally spotted a relevant sign pointing me in the direction I needed to go… followed it for a few corridors before I ended up at the bottom of a stair well with no other signs telling me where to go from there.  ARRGGHH.  

    You end up just forlornly wandering around asking for directions from whoever walks by.  Occasionally you’ll see more people like you, lost in the labyrinth… how old people manage I have no idea, I’m convinced half of them go in and never find their way back out.


    • Like 1
  4. I don't think you can go far wrong in looking at what Southgate has done with England as an example to follow.

    In a bizarre way he was in a similar position to the one in which we find ourselves -  one where he had to turn to youth and completely rebuild the side.  He (or rather we as a footballing nation) had to do it, to set about a change and safeguard the future success of our national team, rather than to comply with financial restrictions,  never-the-less it still bears uncanny similarity.  You would never have imagined him dropping all the big, experienced names that he has done, but look at us now! 

    I even look at the system he's playing now and I think it could work for us.  I mean it really looks great with the squad we have now... 

    ----------------------------- Kodjia -----------------------

    ------------------------ Green ----------------------------

    ---------------- Grealish ------ Hourihane ---------

    Clark ---------------- Lansbury -------------- Bree

    ------- Tuanzebe -- Jedinak -- Chester -------

    ---------------------------- Steer --------------------------


    Green could be adapted to play a support Striker role in the same way Sterling has.

    Lansbury despite being a bit part player last season, is actually not a bad Championship version of Henderson.  He's got that deep playmaker ability in his locker.

    Tuanzebe is the only addition to the squad (which I think there's more than a good chance of happening) and both him and Chester as ball playing CBs supported by Jedi moving back to a central defensive role could balance very nicely.

    Mitch Clark may not be ready to start straight away, but I think him and Bree should be developed and given opportunity to become our future wing-backs.  Hutton and Elmo doubtlessly sharing game time with them.

    Now I know Grealish, Chester and Kodjia are likely to go - shame considering they fit the system perfectly but... The second string to that formation shows that there are still ways to make it work and still be able to sell on the likes of Adomah, Hogan, Taylor, Gardener, Whelan and Lyden.  Personally if we do sell the 3 crown jewels then I'd hope we'd be able to invest some back in trying to bring in a little bit more quality in the CAM positions and a decent, ball playing central defender.


    ----------------------------- Davis -----------------------

    ------------------------ RHM ----------------------------

    ---------------- McKirdy ------ O'Hare --------------

    Hutton ----------------- Thor----------------- Elmo

    --------- Suliman -- Elphick -- De Laet----------

    ---------------------------- Sarkic ------------------------

  5. Makes you wonder, when you look at some of the beautiful looking shirt designs created by fans online... Then you look at this dogs dinner.

    How have they got it so wrong? 

    I'm dreading the potential abomination coming on Monday.

  6. Airport security - more specifically the people going through it.  I've probably had to take about 10 flights in the last few months due to work (and one holiday) and the amount of morons who don't seem to be able to understand the simple premise of NO LIQUIDS is staggering!!  My bag regularly gets picked out because I take a lot of electronic equipment in my hand-luggage (work apparatus which i don't trust to put in the hold) so i often have to queue up with these burbs!  Across this busy period I've encountered the following...

    • A woman who packed 5 (five) boxes of perfume in her hand luggage and thought because they were unopened they would be allowed.
    • A man carrying a backpack which when they opened it just contained bags upon bags of walkers crisps and 3 chocolate milkshakes.
    • Another woman who literally had dozens of bottles, be it make-up remover, mouthwash, shampoo... they had to completely empty her scruffily packed mini-suitcase all over the counter top.  She had hairspray cans rolled up in her knickers!!!  Every time they found one she'd go "oh yeah I forgot about that" in the dumbest voice you've ever heard!
    • A guy who swore blind he had nothing in his bag, ranted for 20 minutes until his case was picked to be inspected, only for them to find an XL bottle of head and shoulders in there!
    • Finally the best one, a very fit young blonde girl who, when they opened up her bag and picked out a bottle of lubricant, nearly died of embarrassment.  Turns out it was for her boyfriends hair clippers, but by the time she'd realised and explained, she'd already gone a very deep shade of red.  The security guy who did the inspection had a grin on his face like he'd won the lottery when he first found it!  

    I think they should impose some sort of moron rule for people like this, one where your passport gets stamped with some sort of appropriate emoji like this: ?.  Three stamps and you have to go into a special queue which takes 5 times as long.



    • Haha 2
  7. Sacking Round has no consequences.  Any summer transfer targets (if we can make any) will have already been discussed.

    Sacking Bruce - whether you want him or not - would be suicide.

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  8. 1 minute ago, hippo said:

    In relative terms I don't think he was well paid. Although he had a grand title he wasn't that senior a figure at the club - he was a glorified coaching advisor.

    I'm more bothered that we had to listen to all that Villa Engine bollox for so long, when all he was seemingly doing was playing solitaire and letting Bruce sign whoever he liked.

  9. Did nothing, got paid well for it.

    Very damaging appointment when you think we could have gotten someone in with half a clue instead and be 2 years down the line of a proper plan by now.

  10. 1 minute ago, Rob182 said:

    If the reports are true then we surely need to shift players. Even if that means we sell them for a cut price and commit to paying them a small amount of weekly wages until the end of their current contract (to make up for potentially lower wages that other clubs could offer). As long as the new players we bring in, plus any other outgoings, work out at a lower weekly wage spend than we currently have, then we'll still have to do it. If the alternative is simply not paying bills/ wages and going into administration, then some players will need to be shifted.

    Don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying but...

    Firstly I don't think we're on the brink of administration.  Whilst I'll freely admit that I could be wrong, I think we'd have been sold on by now if that were the case.  Tony playing hard ball with bidders (if true) makes me think he must have found the means with which to pay the bills for a little while longer yet.

    My hunch is that he'll play it cool until the end of the summer transfer window (unless we get sold in the meantime) and see where we are before selling on the cheap/subsidising wages of outgoing players.  If someone comes in with decent money for Grealish and possibly Chester then his problems are solved, if not he's got January to do the whole fire-sale thing.

    Also I think a lot of clubs are hovering over us like the proverbial vultures,  hoping we get desperate and do exactly what you're suggesting we do.  Come the end of the window and we've hopefully survived, we'll be in a much better selling position.  Who knows, we might even be able to offload a few of our unwanted, high earners for a half decent fee ? madly optimistic I know, but not beyond the realms of impossibility.

    • Like 4
  11. Just now, sir_gary_cahill said:

    Don’t forget we have Sarkic too

    No I haven't SGC, it's just that I can't imagine Bruce turning to him over Bunn.

    What's your thoughts, is he ready to be a no.2 yet or does he need a bit of time on loan in the lower leagues?

  12. Steer is solid enough, it's just his injury record which concerns me - especially given that Bunn will likely deputise ?

    Johnstone isn't a massive loss for me.  Good championship keeper, but lets not forget he played behind arguably the two best centre backs in the league last season.  He's a fine shot stopper, but there's plenty like that.  He's still looked suspect coming for crosses and his distribution was poor.

    • Like 3
  13. 1 minute ago, Rob182 said:

    Admittedly I don't know anything about David McGoldblum or whatever he's called, but if our financial situation is as bad as reported, then we will need to settle for average players on low wages. If the alternative is relying on our youngsters, it could cost us if they don't perform as we all hope.

    Thing is Rob I just don't see us shifting all the current average players we have on high wages, so adding to them, regardless of the cost just isn't sensible - unless it's in a position where we're pretty desperate.

  14. 3 minutes ago, sir_gary_cahill said:

    You wouldn’t even take him on a free?

    I know we need to bolster the squad, but would I take an average, 30 year old, injury prone player at a position we currently have plenty of depth in?  No.


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  15. 1 minute ago, Jareth said:

    He's off, and I wouldn't be surprised that the news is timed for the change of ownership which seems impending...

    Do you think it'd happen at the same time though Jareth? 

    This is the eternal optimist in me speaking but surely if a sale is going through - which it looks like it is, all transfers would be on hold until it goes through no?

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