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Posts posted by Stephen_Evans

  1. 14 hours ago, sexbelowsound said:


    It wasn't a last minute fashion choice. 

    But that’s the thing, the fixtures came out last June so quite a bit of time to plan for some blue shorts.  We could have used last year’s.

    I also found it irritating that the U23s had to wear all black against Swansea in the Premier League Cup final.  (Same at Ipswich and Sheffield Wednesday away  in the Championship, neither of whom wore their away kit at our home ground.)

    Stick some blue shorts with the rest of the home kit and then we look like Villa.  Though personally I have never been unable to understand the problem with both teams wearing the same colour shorts.

  2. 2 hours ago, Hev said:


    Before the game on Sunday, I noticed the lovely new replacement banner on the North Stand and then, on looking further,  noticed that whilst it looks great with the Badge added at either end, unfortunately, there appear to be a couple of errors ?   The correct wording is, I believe, "Shaw, Williams, prepared to venture down the left. There's a good ball in for Tony Morley" . . . etc but the banner says  Williams prepared to adventure down the left.  There's a goodball in . . .

    Pedantic of me I guess but it's a shame, especially as the commentary is so iconic .  Still onwards and upwards



    Best not read the programme too often.  It's a pedant's nightmare!

  3. If the season ends well as we all hope, and the club release a DVD, please can there be a DVD menu option to turn off the commentary.  The commentary for the Blues highlights on the website, by way of example, is so annoying and the sound mixing suppresses the noise of the crowd. 

  4. Can they get Rob Bishop to name his price for editing the programme again? I’m afraid the last two editors lack the number one quality required of an editor - attention to detail.  There are so many mistakes, week after week.

    Secondly, the visual design itself is excellent, but in terms of actual content, there was more quality (and probably a higher word count) in the mid-90s 32 page editions then in the current 84 page version.

    • Like 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    That's the agenda for the meeting next week - if there's anything pressing that you feel is missing from it, please let us know.

    (Pardon the strange numbering - I'm having formatting trouble)


    I would quite like my point about the match day programme put forward.  The standard has been genuinely awful in the last couple of years.  See previous page for details.

  6. 2 hours ago, tismyk said:

    Arsenal will never change their traditional  home strip and neither should we, if you want something different there's always TJMaxx

    Exactly, no club has protected their visual identity better than Arsenal.  Even down to things like never pairing their home shirt with anything other than their white home shorts.

    • Like 1
  7. I appreciate this is well down the Club's priority list, but as a long-time collector of the Villa News and Record programme, I have to say standards have dropped alarmingly in the past few years.  I spot dozens of mistakes every game: grammar, facts, typos etc.  Plus the general tone has become increasingly dumbed-down.  The graphic design and photography remains excellent, in fairness.  But when I compare the content with only a few years back, particularly when Rob Bishop was editor, the decline is very obvious.

    Tom Otrebski is (I presume) being paid to edit the programme.  It's time he stepped up the quality and the standards or made way for a proper editor/journalist.

    This may sound harsh, but having read 30 years' worth of Villa programmes, I do feel something needs to be done to protect an historic and formerly world-beating publication.

    • Like 4
  8. 42 minutes ago, villa4europe said:


    the pitch is being lowered in the summer

    Tell us more!  Do you know why they are doing it?  Are they looking to increase capacity by building downwards, like at the Nou Camp many years ago?

  9. When we went with Henson (86/87) Ellis had built them up to be the next Adidas effectively, they came out with a kit that whilst on first viewing was horrific, it had a certain edge to it.

    Look at it now, it's iconic, same as that Muller 94 away top

    Macron could have been next but this kit is too vanilla

    Shame, real shame

    That Henson kit is certainly iconic. It symbolises the (thankfully temporary) trashing of a proud and classy football club. And worse was to come with Hummel (well at least the first Hummel kit had a badge on it!)

    Exactly, what is wrong with vanilla? I totally respect everyone's right to have an opinion. I just struggle to relate to this view that the basic Villa kit template is somehow boring.

    Claret-body-blue-sleeves-white-shorts moves and inspires me, I think of many great Villa players to have worn it and how the design has stood the test of time and provides continuity. On a match day, when the players take their positions ready for kick-off, I love to think that this is exactly how it all looked 100 years ago.

    Villa's traditional kit is the classiest football kit ever invented, it really is. I worry that Villa fans don't realise how lucky we are!

  10. A claret-body-blue-sleeves-white-shorts Villa kit can never, by definition, be the worst Villa kit ever. That honour should be fought over by the years 1969-70, 1983-89, 1993-95, 1999-2000 and 2001-2002.
    *braces for ridicule* I love the Hummel half 'n' half pinstripe and the Asics tops. :oops:

    That is certainly fair enough. But they were not Aston Villa kits just because an Aston Villa team wore them. I see video footage of that era and I cringe at the crass and unnecessary betrayal of our history. It was just so small-time. Only six years after Rotterdam too, what the heck were the people in charge thinking?

    Similarly with the Asics kit. I watch that Wembley final against Manchester United and wish that such a glorious performance was preserved for posterity with us wearing a proper Villa shirt, like we had only the year before.

  11. A couple of points to add to the discussion:

    1. It does not look like a West Ham kit. In fact, a Villa kit never looks like a West Ham kit. That's because they stole it from us, not the other way round. We started it, it's ours. Stop worrying about them.

    2. A claret-body-blue-sleeves-white-shorts Villa kit can never, by definition, be the worst Villa kit ever. That honour should be fought over by the years 1969-70, 1983-89, 1993-95, 1999-2000 and 2001-2002. Even though Villa played in those kits, they were not 'Villa kits'. If you get my drift.

  12. Ellis would never have allowed us to become the laughing stock we are now.

    Obviously I mean no disrespect to the person who posted this, but what exactly were we when we held up the entire division in 1987 (finishing bottom)?

    Here’s another reason why I dislike Ellis. How DARE he send Villa out wearing such utter rubbish:


  13. the idea was it would make us more recognisable from the other claret and blue teams when selling ourselves brand abroad.

    My personal view is that Aston Villa is the premier claret-and-blue team in the world. Let the other claret-and-blue teams worry about distinguishing themselves from us!

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