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Posts posted by danceoftheshamen

  1. I cannot understand why the club simply cant say to Downing and other clubs he is not for sale. Tottenham have done it with Modric. If he stays and dos'nt perform, he dont get played. Things need to change, we are where we are because we keep selling our best players, the board are the only ones who can stop this.

    Liverpool think they can get Downing for around 12-15 mil. We had better stick with 20+ if we have to sell.

    If we still had Young, Milner, Barry, we would have a good squad built around these players and for me be boardering champions league football for sure.

    A big problem with our best players going is not loosing the player, its having to build the squad back up without that player. If it continues to happen we will be heading nowhere.

    It has to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Too right.. It is for me the single biggest reason why we never quite make that leap between top 4 & the rest... We don't buy quickly enough as in if we need 5 players to make that leap we buy 3 so we just miss out.. then a couple leave the following season & we don't replace the Barry or Milner or Young etc putting us back to needeing 5 players again.. so we buy 3 etc etc etc & we end up not making any progress. You have to wonder why at some point we don't say to the Ashley Young of that year "Sorry but your gonna have to stay another year " then buy in the other 4 players needed & make the leap when it then doesn't matter if Young stayed or not as we would be in the Champs League anyhow so would be able to then attract top players.. you never know he may even then decide to sign a new contract!..

    Obviously it's more complicated than that of course & is no doubt all about the cost involved but it's still flippin frustrating.

  2. Spurs and Liverpool approached him in the January window prior to his move to us however would not touch him when he had a broken foot.

    Oh right it gets better :lol: So it was a kind of "let Villa pay for your recovery then when your back fit shove in a transfer request & we'll come & get you"?

    Unbelievable the levels some will sink too. If i was Randy i'd say "your staying put sunshine! You owe us & the fans here at least another season & if you don't like it you shouldn't have come here, signed a contract & then tried to take the p**s.. Now put your boots on & start running mother f****er"

  3. I was being sarcastic, he kept making out their policies have changed with the new board and blamed the old board and Benitez for the Barry saga.

    I did catch the sarcasm Maradona :winkold: My mass hysteria was aimed at Redman :lol:

    Incredible to think the guy actually believes that probably too :lol:

  4. Well my view is that he signed a contract here.. We stood by him & paid for his recuperation after a serious injury & to simply want out just because flippin Liverpool have tapped him up (suprise suprise remembering the disgraceful Barry tapping up thing & the timing of it when we were pushing for Europe & etc) when they are not in Europe, Champs League or whatever, is quite frankly about as low as it gets for me. I'm not daft i realise there is no loyalty in football & it's purely all about money & the teams with it get the "rub of the green" etc but even so this crosses the line for me. I know people say "yeah but it's Liverpool" & even though they havn't won anything in years & are not even in Europe they are still a big club etc!!

    I could say exactly the same about another club i know!

  5. Here's Fergies take on it all from the Independent:

    LINK: http://tinyurl.com/5vk6ym9

    Villa fans should learn to love McLeish – Ferguson

    By Phil Shaw

    Friday, 17 June 2011

    Sir Alex Ferguson has urged Villa fans to back Alex McLeish when he becomes their new manager

    Sir Alex Ferguson last night pitched into the furore over Alex McLeish's imminent arrival as Aston Villa manager, urging Villa supporters to set aside their misgivings over his previous association with Birmingham City and get behind him.

    Ferguson, who as Aberdeen manager oversaw McLeish's development into an outstanding defender for club and country, expressed confidence that his fellow Glaswegian would win over the doubters who have demonstrated against reports of his appointment as successor to Gérard Houllier. Hailing McLeish, who is expected to be announced as new Villa manager this morning with Birmingham reportedly receiving £2m compensation, as "conscientious" and "a good communicator", the Manchester United manager said: "I've known Alex since he was 18. He was always intelligent, always inquisitive and always asking questions. These to me are essential ingredients for being a successful manager."

    Ferguson added: "As a player, he was always a leader on the pitch and always worked hard. In all his managerial positions, he has always had to work hard, too. His CV is good. He managed Rangers, he managed Scotland, he won trophies and he's achieved what he has as a manager on limited resources. He's done a phenomenal job. By the time Alex took over at Rangers they weren't spending the kind of money which they previously had, so he did a great job. In all his jobs he's had to deal with that kind of situation of making do with what you have and making the best of it, and that's a quality. Villa represent the same type of challenge."

    The negativity surrounding the pursuit of McLeish by Villa's American owner, Randy Lerner, has startled many who were unaware of the depth of hostility between supporters of Villa and Birmingham, to whom the former emailed his resignation last Sunday. Ferguson insisted clubs had to stand above such parochialism. "If you look back 40 years ago, the emotions of supporters were far different. They're very emotional nowadays and they're more personal about their football club. You see many examples of that, particularly at Villa in the past few days. But as a club, you can't be swayed from the decisions you have to make. You want to listen to the supporters but you want to listen to the sensible ones and say, 'Look at the manager's CV and look at what he's achieved and, for just one minute, forget about the fact he was at Birmingham'.

    "At the end of the day what will count is this: can he do the job for Villa? It doesn't matter whether there are five against him, 50 against him or 500 against him, because the experience and the ability he has got, believe me, he will prove he can do the job. And that's what it's all about.

    "Once the fans are confronted by the reality that he's the manager, they will step back and say, 'Well, we've made our complaints and voiced our opinion, let's see what happens next and give the man his chance'. There are some good players at Villa and overall it's a really good set-up. It takes time to get a manager to get what you want out of your team and the Villa fans need to give him time.

  6. I'm not talking about me, but some fans struggle to buy ST's, they should be allowed to cheer, boo or whatever in my opinion

    My word.

    Can you not see its these 'fans' who boo the team that destroyed our season last year?? Now theyre probably the same fans who want Houllier back!! Unbelievable!

    Add to that the fans kicking and screaming over Martinez and McClaren being appointed, its no wonder Randy is saying '**** it' im gonna get WHO I THINK IS THE BEST MAN FOR THE JOB. Im surprised weve even managed to attract aq manager AT ALL with how the fans are behaving. Embarassing.

    Whether you agree or not (personally, i dont, but hey thats life) at the end of the day this is Villa and we shouldnt be booing them.

    What players will sign for us if there booing at the ground every other week? NONE. THATS RIGHT! Nobody will want to play for us, and its **** all to do with McLeish...its the fans

    Have to say i agree with you Stu here... This "booing " thing is actually getting really boring now.. May as well give everyone a little cuddly bear on the way into the ground & when something happens like a substitution is made which they, being more knowledgeable than the manager of course, disagree with they can throw it out onto the pitch 5 year old stylee. .. But seriously this "i can boo if i want i pays me money" attitude is seriously damaging.. It bemuses me why people are so startled at the level of manager we can evidently attract here because i guarantee that any top proffessional leader would be well aware that it is an impossibility to achieve greatness with negativity in the ranks .. They teach that in management trainings etc for goodness sake so someone right at the top wouldn't come near Villa Park as it is sadly, prone to some negativity now & then.

    I guess what i am trying to say is that when you pay your money you do indeed have a choice.. To support the team .. Or to Boo & critisize as you see fit ... though i think it is also important to understand the effects of what you are doing .... Players living in fear of being booed & jumped on or likewise hearing their manager booed etc will perform at a lower level than if they are encouraged & urged on without all the negativity... Other teams are also well aware that we can be "difficult" at times & they play to that which also has an effect.

    Of course we all do it out of frustration, passion & our desire to see Villa do well.. I have done it myself in the heat of the moment in the past too so i know those feelings but what i realised was that it just causes the players heads to drop so now instead i just mutter under my breath or something :lol: We all feel like it sometimes just realize it is 100% affecting the players .. & no not in a good way!

  7. A lot of people are changing their minds about AM already...good to see...we'll have to accept him for the sake of our club.

    If he's a success it'll piss of the bluenoses big time

    Thats actually a very good point! Imagine that moment in time when they realized that with the exact same manager they had, having treated him properly unlike their panel of comedians, we achieved success & played some attractive stuff too? It would be absolutely undeniable proof of the gulf between the two clubs... Lets hope hey?!

  8. Have been thinking about AMs imminent appointment and spoken with my 2 lads tonight. Having started to get used to the idea (we have to), I'm going to renew our 3 STs. Decided that we need to keep supporting the team and to hit the board in the pocket will hurt the club and its potential investment in strengthening the side.

    Logically, Lerner will need to arm AM with a decent transfer kitty to give him every chance of success otherwise the backlash will be immense if he has a bad start to the season. I've met AM and he's a decent guy. I hope fans judge him on his management now and refrain from the personal insults which he certainly does not deserve.

    Most level headed & sensible post i've read today..

    My view is simply that we now have a time issue & due to the state of the current squad we simply have to make a start now & no player would come here with no manager.. My favoured choice was not AM either but for me Hughes is off to Chelsea & this would explain the slience from both him & them plus "he would be welcomed here by the players" comments from John Terry... If there has been any tapping up going on its Chelsea & Hughes.

    As for AM well i am too very concerned about his playing style but wouldn't it be possible for Randy to say "Listen Alex, you can have the job but on the condition you understand that here at Villa we do require a more attractive style than your previous teams?"

    Also i think we are all forgetting that we can always replace him if things don't pan out well enough. I guess i just think that it looks like we are getting him anyhow so lets now turn our attention to what players we need, call a truce & give the guy a chance for the sake of the team if nothing else.. If things don't work out then take a shot on someone like Rikjaard or maybe someone else may be avaliable by then.

    Thing if we want to replace him 12 months down the line .......who does the replacing ? Lerner and Faulkner ? .............we will only be here again - Perhaps discussing Billy Davies & Aidy boothroyd for example.

    Hear what your saying Smetrov loud & clear.. you would i suppose have to hope that if that does happen Randy will have learned some big lessons & will sack his current advisors or something :? Then realise it needs to be done different... It could of course bite everyone on the arse however & we come out playing like Barcelona & win the League? :| ............Ok no it couldn't :lol:

  9. Have been thinking about AMs imminent appointment and spoken with my 2 lads tonight. Having started to get used to the idea (we have to), I'm going to renew our 3 STs. Decided that we need to keep supporting the team and to hit the board in the pocket will hurt the club and its potential investment in strengthening the side.

    Logically, Lerner will need to arm AM with a decent transfer kitty to give him every chance of success otherwise the backlash will be immense if he has a bad start to the season. I've met AM and he's a decent guy. I hope fans judge him on his management now and refrain from the personal insults which he certainly does not deserve.

    Most level headed & sensible post i've read today..

    My view is simply that we now have a time issue & due to the state of the current squad we simply have to make a start now & no player would come here with no manager.. My favoured choice was not AM either but for me Hughes is off to Chelsea & this would explain the slience from both him & them plus "he would be welcomed here by the players" comments from John Terry... If there has been any tapping up going on its Chelsea & Hughes.

    As for AM well i am too very concerned about his playing style but wouldn't it be possible for Randy to say "Listen Alex, you can have the job but on the condition you understand that here at Villa we do require a more attractive style than your previous teams?"

    Also i think we are all forgetting that we can always replace him if things don't pan out well enough. I guess i just think that it looks like we are getting him anyhow so lets now turn our attention to what players we need, call a truce & give the guy a chance for the sake of the team if nothing else.. If things don't work out then take a shot on someone like Rikjaard or maybe someone else may be avaliable by then.

  10. I think we'll interview him

    I don't think we'll appoint him

    I think this statement is an attempt to show the rest of the world that the board are in charge rather than the 'Lord of the Flies' supporters populating the forums

    Well that itself would be bizarre and so far has managed to cause more bad press.

    The press are all over us atm regarding bad stuff. The next big negative is the Downing to leave story, which is already starting to gather some pace. They are ripping the club appart.

    They are? .......... Or we are?

  11. Can we have a simple poll on this? Just a 'Do you want Alex Mcleish as manager? Yes/No'

    Would be interesting to see the results.

    Interesting how??

    Its quite clear that the more balanced supporters are going to be drowned out by the boo boys

    Agreed! Tell you what is it possible to display someones age next to each post too? Think that might reveal some truths too somehow :lol:

  12. Part of me still thinks that no decision has been reached yet.. It's like the club have:

    1. Made up a preliminary list.

    2. Gone through proper channels & asked for permission to speak with those on said list.

    3. Some were simply not interested or avaliable for whatever reason (Ancelotti who may or may not have a 12 month tie in his Chelsea contract hence 12 months off & Hughes who just coincidentaly left Fulham)

    4. Then had preliminary discussions, as in a general meeting to see if there was interest & a basic blueprint of what was on offer from the club / wanted by the prospective manager, with all those already avaliable (Benitez, McClaren) from that list.

    5. Had to wait on others i.e. Martinez for permission to be granted before this "chat" could take place & some were given permission, some not or unknown (Moyes, McCleish, Coyle & maybe a few we are not aware of?).

    6. After discounting the unrealistic demands of some (Benitez) & disinterest of others (Martinez) they then draw up a proper short list for full interview.

    7. Then McCleish decides to make a break from Blues probably down to behind the scenes stuff we are not yet aware of hence the constructive dismissal stuff we are hearing rumours of & GK's "patronising" letter after he heard about this poor treatment?!... McCleish then says he is willing to talk to Villa.

    8. Now the short list for full on talks is complete.

    McCleish (who is the only one we are really aware of due to events) & maybe 1 or 2 others who we are not aware of?

    Hence the delay & lack of any announcement plus this ties in with comments from the general as to no decision has been made yet etc.

    Thinking about it Hughes could indeed still be on that list.

  13. Looks like we can discount Coyle


    Bolton Wanderers boss Owen Coyle not interested in Aston Villa post According to reports, the vacant Aston Villa job does not interest Bolton Wanderers boss Owen Coyle.

    The Daily Star claims Coyle is less than enamoured at being a fall-back option for Villa who are searching for a new manager after the resignation of Gerard Houllier.

    It is understood that both Coyle and Everton boss are on the list of targets drawn up by Villa owner Randy Lerner.

    It is believed that Moyes is also not interested as he considers Villa to be a selling club.

    Villa reckoned they had landed their man when they approached Wigan Athletic manager Roberto Martinez last week.

    However, the Spaniard chose to stay and finish the job he had started at the DW Stadium.


  14. Looks like we can discount Coyle


    Bolton Wanderers boss Owen Coyle not interested in Aston Villa post According to reports, the vacant Aston Villa job does not interest Bolton Wanderers boss Owen Coyle.

    The Daily Star claims Coyle is less than enamoured at being a fall-back option for Villa who are searching for a new manager after the resignation of Gerard Houllier.

    It is understood that both Coyle and Everton boss are on the list of targets drawn up by Villa owner Randy Lerner.

    It is believed that Moyes is also not interested as he considers Villa to be a selling club.

    Villa reckoned they had landed their man when they approached Wigan Athletic manager Roberto Martinez last week.

    However, the Spaniard chose to stay and finish the job he had started at the DW Stadium.


  15. If thats the choice of Randy & the board then i trust the decision... Don't forget folks if it doesn't work they can always get someone else in. I can't blame McCleish for seeing the light nor can i blame Randy for deciding on him if he is the best avaliable candidate willing to come here.

    I too will be there.

  16. Is there a protest tomorrow? And how many of you would attend if there was?

    Not me.. I trust the board why would i think i knew better than them & their advisors? Also why would i want to contribute to dragging the clubs name through the dirt even more than it already had been this week? The new season is fast approaching & i would like a manager in place with time to make some new signings.

  17. Well i think he could do a good job too actually.. because our main weakness is our defence which is his strength!

    Yes Sha got relegated twice under him, last season primarily due to a bizarre season which we ourselves very nearly got relegated in too don't forget..

    As for the negative & defensive playing style well he stated once before that he would prefer to play a much more attacking style though was restricted by the playing staff at his disposal...Sha's strength was their superb defence which he lost for the crucial run in hence the poor run of results. I don't believe if he did get the job here he would play that way as we have a much better squad & he would have more cash to spend here too you would hope..Our weakness is defence & well who better to sort that out? Also with our forward line he wouldn't have to be so defensive.

    But imagine our attacking ability with a defence as strong as a McCleish defence!

    Also no mention of all of his huge trophy haul as Rangers manager either?! Not saying he is my preferred choice but i do trust the board so hey..

    I can of course understand the uncomfortable feelings toward this appointment should it happen & am just trying to view it in a fair & balanced way & to do so we surely have to recognise his acheivements as well as his failures?

    Anyway here are the details of his career/achievments just so we have the facts.

    Alexander "Alex" McLeish (born 21 January 1959), is a Scottish former professional footballer and manager. Born in Barrhead, Renfrewshire, McLeish played as a central defender for Aberdeen during their 1980s glory years, making nearly 500 League appearances for the club, and won 77 caps for Scotland.

    He started his managerial career with spells at Motherwell and Hibernian, before guiding Rangers to two championships and five cup wins in five years. McLeish spent ten months as manager of the Scotland national team which narrowly failed to qualify for the finals of the 2008 UEFA European championship. He then resigned this post in November 2007 to become manager of Birmingham City, who were in the English Premier League at the time. Though Birmingham were relegated at the end of the season, McLeish guided them back to the Premier League in 2009, a ninth-place finish in 2010, and victory in the 2011 League Cup final, before they were relegated once more at the end of the 2010-11 season.

    We as fans have to be careful now as we have apparently already put the board off signing Steve Maclaren & are well on the way to doing the same with McCleish... You have to ask if lets say Moyes & Hughes were not in the picture as it is becoming increasingly apparent that they are not... Then we are fast running out of options are we not? We could end up cutting our noses off (no punn intended) to spite our faces.

    If i remember correctly a certain Ron Saunders left the Champions of England to then go down the road & get Sha relegated?!

    How bizarre if many years later the Sha manager having just been relegated left to go up the road to Villa who then become champions for the 1st time since those days :lol:

    I know ridiculous but stranger things have happened.

  18. I have a feeling it is going to be Hughes.

    I don't buy into the rumours Randy was put off because he quit Fulham, and where did that come from anyway? Someone from twitter no doubt, and everyone has run with it because of RL's well publicised way of doing business. My understanding is he (Hughes) only had a 1 year contract that runs out at the end of the month and chose not to renew it.

    My bet is Hughes is a done deal and is drawing up a list of transfers as we speak, ready for a splurge on 2nd July.

    If this week goes without any action (or Moyes being taken out of the running) I think it'll be a long wait until we do employ Hughes.

    However, there is this constant chat about Hughes/Hiddink being the Chelsea team, which is possible in my eyes.

    The General has said on villatalk "the new manager would be announced in the next week or two" that was 2 days ago, add 14 days to 11and you get the 25th June at the latest. If we can't announce Hughes until the 1st July then it cant be him.

    Yeah but "a week or 2" is a pretty vague way of describing it & it would take us to within a few days so one more delaying comment at that point (Saturday 25th June) along the lines of "We should be hearing something by Friday this week" & thats all it would take! Friday being the 1st of July of course!

  19. I have a feeling it is going to be Hughes.

    I don't buy into the rumours Randy was put off because he quit Fulham, and where did that come from anyway? Someone from twitter no doubt, and everyone has run with it because of RL's well publicised way of doing business. My understanding is he (Hughes) only had a 1 year contract that runs out at the end of the month and chose not to renew it.

    My bet is Hughes is a done deal and is drawing up a list of transfers as we speak, ready for a splurge on 2nd July.

    Agreed & i would be happy with that ^

  20. The more this goes on the more it's all looking like stalling for Hughes.. It appears all that BS about Moyes, emergency meetings at Everton etc etc is just that ...BS!

    For me it's out of


    2. McCleish

    in that order.

    Have to say it quite hilarious to see how Sha are behaving in similar fashion to their knuckle dragging supporters. What was it? .. oh yeah " i do not take being pushed around" he is a traitor & we will deal with him & anyone else involved" or words to that effect :lol:

    Translated means "We are a bunch of bully's & you crossed us so we are gonna do ya! & ya mates"

    It really is right down to the core at that place is it not!

    Anyways GT has point with regards to we need to get a flippin move on... Have you seen the state of the squad? :shock: We need half a 1st team & 2nd team. What with Young off, Carew gone, Warnock apparently off, Kyle Walker gone or going back to Spurs, Reo Coker gone Downing doubtfull etc etc

    All the other clubs are already making moves & we havn't even started looking yet! Not quite panicking yet but we need to act very soon for me.

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