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Posts posted by norton65ca

  1. Good lord, the grammar is appalling!!!! I can't believe it. I know I'm an older fellow here, but come on, at least attempt to use the language in the manner in which it was intended to be used.

    I had a thought that some of the comments about our so-called "closest rivals" were a bit over the top and exaggerated, but I now realize that these neanderthals are for real. (Living where I do I NEVER come across a bluenose, although I did see a sticker on a van once a while back) Good grief, I'm READING this and my ears are getting irritated from the offensive nature of this brutalization of the most beautiful language man has ever come up with.

    What a terrible little club.

  2. How d'you feel about a 46 yr old Canadian ex glory hunting Leeds fan back in the 70s, born in Bournemouth, now Villan for four years? Never been to Villa Park, hopeful for 2011. We'll see.

    cheers, Gary

    Never, never have I ever supported Mancs, L'pool or Le Arse. NEVER.

    Welcome to the Colonial Villans club mate. Only been to VP once myself :oops:

    Thanks man! Couldn't ask to be a member of a more stellar club. UTV!!!! twenty mins to go by Canuck time....working with a minimised window on VT, no streaming allowed on pain of sacking :-(

  3. easy question, if we get there, who'd d'you rather play against, the untested but apparently rampant and rich blue mancs, or the slightly under performing but never to be underestimated red mancs...

    as for me, I think I'd like to see us go up against the blue side, to give Dunne a chance to demonstrate why Abu Dhabi FC should never have sold him, and because two wins against the current reigning champs in one season might be a little bit of a big ask...


    cheers, Gary

  4. I agree with some of the sentiments here after this difficult loss, but I stand by my contention that the dreadful playing conditions had a huge bearing on the quality of play overall and the difficulty in making what might be straightforward touches in the snow. I saw plenty of effort and some very bright moments but all in all it was a poor game on both sides and I attribute that mainly to the soggy slippery state of the filed of play.

    But no, we don't have Fernando Torres in our squad...

  5. Just switched off the iraqgoals stream i was watching, I came away with the impression of a lot of very hard work under atrocious conditions, I thought we did very well in spots but the finishing wasn't there, but the snow and rain had a big part to play in a game such as this evenings. The mistake that led to L'pools possession which in turn led to the goal was an awful blunder, but Torres is class. Definitely robbed though overall, we deserved something, they weren't all that and we had em in the midfield for a lot of the game.

    cheers, Gary

  6. very sad, very sad indeed. You see though, from things such as this, that these so-called "Rivals", or at the very least their fans, deserve little more than pity. The club is simply just another club without any class or heritage, but their fans, well, that one particular post basically says it all. My word, what are the schools like in those areas? Good grief.


  7. The Blooz are our crosstown rivals, to be despised as they so rightfully deserve, but when it comes to them vs a LEAGUE TABLE rival (ie: Spurtz, Citeh, Arsenal etc), then it is always the case that the interests of The Villa come first. Personally, I care not where they land, premiership survival or relegation means little to me, the fortunes of MY club, The Aston Villa FC, is of paramount importance and all other rivalries are of only secondary interest.

    If we play them, then I hope we smash them to bits, it they play another team which is challenging our place in the league, then the other side must lose.

    There is also a part of me which desires all Midlands clubs to do reasonably well, so we get more derbies.

    But it's Villa all the way with me, these no counts stir me not a whit. I actually dislike Manure and Plop much more than blues, but I live a long way away from Brum.

    cheers, Gary

  8. you know, truth be told, many of the so-called mistakes, with the benefit of hindsight, can now be viewed in a very different light. Signings such as Marlon, Routledge and so on may be seen now as "temps", fellows who were brought in to do a job , with a long term view of development ongoing over a period of a few seasons. The thing iss, it would appear that MON had in mind a number of candidates for his planned team for quite some time, in fact it may be that his targets din't change much at all, it was simply a a matter of them becoming available, and the need for filler, decent players that could be counted on until the last pieces of the jigsaw were in place, explains the signings that were less than what most fans thought to be suitable.. Many fans thought at the end of last season that we had missed our best chance ever to move on, and now it would appear that we are in a better position now than we were then, with a more well rounded squad and defence in depth. I think the Barry saga was a dissapointment for MON, but he has proved himself to be resilient and flexible, as well as a brilliant man manager in (esp. in comparison to the man management of one of our nearest rivals currently, the luckless Mr Hughes...

    cheers, Gary

  9. I'd say his biggest mistake was agreeing to manage a club who's fans question what his biggest mistake was at a time when the club is riding high and are in the semi-finals of a cup.....that for me would be his biggest mistake.
    Hmm. In his 3 and a half years at the club he's yet to achieve anything of note yet. So where the hell do you get the dont deserve him nonsense from?.

    If you think he "he hasn't achieved anything" then you and I must have supported two very different clubs over the past few years........

    By Jove, I think you've got it!

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