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Posts posted by norton65ca

  1. How to get as far as possible with no money what-so-ever.

    1984. Hitch hiked from San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Mexico to Victoria BC Canada without a dime, 20 yrs old, after having been robbed of well nigh everything, amazing stories I could bore you with of incredible hospitality and generosity on the part of local folk and the unusual situations I found myself in. took 4 1/2 weeks to make the trip. That's my record.

    by the way, some truckers are very good people indeed

  2. On the lighter side: How many people have been out for a pint tonight? took the dog for a walk as normal at 10pm, walked into the local (village pub) and was greeted by no less than 9 customers and one sexy barmaid (shit, hope the wife isn't reading my posts on here) for a Friday night that is piss poor, Has anyone else encountered the same?

  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I would be excited by Coyle or Martinez personally. Probably the two most inexperienced, certainly at this level, but it doesn't seem to have harmed Guardiola. I think both of them try to play football in the right way and have done good jobs at their respective clubs (given resources etc.). They could both be here long term and build something special (hopefully).

    McLaren would be my worst nightmare. Can't see any positives except listening to him speak with a Brummie accent after a few months could be quite funny I suppose.

    Hughes. Okay but not inspiring. He has a drab personality and seems a bit petty to me.

    Maybe we should try for Giggsy as player manager - part ex with Ash. On second thoughts he would probably get homesick. I have heard that, whilst he is happy in Manchester, he does Miss Wales occasionally! :crylaugh:

    Well, if she's a real looker, I can't see an issue with that, I have a thing for those celtic lasses myself... pale skin, red hair...mmm

    sorry, I'll get my coat...

  4. hahaha, yeah, what a pasting. ouch. when Luongo's on fire, there's none better, but when he has a bad night, he's feckin' awful. Two of the Chicago losses were pastings. He'll get over it. Bloody difficult to endure though. Ouch.

  5. as a far away fan, I was also looking for a side in each of the major leagues in Europe to watch for, and after picking Villareal in Spain and Freiburg in Germany (spent time there in the eighties before you ask why on earth???) I chose Fiorentina in the serie A. Liked the colours and I didn't want to be a glory hunter so the obvious ones were out (Inter, Milan and Juve)

    just my 2c

  6. get a bunch of the most promising 17 year olds, send them to Barca's academy for two or three years, keep them well away from the prima donnas currently incumbent in the England squad and see what happens. Better than what's currently on offer anyways. Gawd if I never see Terry, Lumpard and Ferdinand in an England shirt again I'll be happy.

    Out with the old, including Cappello. Harry for England.

  7. ...and although I guess I'd fall on the left hand side of things politically, and I abhor the Conservatives under Harper, Don Cherry is a Canadian icon and I'd happily drink an ale with him. Legend. Keep yer head up kid.

  8. what a game. 11 seconds. yeah baby.

    I'm really starting to think the Vancouver Canucks are going to do this. My God, Robson Street's gonna be a mess.

    Go Canucks Go!!!!

  9. also cant see many of their european games getting shown... do they go straight into group stage or do they go into qualifiers?

    Im not looking forward to those sheep ticks running around europe, tarnishing this cities name.

    Luckily, most of them have never seen a map, or have the skills to read one. So with any hope, they will turn up in Libya, or the Pakistani tribal areas 8)

    Having traveled extensively in the NWFP of North western Pakistan, and having been shown a bounty of hospitality by the fine local people there, I can't think it would be at all nice to inflict the inbreds on the locals of Gilgit, Peshawar and Hunza to be honest. Give 'em a break, they've been through a lot...


  10. I opened up the ESPN Soccernet site this morning (west coast of Canada here) and lo and behold, an interview with the Villa manager....

    ...about Liverpool.

    I am appalled. Disgusted.

    I have never posted here on your thread general, I have to be honest, not seen the need thus far as the club has been for the most part, steaming along nicely, and even when Martin left I had high hopes the board knew what they were doing and could find us a suitable replacement, and I have supported the new manager wholeheartedly, right up until this.

    THIS. I will NEVER support a manager who has behaved in this manner towards the fans and the club. To add fuel to the bonfire by simply refusing to say sorry, well, General Krulak, that is the end for me. I do not wish to have any support for a manager who is so obviously a fan of another club, and won't stop talking about it. I never want to hear another feckin word about the reds and GHs time there, I'm sick to death of it to be honest. Enough is enough. A REAL apology is required, he has emphatically lost the fanbase with this stupidity, a 3-0 loss is one thing, to embarrass us all through this passionate love affair with the bin dippers and to display ones affair in public like this is a disgrace I will never forgive.

    Houllier OUT. There, I've said it. Begone Monsieur Houllier, You're not welcome at my club anymore.

  11. Here's a question...

    I posted this earlier but it didn't get responses.

    What if, when DOL left, RL picked Houllier instead of MON?

    I'm really curious what the reactions would have been from Villa fans AT THAT TIME with an appointment like this, considering where we stood under DOL.

    Just remember back, ignore the intervening years under MON, and imagine, immediately post DOL, along comes Houllier to take over.


    cheers, Gary

  12. repost slightly modified since things are now official.

    IF this appointment is what the board of Aston Villa have decided, then I will place my firm support behind their choice. It has obviously been made with a great deal of thought and it has been done by consulting with various skilled and experienced authorities within the game on a number of levels.

    I was extremely disappointed when MON left, it was unexpected and the timing was devastating. It was very clear that because of the poor timing, the "shortlist" of possible replacements would be short indeed. It has become clear that the owners of our club did not want to poach another clubs manager, but did try within the boundaries of decency and without using unethical means to attract other currently working managers (Moyes' contracted club was approached but they rejected that approach firmly as far as we are aware, and the Martin Jol situation was really quite clear and we had little hope from the beginning as far as that was concerned.) I, personally, am happy with this approach, I want my club to be conducting itself with dignity and treating other clubs and their staff with respect.

    I am certain, and have been given no reason to suspect otherwise, that our club has searched and examined many candidates from far and wide. It has become clear that many candidates that were mooted here were either unsuitable when measured up to our expectations and aspirations, they had neither the experience or stature (Curbs?, Brown? KMac?) . On the other hand, it may well be that some candidates had their own expectations or demands that were not in keeping with our LIMITATIONS and a realistic business vision, given the particular circumstances of this current financial climate. (Sven??)

    I really don't see how we can be certain with regard to how the club viewed any possible candidates until or unless the club decided to share their philosophy or methods with us, but to be frank, I rather suspect that information will never be forthcoming. Neither is there much point in debating who might or might not have had a chance to interview. (or for that matter who might never have been given a chance...) Of one thing we can be certain, the process has been challenging and not without some frustration.

    The club has chosen a man with a great deal of experience in other leagues as well as our own, an internationally recognised profile and reputation, he has won titles and cups at a very high level, he could easily be placed in the same bracket as our former manager when his experience and success are considered, and it is arguable that his resume is actually considerably more impressive than that of the enigmatic MON. Yes, the choice might have been Klinsman, it may have been Hiddinck, but it may have also been Curbs or Bradley. I believe we've done well, even landed on our feet, if you like. If the prospective candidate has men he knows within the job that he would like to have as assistants, then he is more than welcome to bring them in as far as I'm concerned, whether they at one time wore the redscouse shirt or not. I would hope that the staff in charge of the team I support would have a professional attitude and conduct their affairs without childish partisanship getting in the way, as is the case, for example, with our own Ashley Young, who is of course not a boyhood Villa fan but a gunner, after all.

    Welcome, Mr Houllier, as it would appear your arrival is imminent, I will trust the clubs decision, not only because

    a) I have little choice

    but also because

    B) I have been given NO REASON not to.

    Up The Villa!

    I am adding this because the points contained within need to be restated. We have really landed on our feet. The more the time goes by after this breaking news, the more happy I have become. I wonder...If, after David O'Leary left, the club had decided that Houllier was the man and went for him instead of O'Neill, I wonder how the fans would have reacted at that time, without MONs tenure spliced in between??

    cheers, Gary

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