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Posts posted by slowandlow

  1. I don't think we're being particularly creative now.

    how many of the 44 chances were clear cut or even half chances? Not many for me.

    admittedly every shot against us does seem to be going in at the minute which makes us look a lot more wasteful, but I don't buy the lots of shots = lots of chances/creativity = good performance line 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

    Against Ipswich their keeper made at least 4 saves in the first 15 minutes

    From memory he made 1 very good save the rest were routine saves that if they had gone in would have been considered howlers

  3. 2 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    Same as under RDM, lots of shot on goal, shit results.


    how many of those shots are actually clear cut or even half chances - not that many

    45 shots or whatever in the last two games and we've forced the goalies into one meaningful save in that period

    the majority of the rest have been speculative at best

  4. I'd like to know who all of bentekes consolation goals came against. Southampton away when we got hammered is the only one I can think of

    most of his goals secured us points or got us back into games

    youre talking out of your Arse on that point

    • Like 1
  5. maybe this has already been discussed or i am missing something obvious but...

    why is Italy versus Spain already set in stone? why have certain group winners already arbitrarily been set to play certain group runners up when other group winners could play any old 3rd place team?

    wouldn't it make more sense to have the best performing group winner playing the worst performing third place team and so on, so that the worst performing group winners ended up playing some second placed teams? This could all be decided after the group games have finished as awhole

    As it is now, you could end up with a situation where Italy get max points from their group but have to play a second place team, when other group winners who have dropped points end up playing third placed teams on a system decided by chance

    as stated i could have missed something obvious in the structure of the tournament, but i cant quite get my head round it

    • Like 1
  6. i think it will be a bit of a non-event compared to previous protests, which undoubtedly benefited from the fact we were getting hammered in both games by the time the protest commenced

    i think its a lot easier to get people to kick off after 74 mins when we're getting smashed again than it is before a game has started

  7. hopefully you're on the wind up about WOBO awards.

    what on earth is it meant to mean? white of black origin awards??? like most subjects, you clearly haven't thought this through have you

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, limpid said:

    The cross City line can't be upgraded as it's at capacity. It can have any rebuilding as there is no room in the timetable to allow any work.

    The chronic underinvestment over many years means that we need HS2 to ease the load and allow this line to be improved. Or we need to do what London is doing and build an entire new line under the city. There are very few other options now.

    I use the Snow Hill line most weekdays and it rarely has any issues. The cross city line is always crap regardless of operator.


    but then some other operators might pay their staff a proper wage (in the context of train drivers) meaning they don't have to cancel or delay nearly 1000 services over a 2 or 3 month period.

    and some other operators might not charge more on the southern section of the cross city line to travel to five ways/university than to new street, despite both stations requiring shorter journeys on the same services.

    I am aware of the infrastructure constraints that the TOC's are subjected to, particularly on the cross city line, but there service has still been p1ss poor imo and the two examples of poor service highlighted above should have been easily avoidable

    • Like 2
  9. London Midland's service on the cross city line has been pretty terrible in my experience as a regular user over the past 8 years (awful delays despite the massaged stats, farcical pricing (e.g. some shorter journeys more expensive than longer journeys on the cross city line, despite all services calling at the same stations), terrible implementation of the leaf fall timetable which saw them reinstating services due to awful planning etc etc etc)

    the franchise is up this year i think, or at least there are consultations going  on in the early part of this year

  10. 4 hours ago, Keyblade said:

    Were Bradford seriously in League 2? HqJCjZa.png

    Yep, which is why losing to them over 2 legs was more shameful than the other abysmal defeats that Lambert and others have presided over across the last 5/6 years

    • Like 2
  11. Just read that clown's article in the Mail.


    God I really f'kin hate that bloke. 

    Comon Villa, I want Savage in tears tonight! 

    Still love Dublin for the headbutt.

    Not sure I've ever met a Villa fan that doesn't. "Twisted" Villa fans, lol

    i don't - he cost us any chance of getting anything out of the game

    so if you're going to do that, he should have at least landed a proper headbutt rather than dropping the world's worst headbutt on him

  12. the current villa reporter is a complete mug - another Albion fan who constantly has digs about the club and its fans

    why anyone buys the rag is beyond me, although they might not be able to much longer if its circulation keeps going through the floor (down to c. 25k in 2014, 25% down on previous year apparently, compared to 60-70k for the Liverpool and Manc papers)



    As mentioned the doctor knew the manager

    Not relevant. As I said the patient may have seen other GPs at the practice. Also, the doctor shouldn't reveal information to someone just because they claim they are someone's manager. The relationship between the doctor and the manager is not relevant.


    I'd have thought once any medical history is not disclosed....ie the bad dose of herpes she had it would have been fine

    Medical history isn't the issue here. Personal information is. I don't know what the Irish implementation of the Data Directive is called, but you can't reveal this kind of information without a much higher degree of trust than was demonstrated by the GP.


    The employee would need to consent (probably in writing) and the manager would need to make the request formally (also in writing). If there isn't an existing trust relationship (which there is here) then I'd also expect the GP or their admins to call the requestor and the patient before revealing any information.



    How does a GP know who you work for or that the person calling is in fact that employer?

    Do you give out information when someone you don't know calls you?

    Can the receptionist get struck off as well?

    If so, I could just call your GP and say "Hi, I'm Mr Limpid and I have an appointment booked this week, but I can't remember when... can you confirm when it is please?"

    IF she/he confirms... receptionist sacked.

    What would a receptionist be struck off from? How is acknowledging the existence of a possible future event revealing personal information?


    If either of you worked for me, you'd be booked on a phishing awareness course by the end of the day :)



    I bet they're devastated they don't I know I am

  14. It's all a bit of a nonsense though as not many people qualify in the top couple of categories and many of those that do choose to wait to purchase with mates who qualify further down - hence the reports of very few tickets being sold early doors for the semi and the phone lines/queues being chocka later on.

  15. All ST' holders will get one so not sure why any ST holders are panicking.


    Also not sure why when we have less ST holders than tickets available they need to mess around with loyalty based on 10+ seasons, 5+ seasons etc, particularly when there is no apparent advantage to buying early rather than late in a particular window. I would understand it if the number of ST holders outweighed tickets available.

    • Like 1
  16. If that is the case and is a proper policy they need to publicise it.


    Similar to the re-assigning of tickets - it appears to be done at the discretion of the person you deal with as opposed to a proper policy one way or the other.


    All a bit of a shambles.

  17. As many pointed out at the time they announced the criteria etc, they have made a right mess of distributing the tickets.


    Can see them having to allow ST's to buy additional tickets on a first-come first-served basis in order to achieve a sell-out.

  18. **** on a level wIth carbone I've heard it all now

    Behind dublin hahaha

    After his first season I would have been pissed off of he left; now he has kept us up 2 years out of 3 and will (hopefully) Win us the fa cup I wouldn't begrudge him a move anywhere

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