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Posts posted by hycus-flange

  1. I've noticed there's a lot of Atheists on here, but I wonder how many of these have Church weddings, Funerals, Christen their kids etc, but still claim to be an Atheist.

    I reckon a fair few of them contradict themselves with this issue.

    i put atheist, and my kids are not christened, i will not marry my missus in a church/ registary office because of the bullshit religious overtones of the ceremony, and up to now i havent had my funeral yet, but when it happens i wont be around to see it anyway, wheelybin would do, as long as there isnt someone spouting shit about god/afterlife over it, you are here now, and then when you are dead that is the end, worm food or ashes, thats yer lot

  2. religion was invented as a way of control and also a money makig exercise, forced upon the uneducated masses with a "buy this cross and you will go to heaven, dont buy it and you a a non-believer and as such you will be killed". i suppose you could say i'm aethist. Bible = biggest load of fiction ever written down

  3. simple answer, dont get as job in a place where tha asthma/ allergies can become an issue

    Quite a lot of places, then, if smoking in public rooms should still be allowed. It's not the people who are ill who should have to go wait outside or go somewhere else - it's the people who have chosen to slowly kill themselves off.

    i'm alergic to getting eaten by crocodiles, therfore i am not a crocodile keeper at the zoo, i have not gone out to get all crocodiles banned though, cos i think that if they stay away from me and i stay away from them then my allergy will not be a problem

    No, you are not allergic to getting eaten by crocodiles, and no offense but OH MY GOD that is a poor analogy :roll:

    isnt getting eaten by a crocodile bad for you then?

    You haven't really got this analogy thing, have you?

    i have got the analogy thing, but i have resorted to extracting the urine, as any serious comments made for pro smoking are shot down with, " at least my clothes dont smell when i get back from the pub" or "get the cancer addicts away from me ....", and i cant compete with that highbrow level of reply

  4. simple answer, dont get as job in a place where tha asthma/ allergies can become an issue

    Quite a lot of places, then, if smoking in public rooms should still be allowed. It's not the people who are ill who should have to go wait outside or go somewhere else - it's the people who have chosen to slowly kill themselves off.

    i'm alergic to getting eaten by crocodiles, therfore i am not a crocodile keeper at the zoo, i have not gone out to get all crocodiles banned though, cos i think that if they stay away from me and i stay away from them then my allergy will not be a problem

    No, you are not allergic to getting eaten by crocodiles, and no offense but OH MY GOD that is a poor analogy :roll:

    isnt getting eaten by a crocodile bad for you then?

  5. Michelsen wrote:- Asthma, allergies etc? If you suffer from asthma, you can not work in a room full of cigarette smoke. Effectively, you are excluded from any room full of smoke.

    simple answer, dont get as job in a place where tha asthma/ allergies can become an issue, i'm alergic to getting eaten by crocodiles, therfore i am not a crocodile keeper at the zoo, i have not gone out to get all crocodiles banned though, cos i think that if they stay away from me and i stay away from them then my allergy will not be a problem

  6. Michelsen,

    why do smokers deserve less freedom than you, i didnt say smokers should have more freedom, just the same as everbody else. this is not a dictatorship, although it feels like it

  7. Going to the pub just won't be the same. The whole passive smoking thing is hysteria from the anti smoking lobby, if anyone took time to read the passive smoking studies they'd reveal the total lie that is being pedalled.

    Have you actually taken the time to read them yourself? Or read about it in the Mail or the Telegraph? This is what the WHO has to say about it:

    The results of this study, which have been completely misrepresented in recent news reports, are very much in line with the results of similar studies both in Europe and elsewhere: passive smoking causes lung cancer in non-smokers.


    anyone can write a report on anything and as long as its in black and white loads of people get drawn in by it, apparently there were WMD's in Iraq according to a report

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