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Posts posted by The_Randy_Villan

  1. 2/3 of the way to 69 and I really can't be bothered to level. Can't wait to get to 70, just so I don't have to level for a while.

    I have 4700g in the bank, need another 1.3k to get my epic fly, should have it in time for 70.

    Rev, is it worth getting all the gear now, or not bother because it will be outdated soon when the expansion comes out...? Think I'm going to get my rep up so I can get a Netherdrake mount.

  2. Terokkar Forest is horse shit. Got absolutely nothing to day with the fact my PC lags whenever I go near Shattrath... :|

    I've heard Nagrand is good, I'm 6 bars off 65. Seriously thinking about re-specing to a Frost/Arcane Mage when I'm 70, my Fire Mage is hopeless in 1v1s/PVP.

  3. I will do when I go on it later. I only use Fubar top score and quest helper. :(

    I tried Auctioneer, but I double clicked a level 64 staff by accident and bidded 70g! It wasn't even a mage's staff, needless to say I deleted the addon after. I'm now stuck with it as no-one will buy it back! Luckily I have 640g left..

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