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Posts posted by Rodders

  1. I'd return 99.9% of it to the owner. I'd probably keep a grand or two as a finders fee. Not wholly honest, but not terribly evil either.

    Or I'd ring the chap up and tell him I found the briefcase and see if he offers me a reward. I dunno. I suppose i'd probably do the hand it back and hope for a reward thing, but it's tough I know its a hypothetical but I'm still unsure what I'd do. Went for the middle option

  2. I just read a ben elton book the other day - blind faith. now whilst I was sympathetic broadly speaking to the point - being as subtle as a brick slamming you on the head with a large flashing neon sign saying " I HATE EVERYONE" attached to it, it was readable but a far cry away from his earlier stuff.

    So, having dispensed with that, I'm flicking through Brysons " A Mother Tongue" atm - interesting but broken up by some serious tedium, and next on the radar - one of the books I bought today - Anna koreninananana ( sp? ;) ) or some book on chekov's short stories.

    I admite freely I've never read anything by Tolstoy nor ever heard of Chekovs work barring his name. But it was buy one get one free and I thought I might as well shoot for the stars. My excuse is im at least attempting to get there eventually - even if I should probably read some easier stuff first.

  3. Remember guys, anything over 5'7 is tall to us girls. :)

    I thought 6'0 was supposed to be the average?


    Hell I'm 5'3, EVERYONE is tall...

    eh... he's talking about a different average than this thread I believe :lol:

  4. I was always the tiny one at school - my two best mates when I was 12-13 were about a foot taller than me and I ended up developing a very quick gait as a result :lol:

    I was about 5 1 then but about 5 9 3 years later. I'm about 5 11 and a half now, though if I'm insecure it's 6ft ;)

  5. Lib Dems again. Hate Labour and hate tories. wouldn't consider myslef particularly left wing at all, but bored of the bickering shite that ruins any effort I make to watch BBC parliament it's just so cringeworthy.

    I don't think Clegg's a great leader at all tbh but then he's not getting in next election so it's not a great concern.

    I still don't understand the economy much at all, so again, my viewpoint is irrelevant, but I still don't understand the logic of forcing people with little money to spend it all to help out the economy, whilst making daft cuts which no one will benefit from.

    From a personal viewpoint I'd like my disposable ( ie savings ) income freed up by not having souless traffic wardens giving me parking tickets despite my lovely polite note informing them i was seeking a permit asap :P

  6. I'd defend Britain, I wouldn't attack other countries. That about sums up my position, we're attacked, then fine, I'd sigh, get out of bed, mutter something incoherently about lack of bloody respect these, trot off to sign up, shoot the baddies, come back, put the kettle on, satisfied I'd done my bit, but I certainly would never actively get involved in wars over oil or other horseshit like that.

  7. A class of five-year old school children return to the classroom after playing in the playground.

    The teacher says to the first child "Hello Becky, what have you been doing this playtime?" Becky replies "I have been playing in the sand box." "Very good," says the teacher "if you can spell 'sand' on the blackboard, I will give you a biscuit." Becky duly goes and writes 's-a-n-d' on the blackboard. "Very good," says the teacher and gives Becky a biscuit.

    The teacher then says, "Freddie, what have you been doing in your playtime?" Freddie replies, "Playing with Becky in the sand box." "Very good," says the teacher, "if you can spell 'box' on the blackboard, I will also give you a biscuit." Freddie duly goes and writes 'b-o-x' on the blackboard. "Very good," says the teacher and gives Freddie a biscuit.

    Teacher then says, "Hello Mohammed, have you been playing in the sand box with Becky and Freddie?" "No," replies Mohammed, "I wanted to, but they would not let me. Every time I went near them they started throwing sand at me, calling me nasty names and asking to see under my jacket in case I had explosives."

    "Oh dear," says the teacher, "that sounds like blatant racial discrimination to me - I'll tell you what, if you can spell 'blatant racial discrimination' I will give you a biscuit."


  8. jesus christ miserable fools. People are going to be on the lookout of rhte slightest possible comment and exaggerate it into a big deal now aren't they? MON 24 hour gardening programmes! :s

    However as I write that, I spy the source is Skynews and as such I have a feeling it's not that much of an issue, Murdoch being a hypocritical spacktard, and having a go I guess.

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