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Posts posted by VillaN.I

  1. I would see what kind of form he is in after a 5 game run as lets face it, its been a stop start season for him with injuries. A fully fit Carew is better than Heskey.

    Get rid of both in the summer though and get Darren Bent in ;)

  2. I thought everyone played well except Heskey who wasnt on long due to injury. Carew did well and id like to see him start the cup finalahead of Heskey. Delfouneso did very well for the time he got and think he should e a definite starter for the replay. delph did well, nothing amazing but did his shift. Defense was fairly solid as usual and Friedel was crowded out for the first goal, in the Premier league i think a foul would have been given.Play Guzan in the replay and Friedel in the final ;)

  3. I had the same thing happen me when i signed a rwb called Santon- great player, do a name search. I signed him for about £5million then got an email saying rumours were going about concerning my top players and i should make sure they are tied to long contracts. Well, he had only signed a 5 year deal yet the next thingi knew was Arsenal had signed him from me for £7million yet i didnt authorise the sale nor get any of the money.

    I think it is one of the 60+bugs known in the game whih EA plan to sort with a patch soon.

  4. Great game but still not as many improvements on 09 than i thought they would have made.

    Played MM as the Villa manager and got sacked after 24 games after going out of both cups and sitting in 6th place. Found it strange as I was still on course for my position set by the board and had upgraded a lot of the club.

    Anyone having bother with corners try this: make sure you use a player so it an inswinging corner. Aim as close to the goalpost as possible,yes i mean along the line and hit it with a third power, pull back on the stick to swing it into the net and it will usually hit the crossbar and bounce out to create a goalmouth scramble or go in for a goal!!

  5. General Krulak here:

    3. VillaNI: I am sure that MON wishes it was a easy as you seem to think it is to go out and get this great signing. Just is NOT as easy or as practical as you think. It just isn't!! The Club must be willing to sell this "world class" CB, the CB must be willing to come, the agent must be effective in helping make all of this happen, the money needs to be right, the player needs to be of the type to fit into the Squad, etc. etc. etc. You make it seem so easy...well, it isn't. If you don't like the transfer window, so be it.


    please don't take my comment out of context as I had patience throughout this transfer window and am pleased with the additions to the squad. Solid if not spectacular would be my description.

    I was simply stating that it would be nice to have a 'world class superstar' and felt that a new CM, not a CB as you seem to think I mentioned was the position to slot him in. I know it isnt easy and did'nt assume it is but god loves a trier ;)

  6. General,

    Randy has backed MON every season, everyone can see that. Its just that sometimes the signing appear 'safe' and not ambitious. You won't see many lads running to get Collins printed on a shirt.Im sure he will do a decent job for the clb but sometimes a major signing is needed to show the ambition of the club. A CM of a high calibre would have been ideal with maybe Osbourne leaving and without a doubt Villa park would have been packed to see such a talent.

    But hey ho lets hope for a good season :)

  7. General Krulak here:

    3. Laursen and Barry: I agree that we miss Laursen. I am not so sure about Barry. I am not sure what Fans are watching but I would say that MON has worked hard during this transfer window to bolster the Squad at the two positions mentioned.[/b] The window is not over yet and MON is still working to bolster the Squad at key points. People continue to complain about lack of action by the Villa in the transfer market....but aside from a couple of Clubs who are spending like mad, I would say we have been as aggressive, if not more so, than almost every Club. I continue to read comments about "timing"...I hope people understand that it takes "4 to Tango"...our Club, the selling Club, the Player and the Agent. It is NOT as easy as some try to make it out to be.

    Hi General, regarding your point 3 can you tell me how MON has bolstered our squad at the two positions mentioned?

    Who has taken the position of the 2 key players we have lost?

  8. General,

    when it all settles down and we look back to the transfer dealings of 2009 it has been nothing short of comical. To reach the end of August and not have replaced the players who made our team such a force in the previous campaign is beyond a joke.

    To then further deplete the squad by selling our covering CB which now leaves us possibly short for the Liverpool game due to Davies' injury, our SECOND game in the season.

    If it is MON's job to sort this out (his own words), and he doesnt, what is going to happen further down the line to avoid a repeat?

  9. Settle down lads and have some respect. This thread belongs to a member of AVFC and he spends his own free time to listen to what can sometimes be described as 'drivel' on here! Pains me to read some of the threads on this forum. Other forumss even mention it!

    Things arent going smoothly at all but leave it til the transfer market closes before a witch hunt begins.

  10. General,

    with regards to your reply on the Liverpool/Gerrard/Barry fiasco id just like to say that if Villa did report the obvious 'tapping' of the club captain, surely it wouldnt count against the professionalism of the club as these rules are in place to prevent this sort of thing occuring and punish those who break it.

    If AVFC performed in this manner( which we both know doesnt happen anymore) it would be all over the tabloids and without a doubt a fine would be issued.

  11. General, just to let you know how my first ever trip to Villa went. It was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    After you kindly replied to my post which told me to contact Lee Preece I did so on Thursday evening only to be met with his voicemail. I decided a trip around Villa Park wasnt to be so set off only to get a phone call once I touched down in Birmingham airport. It was Lee. He agreed a time for my wife and I to meet him at Villa Park...... with a camera in my pocket of course.

    He met me at the exact time, was more than friendly and went out of his way to show me around ever corner of the stadium. I couldnt thank him enough.

    So a big thanks to you for the info and the next time you see Lee can you please pass word that he simply made my weekend a great memory which I'll never forget, oh and the result wasnt bad either.Haha.

    Can't wait to return!! :)

    P.S He told me that if Villa won 4:0 he would bring me back himself as I could be a lucky mascot, 4:1 isnt far off if you ask me ;)

  12. General Krulak here:

    4. VillaN.I: Congratulations on getting the tickets to the Newcastle game. Your wife is a real sweetheart!!! Well done to her!! To see what is available on that day you should contact Lee Preece and tell him I asked you to call him. Hopefully he can get you in on a tour. Training on friday will be very limited.

    Sorry to be a pain in the ass General but can you please tell me Lee Preece's phone number as I can't find it on the OS. :oops:

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