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Posts posted by regular_john

  1. Pull up bar and resistance bands arrived today, going to give myself the weekend off to recover from some pretty heavy gym sessions last week then p90x begins properly on monday, wish me luck!

    Current weight 14.5 stone, aiming to get down to 14 by christmas and 13 by february or so, let's see how i get on...

  2. Did the chest and back workout today, hard as nails! I thought I'd been making decent progress after hitting the gym regularly over the last couple of months, although that has been after a LONG period of non-exercise, but the workout today damn near killed me. Managed to just about get through the two rounds of the exercises, but my numbers in the second round were pathetically low, 0 on a couple of the exercises.

    Not sure now whether to plough on through with P90X or dial it down a notch, do P90 and then step it up to P90X afterwards.

    Ordered some resistance bands off Amazon though, gradually forming my own home gym!

  3. I'm taking the plunge, ordered a pull up bar and some push up bars today, hopefully they'll be here soon and I can get started. I don't have any weights though, can't really afford to buy any (student), can you substitute the weight reps for more pull/push ups?

    Anyone using the diet? How are you getting on?

  4. He's much better at this age than Gabby was, seems to have his head screwed on a bit more than the Moore boys too. I think the current coaching staff will be looking to keep the players feet on the ground, GH and Gary Mac don't strike me as the kind of people to tolerate the superstar attitude that some prem players are guilty of, could be a reason why Ireland isn't having much joy so far.

    If he keeps his feet on the ground and continues to develop at his current rate, Delf will be a superstar in 2 or 3 seasons.

  5. No chance of us challenging 4th, even 6th will be a struggle as Liverpool will undoubtedly find their form. Unless Houllier gets in some quality players in January (at the very least a decent striker), which is difficult as nobody wants to sell their players at that time, we'll be looking at 7th or 8th.

  6. What happened with Clark as I didn't see any news pre-game? I assume SI had the flu as was released pre-game. I hope we can get Clark or Coker back for the Blackburn game as we will need more physicality in there against them.

    Pulled his calf I think, not sure when it happened though as Hogg was announced as a starter quite a while before kick off.

  7. I am posting from my phone in a stolen five minutes I have, so apologies of this has been covered.

    Why was Vidic spared a second yellow for jumping in with the fans? Ash got booked for jumping in with the fans ten minutes earlier.

    According to the fourth official it's because he was 'pushed' in to the fans. The reality, of course is that, like Nani and Brown, he plays for Manchester United and so can't be sent off.

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