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Posts posted by CyberVillan

  1. I'd strongly disagree with the notion that Cisse "can't shoot properly", no striker in this world who couldn't place a ball in the back of the net would have a 14m price tag on their head and play for one of the best international teams in the world, the scouts would notice that in a flash and also i think this video backs up my opinion,


    the strike against Everton proves that he can indeed place it into the net and it was pure class, even Henry would have been proud of that one, i think if Mon could get the best out of Cisse he would be very good for us, he's always said he wanted to stay in England too.

  2. Well prove me wrong then.

    Who are the Argentinians who have shone in the Premier League?

    And yes, it is my opinion. As I said in my original post. You're very welcome to have a different one, but for the moment it would appear that past history backs up my opinion quite well.

    No it doesn't "back up your opinion quite well" because already you have people arguing against it, Crespo wasn't a flop and neither is Tevez and his friend, Veron was a sensation in his first season at Manure too, but again it's silly to second guess how a player would do just because they are the same nationality as players who might not have done well in the premiership, otherwise you might as well say Messi would be crap in the prem too.

  3. Javier Saviola!

    I'm fairly sure that if he does move to England, he'll be joining the long list of illustrious Argentine failures that the Premiership can boast. Just a hunch.

    Well your "hunch" is very naive as the guy is quality and has proven that on the international stage and in the champions league, and would you mind to name the "long line" of Argentinian failures?, :roll: ,

    Well, without spending hours on Wikipedia I could suggest Veron, Crespo, Mascherano, Tevez, Figueroa, Bassedas, Taricco, Scaloni, Vivas and Sava. Most of whom are as proven at international level as Saviola is.

    Even the relative successes such as Heinze and Arca are either being kept out of the team by somebody else or wasting away at Middlesbrough.

    Can you name me any out and out Argentine success stories in the Premier League?

    I’m not saying he definitely wouldn’t be a success, but nothing is guaranteed in this world. I seem to remember that 99% of the footballing world thought that Tevez and Mascherano would be amazing for West Ham.

    So my hunch is not ‘naïve’ in any way.

    Oh i get it, so Argentinians are not allowed a settling in period so that means Tevez and Mascherano (Liverpool don't seem to agree) have already "failed" :roll: , Crespo scoring 16 odd goals in his first season is also a massive flop too i guess?!!, yes some of them have hardly hit hights but it's not a fact that the majority of them have failed it's just simply your opinion, and seeing as you wanna judge the way a player would perform purely on the basis of their nationality and not ability then i would still be inclined to suggest it's naive.

  4. Look at Baros, he had a constant sulk on him when things didn't go his way.. That sulk then tends to spread throughout the team, and does affect the rest of the team.. You are better off having someone who is constantly alert and willing to lift the team from a bad spell rather than someone who resigns to the fact that they are going to lose!!

    But Cisse isn't Baros though and it's ridiculous to compare one player to another simply because we've had one who's apparently "sulked", no-one would touch Dicanio with a barge pole and West Ham suffered didn't they?, and Blackburn were right fools to take a chance on Bellamy too i guess?, imo play Cisse in his right position and i wouldn't be surprised if he done a decent job for us, and it's not just about Cisse it's all players, unless the player is a head case we shouldn't be afriad to take a chance and see what happens otherwise we might miss out of some very good players.

  5. Javier Saviola!

    I'm fairly sure that if he does move to England, he'll be joining the long list of illustrious Argentine failures that the Premiership can boast. Just a hunch.

    Well your "hunch" is very naive as the guy is quality and has proven that on the international stage and in the champions league, and would you mind to name the "long line" of Argentinian failures?, :roll: ,

  6. Another player worth a mention - djibril cisse would be very good for us IMO and would probably cost less than an english player who is not as good.

    No thanks!! He's got the touch of an Agbonlahor with the attitude of a Baros!!! Bad combination!!

    Too many people are concerned with this "attitude" tag which seems to be in fashion these days, i really don't give a feck what a player is like as long as he win's us some bloody matches, you would have thought these fellas are criminals, Cisse has been doing very well back in France and was rightly pissed off at being played on the wing (just like Gabby) by Benitez, imo he's a very good striker and at 25 can only get better, his record at Liverpool wasn't that bad either, 6m would be a bargin.

  7. Well I've actually said on another site that Kone would probably adapt better to the prem than Farfan but considering Farfan isn't a natural striker, 16 goals is very very good. Kone's only scored two in the champinos league, scoreless against Liverpool and Arsenal so I wouldn't read too much into that.

    Kezman point is very valid.

    And the winners of the prem for the last two seasons have played 4-3-3 if yo uwant to go down that route. Different formations suit different teams better, would Bolton be as effective if they played 4-4-2. Not saying it's the long term answer but we looked more defensively secure and much better attacknig with a 4-3-3 so I would like to see it given another go seeing as we'll probably just be playing out the last 10 games.

    And the winners of the last two premierships also spent near 500m on players to fit into the system so as i said it's good players that win matches, in the last 5 games we've won two, lost two and drawn one, while we were playing 433 we'd have probably drawn 3 and lost two, we were just drawing too many games and that's why teams who've lost more than us like Spurs, Newcastle, Bolton and Reading are abouv us, and why should i not "read too much" into it?, two goals in four champs league games agrees with the stat of 1 goal every two matches doesn't it?, regardless of whether it was against English teams or not, take a look at Drogba's record aged 23 or even Henry's, there's simply no telling how a player will turn out but from what i've seen of Kone he's the real deal.

  8. Is this the same Arouna Kone who has scored less than the brilliant Jefferson Farfan who's a winger. Lets not settle for second best again. :winkold:

    PSV play a 4-3-3 so surely only a matter of time before we go back to playing that.

    The season isn't over is it? :roll:, Kone has been scoring more goals in the champs league than Farfan, and furthermore they don't play the "433 system" anymore since Beasley left and they changed coaches, the 433 system is nothing but a myth, yes we had a good spell with it but we still didn't win enough matches and it's good players that win matches it's not all about the system, the team who's top of the premiership play 442 and if it's good enough for Mon then it's good enough for me.

    Kone's goal stats are pretty much 1 goal every two games so i wouldn't say he "second best", Kezman had an amazing record in Holland but failed in the premiership while Kuyt has done well and he's not better than Kone imo , Kone's all round game is class and he'll only improve playing in the premiership.

  9. Like no doubt many of you I have been an admirer of Arouna Kone for very many years, have followed his trajectory with Lierse (1991-1994), Roda (1994-1998) and PSV (1998-). A regular viewer of Belgian and Dutch league matches on TV, I have to say however that 5 goals in 24 outings with the Ivory Coast national team isn't very impressive.

    The rest of you have no doubt seen more of him than me.

    I only heard about Kone towards the end of his time at Roda where he was scoring goals for fun, he had a slowish start to his Psv Career and he was missing a few chances here and there but the talent was obvious and now he's really on fire, his skills are a joy to watch, i for one hope the link is true because for me he'll get even better and be a major player sooner or later, even Drogba never was that good at his age so who knows, i'm sure his international goal stats will improve also, he often plays out wide for ivory coast from what i've seen.

  10. I'd be very pleased if this one comes off, i think he's a brilliant player and at 23 years old can still improve, Kone has been linked with Arsenal and Manure strongly recently so he's no fool, very strong and skillfull player who's finishing has been deadly lately, he would be great alongside Carew, it will be interesting to see him against the scousers in the champs league.

  11. Hold on to your golf clubs lads the new Nick Faldo is on his way!! :D


    By John Cross 10/03/2007

    ASTON VILLA boss Martin O'Neill has been told he can sign Liverpool's bad boy striker Craig Bellamy this summer.

    O'Neill made an enquiry for Bellamy during the January transfer window and Liverpool insisted he was not for sale - but Villa were told to come back at the end of the season.

    It shows that Bellamy could be on his way out of Anfield in the summer after just one roller-coaster season following his £6million move to Liverpool from Blackburn.

    Bellamy is playing for his Anfield future after his golf club bust-up with teammate John Arne Riise and boss Rafa Benitez may be ready to offload him at the end of the season.

    It seems like Mon is still a big fan of Bells, if he plays for us like he did for Blackburn then i wouldn't have a problem with him tbh,

  12. How can he be a "better finisher than both of them" when he plays at a lower level than both Luke and Gabby?, Luke last season had 8 goals in 15 starts and had scored home and away against the best defence of that season and is still the only away player to score a hattrick at Boro, Gabby has as i've mentioned before scored against the top three with class finishes, if Nugent is such a "good finisher" why did he go around 15 games without a goal this season and why isn't he top of the scoring charts?, we might as well sign Chopra according to your logic, sorry but i still think our club should be aiming higher than the likes of Nugent.

  13. No he never spent more time than Bent and Ashton playing in the league as Bury weren't in the Championship. Check your facts son. What have I been found out as? Please tell?

    Wrong again, Crewe have been up and down between the Championship and League 1 for ages and Ashton spent at least one season playing in league 1,

    Incidently CyberVillan, when did I say that Nugent was better than Gabby or Luke? I can't remember but seeing that you have more time than me can you check and let me know.

    Well you certainly have "enough time" on your hands to answer my posts in vain :roll:

    But he still never spent more time than them in the league than either of them and if we are being pedantic Nugent played for Bury in League 2 which is lower than League 1. Like how you only choose to answer certain questions so I wont write my questions from my previous post again as it is a waste of time with you.

    Why on earth does it matter if he's spent less time in the championship anyway?, you still don't understand what i was saying, i said he's spent more time in the 'football league' (i.e league 2 through to the championship) then both Bent and Ashton did before they moved, the bottom line is Nugent has been in the championship for close to 3 years and still no-one has made a move, if you want us to sign Nugent i'd be inclined to think you feel he's better than Luke and Gabby because he'd be taking one of their places wouldn't he?, that's the answer to your "previous question"!!.

  14. No he never spent more time than Bent and Ashton playing in the league as Bury weren't in the Championship. Check your facts son. What have I been found out as? Please tell?

    Wrong again, Crewe have been up and down between the Championship and League 1 for ages and Ashton spent at least one season playing in league 1,

    Incidently CyberVillan, when did I say that Nugent was better than Gabby or Luke? I can't remember but seeing that you have more time than me can you check and let me know.

    Well you certainly have "enough time" on your hands to answer my posts in vain :roll:

  15. Sid mate, Nugent IMHO is a quality player, he will be playig the PL next season and he will prove you wrong. However saying that if LM gets his mind together he can be better, not sure on Gabby, at times looks quality at times out of his depth

    Ian sir i'm not saying Nugent is a bad player, far from it i'm just saying that right now we have two "potential" players who have proved they can score goals in the premership and we should continue to sign players who are the real deal ala Carew, but i respect your opinion never the less.

  16. Has Nugent had the opportunity to score against the best teams in the country though?

    Nope, because no team has felt the need to push the boat out to get him like they did with Darren Bent and Dean Ashton, i wonder why?.

    Do you know for how many years Ashton and Bent were playing regular for Crewe and Ipswich respectively? Longer than Nugent has been at PNE.

    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Especially for you mate seeing that all your posts have at least one :roll: !

    Erm both Ashton and Bent were 16 when they made their debuts for their teams, Nugent was playing for Bury (who were two leagues lower) when he was 16 and moved to Preston in January 2005, so he's pretty much had 3 seasons with them and around 5 seasons of league football overall but yet still nobody from the premiership has taken a chance, Darren had four years at Ipswich before he left and Ashton had just about had 4 and a half years, but nice try though!!, man you're desperate to prove me wrong. :crylaugh:

    A joker. Jan 05 to March 07 and he was heavily linked in Jan 07 so he could easily have gone after 2 years but PNE weren't willing sellers because of what the Premiership would be worth to them. Bury to PNE at the top-middle of the Championship is a big step and he succeeded, he is playing for U21s and has succeeded, that is a pretty good progression.

    Last time I checked 2 years 2 months was closer to 2 years that 3 years nice try though! If you can't do a good argument why reply as if you have won it hands down?

    Do you rate Tim Cahill? He spent nearly 7 seasons at Millwall and was around 25 when someone took a chance on him. Hindsight is a great thing but Nugent will be a big success in the top flight.

    Erm you're the one who tryed to include Ashton and Bent' stats into the debate and fell flat on your backside when i came up with the facts that he's spent more time playing in the league than both Ashton and Bent did before they moved to the big time, being "linked" don't mean shit, he's still in the championship because no-one has felt inclined to force Preston's hand (every player has a price) when it could be argued he's played better for Preston than he has this season as he he went around 10 games without scoring and has only just rediscovered his scoring touch, and what the hell does playing for the "u21's" prove?, Francies Jeffers did and he's a superstar ain't he? :roll: , and Tim Cahill plays in a different position so it's silly to compare them, it seems your cheerleading for Nugent has left you totally devoid of reality, HE'S NOT BETTER THAN LUKE OR GABBY BECAUSE HE'S NEVER PLAYED IN THE PREMIERSHIP, it's that simple, don't take it personally Jas just accept that you've been found out!!.

  17. I don't know if it's still going but one thing i liked about our radio station (The Villan) of course was the 'Monday night phone-in' where the fans had a chance to talk about the weekends events and there was guests like Tony Morley to express his opinion about the club, is there a chance of it returning General?, and it would be great if the reserve matches were free to listen too on the official website as many of us who can't make the games would love to hear how they get on,


  18. NRC would be an absolute brilliant signing imo, he's what our midfield is crying out for really, someone who's strong with pace who can both defend and attack, the stick he's taken at West ham is shameful, Nigel the difference between Southgate's situation and Reo-Coker's is Gareth wasn't getting death threats and racial abuse from his own fans like NRC has apparently recieved so he was calm about things, we've had some players do us wrong in the past but we've never stooped that low. but anyway i can't see there being too much compitition for him tbh because the top four are sorted in midfield it seems and Spurs and Newcastle haven't been linked with him.

  19. Has Nugent had the opportunity to score against the best teams in the country though?

    Nope, because no team has felt the need to push the boat out to get him like they did with Darren Bent and Dean Ashton, i wonder why?.

    Do you know for how many years Ashton and Bent were playing regular for Crewe and Ipswich respectively? Longer than Nugent has been at PNE.

    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Especially for you mate seeing that all your posts have at least one :roll: !

    Erm both Ashton and Bent were 16 when they made their debuts for their teams, Nugent was playing for Bury (who were two leagues lower) when he was 16 and moved to Preston in January 2005, so he's pretty much had 3 seasons with them and around 5 seasons of league football overall but yet still nobody from the premiership has taken a chance, Darren had four years at Ipswich before he left and Ashton had just about had 4 and a half years, but nice try though!!, man you're desperate to prove me wrong. :crylaugh:

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