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Posts posted by Houlston

  1. Me and my best mate on a very special fathers day given I'm lucky to even see it and my adult best mate completed an Ironman today for The Stroke Association.


    Not sure why she looks a little erm rotund with a biggish chin, must be the camera angle ha ha




    Ps notice no stroke droop or even any saliva dribble although I am leaning to the right and I'm fairly certain I thought I was upright.

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  2. This is the latest installment of interviewgate after I replied to her original email with "Wow, just wow." and my business partner then replied with something about a Bentley. Also we set the business up before my stroke. So not only is she precious, mental and slightly illiterate but she doesn't listen either.


    Apologies regarding yesterday.


    I went over the route I took over and over and with someone who knows the area well. I worked at Tricorn House once for two years, but I drove everywhere then. It has changed much in terms of logistics since.
    I did not mean any disrespect. I was just being honest and I have the foresight to think about getting there without a car at least 4 days out of 5 in the interim period whilst I am setting up.


    I went to a lot of trouble to come and try to see you and I am sure your offices are fine, however, I am not someone who drives to Birmingham every day at the moment.  I checked out the train station and just couldn't believe it. Guys, it was beyond gross. I was actually genuinely worried as I have been attacked previously, therefore, my gut instinct was to think about that and I might have not bothered with perfume by the time I got out of the filthy lift that led me to feel physically ill.

    On a different note; I am impressed that you you have the courage to start a business whilst one of you is recovering from a stroke, that is amazing and I do wish you the very best in your endeavours.

  3. I was just sat eating my dinner when this roaring sound started getting louder and closer and the house started to feel like it was shaking, it was a Lancaster Bomber flying over, really quite low, then it came back for a second pass!

    Saw it a Cosford at the weekend, that The Vulcan, Red Arrows and a Typhoon, focking awesome.


    Are you all aware of the secret vibrating button under the pedestrian control box?


    I thought it was a myth! But now I have to touch it every time.


    I can't believe there are people who didn't know about it to be honest.


    Really not sure if i'm falling for the largest well organised troll ever.


    Either way I'm definitely putting my hand under there tomorrow.

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  5. So I had an interview set up today, she cancelled using the email below, bear in mind we are located by RBS, HSBC and the Marriott. Although going by her spelling its a blessing. I also did give her directions, mentalist.

    Sorry, but I will have to cancell our meeting. I would fear for my life and comromise my personal hygine according to the scum and smears on the bannistars along the train station if I had to work in this area as a base. I am petite, blonde and apparently posh looking. A target. You didn't offer parking directions but would not leave my borrowed car from my sister near this area.
    Sorry to let you down but that is the where I am at.
    Thanks for the opportnity anyway.


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