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Posts posted by Annoyman

  1. Gave MOM to Cash for settling the nerves with a bit of quality

    So nice to go from a  nervy first half where wound up home fans are screaming blue murder for every tackle, and then by the final ten literally half of them have gone home because the game is so clearly over. You'd think you'd changed the channel by accident

    Hope little Emi was just being rested or has a minor thing that he wasn't risked for, good to get through the 90 without him with a competent, solid performance if so

  2. 1 hour ago, Kiwivillan said:

    I love him. Cracked up at attempt at day butt for Argentina instead of primera. 

    I played ringer 7 a side game for all Argies in NZ and whole game I was yelling "time" and everyone ignoring me then after game I ask them what do you say for time when you have time on the ball and they said "Solo" Lesson learned. Long story short we won 1-0 and I got assist from long ball inside own half *kisses fingers*

    Good knowledge! Hopefully the club can disseminate this info so everyone at VP can shout solo at the Emis when they've got space to turn.

    Not that it really makes a difference to Buendia, the boy wants to turn he'll turn

  3. I think it reflected somewhat badly that we had basically no apparent threat on the counter at all in the second half, Everton were playing like an angry Championship team in a cup tie, not Liverpool at Anfield, with the players at your disposal you can at least try and get a second and shut them up for the rest of the game

    But we still kept a clean sheet and won, so yeah, not cataclysmic or anything

  4. 3 hours ago, El Segundo said:

     And despite ultimately not influencing the outcome, he seemed to be doing his best by adding 5 minutes from nowhere, and then playing an extra one on top giving Everton one final chance from a corner.  You may rate that as acceptable,  I think it's a sign of the appalling standards we are used to that some people do, and I'll have to disagree.   

    The ref definitely got a couple of glaring decisions wrong against us in the first half, but our goal came from being allowed to take a corner after the two minutes of first half injury time were up, Everton were obviously going to be given the same chance and Martinez was fairly obviously ridiculously time-wasting and continued to do so in a toned down way after the yellow and into injury time, so I dunno that his timekeeping was the biggest issue he had

  5. I was originally thinking this was just a bad time to play them in terms of the new manager bounce thing and how up for it they'd be, but they're basically going to treat every game like a Merseyside derby now because of Gerrard Derangement Syndrome aren't they

    I don't blame them for not liking Gerrard, it's not like we'd have any reason to if he hadn't started managing us and appeared to be reasonably good, but some of them clutching their pearls over him pulling funny faces at them after they've been chanting that his kid is someone else's all game is pretty hilarious

    There is something kind of grim about having to psyche yourself up with this "Big Dunc's gonna get us right up for it, Villa won't know what hit them" stuff pre-game; in the end I thought it was reasonably obvious to everyone that what had hit us was one shot on target plus a plastic bottle


    I don't necessarily think their bottle-chucking fans are representative of them any more than our ones who booed taking the knee are of us tbh, though some of the loudmouths saying it was only a plastic bottle and Cash and Digne made the most of it should have a full plastic bottle thrown at their head so they can show off how minor it is for us all

    • Like 3
  6. They signed Mykolenko on 1st Jan as his replacement, I guess having known since December that Digne and Rafa weren't going to work together, so they were always going to need to move Digne on from FFP pov

    Mykolenko had a mare yesterday by all accounts

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