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Posts posted by sidcow

  1. 25 minutes ago, Rich_H said:

    It’s going to be a tricky one for Starmer as despite an almost certain majority there has been enough salting of the earth over the last 14 years that he has a mountain to climb in his first term. Add the pulling out of a major investor of billions every year and the promise of huge amounts of further investment I think it might be a dangerous approach to take for the support of a portion of the football fanbase - realistically in constituencies that will already be siding with Labour. 

    On the other hand how sensible is it to rely on being propped up by a state who rely on a dying industry for their wealth? Maybe time to start looking to the future anyway. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    For what it’s worth, while I don’t condone throwing drinks at politicians, I think some are operating at that sort of level. A pantomime level where, while they’re not exactly inviting it, their persona, their rhetoric…it’s almost inevitable that it’s going to happen, and so when it does people are less shocked to see it.

    Farage operates at the panto level. 30p Lee operates at a panto level.

    As much as he has his critics, Starmer doesn’t operate at that level. He is above that. Sunak doesn’t operate at that level. 

    So while I don’t think Farage should be covered in milkshake, I think it’s more nuanced than just people simply disliking him as to why there’s an indifference or amusement when it happens.

    I dislike James Cleverly. I would not like to see him covered in milkshake. 

    Oh no he doesn't. 

    • Haha 3
  3. 6 hours ago, Tomaszk said:

    So funny they picked Gabby to do it.

    If they couldn't show any clearer they aren't in touch with the vast vast majority of villa fans.

    Got Alpay lined up for the next one I reckon.

    Next up, Fabian Delph talks to us about his love of Terrace View memberships. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Sid4ever said:

    Small, far away oh feck it.


    14 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Carefully chosen camera angle for sure. 


    No, they lifted an image of each of them and pasted them next to each other looking the same size. It wasn't a picture of bother of them in the same shot. 



    3 minutes ago, limpid said:

    That was a waste of a read :mrgreen: It's just a personal anecdote.

    Correlation is not causation.

    I am serious though, if you do stumble across a scientific paper which has this as it's summary, I'd be very interested.

    I've not got access to that but I'm sure a Google search will turn those up.  But I can'tv  be arsed. 

    Here's another one which talks a about a study. 


    Human Abuse Linked to Cruelty to Animals


    Violent acts toward animals have long been recognized as indicators of a dangerous psychopathy that does not confine itself to animal abuse. “Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives,” wrote humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer. And according to Robert K. Ressler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the FBI, “Murderers … very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids.”


    The FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appear in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers. The standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals as a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders.


    A study conducted by Northeastern University and the Massachusetts SPCA found that people who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans. 


  6. 25 minutes ago, limpid said:

    As an aside from the rest of the discussion, I'd be interested to read your source for this. It sounds like the kind of pop psychology that suggests violent video games leads to violent people.

    Actually sod it

    https://www.ncdv.org.uk/the-correlation-between-animal-abuse-and-domestic-abuse/#:~:text=There have been many studies,that there is a link.

    The Correlation between Animal Abuse and Domestic Abuse


    There have been many studies which have shown that there is a very definite link between animal abuse and domestic abuse.

    So what do we know about this? People are often surprised that there is a link. But should we be surprised? People that are able to be abusive to other people or who are able to manipulate children to gain or maintain control over their partners, surely won’t feel bad or guilty about using animals in the same way?! It is one of the early warning signs that someone may be of an abusive nature. This is why it is one of the questions on the ‘DASH’ (Domestic Abuse, Stalking & Harassment Risk Assessment), which is routinely used by the Police and IDVA Services across the UK to determine a victim/survivor’s current risk of further harm.


    Unfortunately, we know from research that perpetrators of domestic abuse use animals in many ways to be able to instill fear into their victim. To control, coerce and physically harm and threaten them by using the animal. Perpetrators use the strong bonds people have with their pets to get what they want and to control their partner and/or the children


    My understanding of this came from a TV documentary I saw about a serial killer where they stated a lot of serial killers start out by harming animals. 

    I think it was also stated in connection with that Monkey torture story. 

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