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Posts posted by desensitized43

  1. 9 hours ago, bickster said:

    I’m kinda warming to this Ed Davey campaign

    I did think the stunts were bloody stupid to start off with but when you compare it to the lies of Sunak, the utter robotics of Labour, the obvious grift of Farage it’s actually quite refreshing and he deserves some kudos for actually getting through that interview. At least he comes across as human.


    I must admit this has grown on me. Just seemed idiotic at first but with the lies and boredom of the labour and Tory campaigns the sight of this guy with a big smile on his face and looking like he’s really having fun is a bit of an antidote.

    Suspect they’ll do well in the south west and take a few Tory seats which is good. I think their new strategy of a phased re-entry into the EU is the right way to go and glad someone is talking about it finally.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Jonesy7211 said:

    I've been very fortunate to have met some of the veterans who landed. I once spent a weekend with a para going around the sites where he and his colleagues jumped in, and he told me about the Nazi's turning telegraph poles into spikes for the paras to land on, and he saw his best friends hitting them. I've never been able to get past that. They all told me about their dead friends being the real heroes whilst they don't seek any glory, with many tears in their eyes.

    I get angry about it because Rishi is treating their memory with utter contempt and ignorance. The feeling of remembrance is a very real feeling for me, and often brings me to tears for the fallen colleagues I lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. I empathize with those lost in our country's greatest moment completely. Rishi has dismissed all of those we've lost in conflict in the name of flagrant self promotion. He couldn't sink any lower.

    Well I suppose if you're a veteran you have the right to feel slighted by it and expect better. If I was a veteran (I'm not) I'd be more upset by the lack of support you get after leaving the forces. Anyone should be able to go and attend for a day's commemoration and say some nice fluffy words but these cnuts have been actively hollowing out the forces and providing nothing to people after they've rejoined civilian life.

    As usual with the Tories, everything is bluster and ultimately boils down to numbers on a spreadsheet and the assumption that money for others is less money for them.

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, Jonesy7211 said:

    I'm not in any way a "flag shagger" at all, but I find the actions of Rishi over D-day and his empty apology truly and utterly beyond reprehensible.

    Not just because he ignored the other nations and the veterans of all service men and women of all allied countries, but because he's utterly disrespectful to all those that never came home from conflict. The arrogance and self regard of him and those that advise him is beyond the pale.

    He's an total and utter c u next Tuesday.

    (I'm really quite passionate and emotional about this)

    It's not a good look for sure. It's not "Prime Ministerial conduct".

    I wouldn't get particularly angry about it. The dead don't care and in my view these events are always for the living and to make sure we don't forget the lessons of the past but I get what you say about the allied dead.

    It would surely have been better for him electorally to be pictured shaking hands with other world leaders at such an event rather than rushing back to the UK to lie again. Did ITV have no one at the event who he could have spoken to?

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Genie said:

    It shouldn’t be a surprise, but this election campaign is going as badly (if not worse) than could be imagined


    Yep. With what we've seen of this campaign and his time previously I think the conclusion we can all draw is that he's just really bad at politics and tremendously out of his depth as a party leader, prime minister and campaigner.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, DaoDeMings said:

    I read that it's due to fitness concerns. It is surprising though. In some ways quite a progressive team by Southgate's standards. Some of the old favourites shipped out for in-form players

    It’s definitely due to fitness concerns. He’s already taking shaw who’s currently injured and hasn’t played since February. I think it’s calculated that he can’t be taking too many of the wounded and he’s got options at CB where he doesn’t at LB

  6. 11 minutes ago, oishiiniku_uk said:

    It would have to be worldwide because otherwise the best players will just go wherever the restrictions don't exist (either to  a pre-existing league or one that is newly-formed).

    Would they though? In that case why doesn't everyone go and play in Monaco or Saudi or wherever the tax situation favours them the most?

    Edit: That's the same argument that's been used since the beginning of time for not taxing bankers or businesses etc...they'll go elsewhere. They haven't and even if they do...let them.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, sne said:

    Don't think that's realistic or even legally possible. In this scenario, would Emi Martinez still be allowed to be sponsored by Adidas? 

    No he wouldn't if the Villa owners also owned Adidas.

    He can take money off pretty much any other sports brand though so I would argue you aren't actively restraining him you're just closing off an avenue to get around rules which we know is what clubs will try to do if allowed.

  8. 1 hour ago, sne said:

    How would that rule look like?. A players playing for a state owned club can not be payed by another company owned by that state? Saudi for example are big owners in pretty much every big company around.


    1 hour ago, duke313 said:

    How can you enforce someone earning money outside of football, i'm pretty sure that would be illegal in most countries.

    It's already the rules that players can't do certain things or take money from certain organisations.

    Why would they need to be paid by an associated party if they're already very wealthy highly paid athletes?

    They can still go and advertise for Nike or something, provided Nike and people who own Nike don't own the club they currently play for. There's plenty of other companies they can go and work with that aren't associated.

  9. 30 minutes ago, sne said:

    Salary cap and they would just continue to make the players and manager "tourism ambassadors" or whatever and pay them on the side that way.

    Then you bring in a rule that says they can't.

    It's infinitely do-able. You have a limit and make that limit the same for all clubs, none of this PSR nonsense where some teams can spend more than others. All teams can spend the same on wages and that's set. Transfers you do whatever you like. That allows teams to be mobile and restricts what the likes of City and Newcastle can do.

    • Like 2
  10. 12 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

    New builds.  Nothing but shoe boxes.  Why do people buy them?

    A lot of people like the idea of just moving in and having nothing really to do with DYI or decorating etc.

    Not for me but it's a generational thing I think.

  11. People saying "the league needs to do this and that" to the clubs. The Premier League ARE the clubs. The rules aren't imposed, they're proposed and then voted on by the majority of the Premier League clubs. If a club doesn't like a rule, they're free to challenge it, lobby other clubs and hold a vote to repeal it.

    What this is about is a small subsection of clubs that don't like the rules and can't find a democratic consensus to repeal it. It's no surprise it's those from the middle east that have a problem with a democratic vote.

    Frankly, if they don't like it they can withdraw their investment and sell up.

    • Like 3
  12. 6 hours ago, nepal_villan said:

    Are there any rational City fans left? They all seem to have drank the Abu Dhabi Kool-Aid if you read their comments across social media and their forums.

    Remember what you’re seeing is mostly just the social media gobshites and football has always been tribal. They’ll defend their club even when deep down they know they’ve done wrong.

    Their club is facing an extinction level event and you can’t expect them to be happy about that.

    A lot of the city fans are trying to rationalise it with “well we had to do this to catch up with the old cartel too 4 clubs” and I’ve a lot of sympathy for that argument actually. However, rules are for everyone and if they get found guilty there’s only one punishment or else the rest of us might as well give up now because the sport is lost.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, PaulC said:

    I agree. This is one election where the leaders aren't that important imo. The last 14 years is what matters which I guess is why Starmer keeps going on about it.

    And what people can see and hear with their own eyes and ears. Sunak saying the plans working and it’s all getting better on his watch is just insulting. Nothing. ****. Works. Don’t believe what your seeing folks, my “data” says it’s all fine.

    It’s frankly insulting that he’s coming out with the nonsense he does.

    Starmer isn’t much better mind because he’s also terrified of telling the truth about what this will cost and how long it will take to put right because he knows the Tory attack dogs at the Mail, express and telegraph are dying to jump on that shit.

  14. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    My brother in law is a tradesman, for some reason whenever I see him he goes on and on about all the people he knows that made a fortune from the covid loans. Small businesses self certifying that they had multimillion turn overs to get tens of thousands in cash before winding the company up and restarting a new one.

    (he definitely has a slice of the action but claims he didn’t).

    Company I work for furloughed pretty much everyone and when I became a manager of the company in the last 12 months I could see in the accounting that there were massive, and I mean massive dividend payouts while everyone was furloughed...what went on was absolutely disgusting.

    • Like 1
  15. He wasn’t actually running that campaign though. That was farage, wasn’t it? Regardless, I don’t think that’s a particularly fair stick to beat sunak with and it’s one he’d find pretty easy to squirm a way out of.

    Theres plenty of other much more recent promises that would be really easy to go after him for

    pretty much any of his 5 “pledges”

    The complete abandonment of “levelling up”

    Immigration down to “tens of thousands”

    Every single public service on its arse

    local councils going bust through lack of funding

    Liz truss (nuff said)

    massive covid fraud that’s gone completely uninvestigated

    That’s just stuff off the top of my head.


  16. 8 hours ago, markavfc40 said:

    It is not and never will wash though will it. Was it yesterday they pledged to open 100 new GP surgeries having closed 2500 since 2010. Every instance of them saying they'll do something can be met with but you've destroyed that very same thing you'll say you'll start to fix. It is like an arsonist burning your house down then offering to start laying a few bricks to rebuild it.

    After 14 years they have nowhere to hide and everything that is wrong in on them. 

    I want to know what happened to those 40 new hospitals we were all promised in 2019.

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