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Posts posted by sonic_bouma

  1. 4 minutes ago, Warnock said:

    Does anyone know what formation we were playing today? I'm not sure even RDM knows what to play to fully utilise Ayew and McCormack (who coming off no match practice did exceptional today)

    I know one thing though, we are crying out for a full back and centre mid. There's too much hype surrounding Gardner but he doesn't do it for me.

    Gardner was very poor today. So off the pace in that first half it was incredible. Lost every second ball. Misplaced passes. Tishbola looked much more composed and physical in the short time he was on

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  2. Gutting to lose like that but knew it was coming. Still far too many players in the team that are hungover from last season. I'm taking positives in the hope that RDM doesn't want to play that team and is working hard to replace them. We also played well in the second half. For a top 6 team Wednesday were poor.

    I would argue that 7 players in that team should not be anywhere near the starting eleven. Hutton, Cissokho, Baker, Westwood, Gardner, Bacuna and Gestede.

    Amavi, Grealish and Tishbola need to come straight in to replace Cissokho, Bacuna and Gardner.

    RDM has the rest of the window to replace the other 4.

    This transfer window will make or break us coz we ain't finishing in the top 6 if those 7 players are starting consistently. 

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  3. It was amusing to see them lose the first game after all the hype about them pissing the league. They probably still will but an opening day defeat was very welcome.

    all the " it was a wake up call" comments amused me and "we know now that it will be a tough league". Ridiculous thing to say and admits you weren't prepared.

    the strangest decision for me was Benitez appointing Lascelles as captain.

    Far too young and done nothing to earn the respect of his teammates. More importantly, nowhere near good enough to inspire and motivate through his play either. They got a bit carried away with his performances last season because he tried and put in some good performances. But I bet there are a fair few players in the team thinking " really? This child who has done nothing in the game and will make plenty of errors that lead to goals is my captain?"

    He was interview after the game last night and fair play said all the right things but you couldn't help feel it was all a bit forced. I would like it to us making Baker captain a couple of seasons ago.

    like I said strange one.

  4. I've always been a huge fan of Diame.

    ive ranted on here every time he's gone to an inferior club wondering why we haven't signed him.

    Hes an absolute beast that would give us a real physical presence in the CM area and as well as the ability to get box to box.

    i very much doubt he will turn down Newcastle at such an advanced stage.

    However if we have called his agent and thrown a shitload of money his way then you never know. 

    In McCormack and Diane we would have the best cf and cm in the league imo.

    so on that basis it ain't happening!

  5. If that tweet is correct and we have found a midfield enforcer (something which gueye never did) then I want him to be three  things:

    1. Experienced 

    2. More vocal than a vocalist who has very loud vocals 

    3. English/not English but played here for years

    I would even accept a player with less ability than other options if they meet those three requirements.

    im done with watching boys try to play a mans game in midfield.

    A Nolan, Barton, jedinak type is absolutely crucial to our success this season

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  6. Lets not debate the transfer fee too much. We're using the Clark and gueye money to buy a player who has scored more goals in the past 3 seasons in the championship than anybody else. We will have the best striker in the division.

    who else is better qualified to score goals for us? 22 goals and 11 assists in a shit Fulham side last season.

    an absolutely brilliant signing for us.

    well done Tony.

    (if it comes off)

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  7. He's the one player I'd give anything to keep.

    He will tear the championship apart down the left.

    Liverpool will be too big a club for him to resist. They pay us the money then he's off .

  8. 1 minute ago, villan-scott said:

    Can't believe we've signed Warwick Davis to play centre back. 

    RDM and Xia out!

    That's really strange I literally logged on to make the exact same shit joke ;)

    i don't know much about him but he sounds like the type of player we need around the place and some decent championship credentials to back it up. RDM must have admired him for a while to be making a decision on him so quickly.

    Now get Richards and lescott to play a game of Russian roulette.

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  9. Why am I seeing Twitter rumours that we are in advanced talks with Daniel Ayala from Boro for 9m? Why on earth would he swap the prem for us and why would they let him go to us after he was in the championship team of the season?

    i smell bull faeces.

  10. I must say at first I wasn't too pleased with the news that RDM was the front runner for the job. I wanted Moyes. But the more I've researched him and his performance the more I think it will be a good appointment for where we are now as a club.

    however the news of Clarke coming in as assistant has just cranked the appointment up to another level. He is a fantastic number 2 and the pair of them I'm sure will command a respect from the players and provide a mixture of flair and organisation in our play. I can't see them taking many prisoners either just like some wanted appears on for. The added bonus is neither of them are arrogant and will be srangling an opposing player in front of the television cameras anytime soon.

    really hope this is confirmed today so they both can crack on identifying targets and more importantly shipping out the losers.

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  11. Ended up having an impromptu play date at our local park with Michael Dawson, his wife and young boy today. We had a nice chat whilst our sons played together. Really nice guy and just the type of character we need to now fill our squad with. Players that will never give anything less than 100%. Told him he'd be welcome at the Villa :)

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  12. Harvard? Oxford?

    What a geek.

    Finally a brain cell at the helm. 

    When I heard it's a random Chinese guy I was worried. But initial information about him is very promising. The proof will be in the proverbial.

  13. I've been living in Wetherby for about a year now and I've just found out from my next door neighbour that Jimmy Lumsden lives on the same road as me. He is David Moyes' first team coach that he takes to all his clubs including Everton and  Utd. It's funny coz I've seen him out jogging and said hi in passing but never knew who he was.

    Anyway my next door neighbour is a Glaswegian also and befriended him years ago. He told me today that Jimmy recently told him that Moyes is still very much in the frame for Villa.

    i reckon it's between Moyes and Pearson. We're just waiting for the takeover to happen and for them to see who they gel with.



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  14. Pearson wouldn't be my first choice.

    but i was encouraged by ranieris comments yesterday. He said when he came in to Leicester the friendship, team spirit and work ethic between all the players was already fantastic.

    Pearson instilled that. He can't take credit for the title win obviously. But he left ranieri a squad that ran through brick walls for each other.

    and right now I'd give my left bollock for that at Villa.

    • Like 3
  15. Meaningless apology so the words still rhyme with "trucking tanker".

    Retire from football Gabby coz I wouldn't even wish you on another club.

    i will be so disappointed if he is still a member of our squad next year.

  16. Gotta say that gueye has been excellent. Those stats that sky pulled up on him aswell before the game really surprised. He is only second behind Kante in all the important stats for a defensive mid. 

    He may be useful in the championship yet

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  17. Go 442 and play proper wingers 

    team I wanna see

    --------------------------New GK---------------------

    New RB------------Okore------New CB------------Amavi


    Traore------------Gana---------Veretout-----------New winger


    -------------------Gestede--------New striker/Gil just behind


    try and keep Clark, Westwood and Sanchez and Bunn coz at least they are professional and will give 100% when called upon.

    the rest can go **** themselves.

  18. It's easy for me to say because I don't go to games anymore living up north and have better things to spend my money on.

    but seeing a completely empty ground from kick off for the next home game would be great to see.

    we're down so you completely forget the impact it has on the game and our current predicament.

    it would get huge publicity and get the ball rolling with how much this club is in turmoil and our distaste with Lerner.

    Asking a season ticket holder to miss one match isn't a huge deal but asking them to miss lots is and therefore it would never be a regular thing and eventually fall on its arse with Lerner still here.

    walking around the UAE with villa promotion flyers handing them out to sheiks is probably the best form of action to take at the moment. 

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