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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. 54 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    As long as its not a Vit d defiency stone or anither stone (as i think there is 4 or 5 different types) it should help in future

    Ooh, that's innerestin' 

    A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with a severe vitamin d deficiency, and taking one pill a day has been life changing.

    Have had kidney stones in the past. The first one completely blocked the tube and had to be surgically removed. The pain was, indeed, quite severe. So painful I actually stopped swearing.

  2. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    I’d still tell them to f-off, they aren’t serious people and will more than likely mug you off down the line. 

    I’d also give the estate agent a rollicking for sending people round, and taking offers off people that aren’t ready to buy.

    +1 for this. Shove it back on the market. There's a slim possibility it might give the 'buyer' a kick in the arse, but it's doubtful.

    And get an explanation in writing from the estate agents as to what they think happened, and how they'll avoid the situation happening again if you decide to continue with them.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, juanpabloangel18 said:

    So this Luke Akehurst guy seems nice, although he's deleted about 2000 tweets this week so it's hard to check. I also note that he chairs Labour MP selection panels! Who'd have thought!

    So - nothing remotely troubling at all about a fully paid up lobbyist for a pariah state (Israel) deselecting democratically elected candidates and then himself being parachuted into a safe seat.

    Starmer really doing his best Stalin impression yet this week. What a dreadful time to be a social democrat.

    Got a link? FWIW I'm not a huge fan...

  4. 3 hours ago, JoshVilla said:

    Saw Tool last night. As always, they were utterly brilliant. I'll get a ticket every time they come around, without fail. Brilliant band and brilliant show. 

    However, there's a special circle of hell reserved for people that talk very loudly through gigs. 2 blokes sat in front of us were pretty much shouting at each other for the whole first half. I could hear them over the band. It was £70 for a ticket. Sit down, shut the **** up and watch the gig. It's annoying at any gig, but especially at a Tool gig where you want to take it all in.

    At a Tool gig... sitting. Is that a thing? Not 100% mosh pit? I guess all the fans are a lot older now.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, _AA_786 said:

    Just found this thread and looked at the last 5 or so pages and can say I also despise Soup. Truly pointless but my don't get is Vapes (probably been said before).

    I get it if you previously smoked and this is how you're giving up but it seems the amount of people with them far outweighs those who were smoking so many went from not smoking to just vaping for what purpose - to look cool? to taste some skittle flavoured smoke? 

    Absolute load of ****

    Totally agree. What I don't get about vapes is why they're not regulated like cigarettes. They contain nicotine. They're addictive. For the 99% of people who aren't using them to get off tobacco, they're merely a way of siphoning money from the poor and ignorant, into the coffers of the already rich.

    On holiday last year I met a girl (woman) who was lovely and down to earth. Really good fun too. When I asked her what she did for a living, she quite happily explained that she was global head of 'new customer capture' at BAT. How can someone like that sleep at night? Avoided her completely after that.

    • Like 1
  6. On 25/05/2024 at 12:16, NurembergVillan said:

    With a heavy heart, I'm letting go of the Puma ST. Will sell below the asking price if a VTer wants it...

    Worra motor, Jeff!

    Why you selling it then? You going full lycra and getting a racing bicycle?

  7. 10 hours ago, markavfc40 said:

    I detest them but I don't see Reform as a bad thing at the moment as they'll serve the purpose of splitting the right wing vote.

    Around 40% of the electorate has been right wing for as long as I've voted. The other approx. 60% has been split between the centre/centre left parties. This has unfortunately seen the Tories gain power more often than not due to having a monopoly on that right wing vote.

    At present Labour/Libs/Greens are polling at around 60-65% with the Tories/Reform at 35%. It is far better the right wing vote gets split so Reform taking 10-15% out of the Tories is going to see them lose a shed load of seats. The expected rise in tactical voting by the centre left/centre parties is likely going to see the Tories totally annihilated.

    I see where you're coming from, and it has much merit. Until they get bigger than a fringe party and start to take over until there is no split. Then we have a British Trump party that can't be ignored, by us, by the media. Imagine a world where BBC balance is a balance between Blue Labour and Reform. We'd be ****.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, CarryOnVilla said:

    You’d be surprised how much the media, think tanks and politics bleed into each other. People switching around all 3 professions with great ease 

    Oh yeah! It's something I follow quite closely as I see how corrupting it is. I have friends and acquaintances in and around it trying to make it better. It's an uphill task.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, The Fun Factory said:

    The Sun and Times usually switch when it looks utterly hopeless for the tories. They might not necessarily back Labour but I can't see them giving Sunak a ringing endorsement.  Mail, Express and Telegraph are true blue. Though nowadays not sure how important a paper backing a political party is given the circulation figures. A social influencer is probably more important now.

    Ironically, despite the print media's huge loss of circulation over the last decade and more, they still have stranglehold on opinion shaping in our broadcast media. The BBC still has a regular "What the Papers Say" segment, and defer to their judgement on what the nation thinks is important. As time goes on I see the print media becoming more like propaganda think tanks (e.g Tax payers Alliance), with the public facing bit their 'justification' for 'understanding' the pulse of the nation.

  10. 3 hours ago, Genie said:

    I use my Chase account, 4.1% AER paid monthly and instantly accessible. I’m sure there will be better deals around though.

    +1 for Chase. The app is an unnavigable mess, but other than that, fine.

  11. 9 hours ago, astondalston said:

    What difference will the Danish F-16's make when they arrive in the next few weeks?



    Gives them more options and pushes the Russians to operate their planes further back from the front, which makes things easier for troops on the ground. There will be a knock on effect everywhere. The Russian air force have the choice of being less effective, or taking greater risks, and being more likely to be shot down.

    Ukraine will probably lose some, which will be trumpeted as Russia being about to win or something.

  12. 2 hours ago, BOF said:

    My Excel has subtly changed the size of something in its on-screen menus, making my spreadsheet display area a teency bit smaller, and therefore all of my pages no longer page down properly (in alignment). I can't for the life of me see what it is, or reverse its effect, because nothing has been added. But I notice 'the look' of some things is slightly different so maybe they've updated the GUI and that has had the 'desired' effect. **** them all to high heaven.

    First rule of IT issues: Always blame the user.

    • Sad 1
  13. On 10/05/2024 at 20:10, Genie said:

    I should get over £200 back from selling my current handset.

    Not the Pixel 8? They're £700 brand new, so you should be able to get more than £200, especially if you've barely used it.

  14. Yeah, soup. If I'm thirsty, I'll drink something. If I'm hungry I'll eat something solid . Soup falls in the middle for me, so I never have it. Trying to be two things at the same time, and ends up being neither. Like a Ford Capri.

    Of course, when I have soup, I generally enjoy it.

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Mic09 said:


    I don't get it. A lot of my family raves about it. But I don't get it.

    It seems like a useful tool - but it only does 3 things; heats, mixes and cuts. Nothing else. (Yes, it's got recipes, but please can you just use google? Isn't that easier?) 

    Each of those 3 tasks can be easily performed by things everyone has in their kitchen. Just use a knife to cut up ingredients , stick it in the pan, and mix it. 

    And you are over a THOUSAND £ better off. 

    It's like a soup maker that another of my family members absolutely loves. It does exactly the same thing as a thermomix. Personally, I just cut shit up, boil it, stick it in a blender, and it's the same thing at a fraction of the price. 

    The cost nowhere near justifies this weird machine.

    But I have to give it to them, great marketing.   

    Thermomix! Many wow! Such good!

    Anyway, here's an amusing brief video about it. The two presenters went on to write Deadloch, if that's your bag.


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