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Posts posted by myb

  1. I was disappointed that carew was not on the pitch longer

    Personally i felt that tactically MON got it spot on. They were playing pretty high tempo, closing us down and getting amongst us. The timing of the substitute was absolute key. They were beginning to tire and our class would eventually show, it was just down to whether we could get that chance, which we did.

  2. Well - there you have it, the guy is released, despite killing over 100 people.

    Nicely done, yoghurt crew.

    Yep some guy convicted because a Maltese Shirt saleman said he bought a shirt in his shop

    It was never the safest of convictions

    Maybe, but letting him out now will just stir it up again, as shown by the trimuphant return home.

    I'm not entirely up to speed with this case, but that comment is entirely absurd. We keep a 'potentially' innocent man locked up on the basis that there maybe political fallout if we free him. The double standards are alarming. We have the ablity to be as corrupt in this country as we make out the rest of the world are.

  3. I think you'll find a whole lot more civil, level headed people across the country who would agree with those policies.

    The policies quoted were from UKIP and the BNP - the same for both - you may think that is civil, level headed I beg to differ.

    So it's unreasonable, possibly even racist, to agree with a policy on freezing immigration in a country which seems fit to burst and can't even look after the people already here?

    It's also unreasonable to expect that as soon as we discover that an immigrant is an illegal immigrant, that they should be sent packing on the next plane out of the country?

    Is it unreasonable to expect that migrants, who come and settle here, then commit criminal offences, are sent home either upon release from prison, or before?

    I don't see any issues at all with those policies.

  4. We will freeze immigration for five years, speed up deportation of up to a million illegal immigrants by tripling the numbers engaged in deportations

    we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement
  5. The only thing i would say, apart from the ref being shocking is this: Didier Drogba - Karma does exist. Maybe you'll give some thought to the amount of cheating, diving and feigning of injury (such as last night which led to a large chunk of the time added on) you have been guilty of in the past, and wonder to yourself whether or not it is that which has cost you a place in the Champions League Final.

  6. you'll be eaten by the lions!!! if hull fans sing 'mauled by the tigers' *credit to PompeyVillian*

    Thats the gayest chant in the lead, I pray to McGrath no one sings that!

    when i was young i had a dream

    to watch the greatest football team

    and here i am the dream is real

    with randy learner & matin o'neill!

    that is absolute class

    brilliant. There was another chant i've been hearing recently - think it may be the same one as mentioned above by Grievemeister... anyone shed any light on it!?

  7. idiot. last week when we played Moscow he had lots more callers than usual who were putting him in his place (possibly because WM were the only ones with commentary on the game). He really struggled - it wasn't his usual audience and he couldn't cope with the stick he was getting. About time to.

  8. It was actually James Milner that landed the plane on the Hudson River. He just couldn't be arsed with the fuss after so let the other pilot take the credit.

    Copy me post will you myb?

    oooops... thought i'd read the thread and hadn't seen it yet. There was me thinking I was being a smart arse.

    James Milner wouldn't make schoolboy errors like that.

  9. So if you aim on target but it going for the corner flag, hits a defenders arse and goes in the back of the net it's on target? Seriously?

    Same equates hitting the post, it's mm's if its in or out, hence it's pot luck and it's off target!

    No, cause that would be an own goal.

    If you aim for the inside of the post, hit it and score then your shot is on target.

  10. The target is to score a goal, if it hits the woodwork and goes in its a goal, its on target, if it rebounds off the woodwork and doesn't go in, its off target. A sort of close but no cigar situation

    Absolute rubbish IMO, it's off target whatever the circumstance, if it goes in off the post, it's the same as an off-target deflection.

    Course not!! Your aim is to hit the target (which is the net), and you have succeeded in doing so. The post doesn't move (unlike a goalkeeper) so you know that if you hit the inside of the post it's likely that you'll score. Hits the post and in = on target.

  11. I've been on a right downer since the turn of the year. Split with my fiance (who i proposed to last xmas day) in the middle of last year. Was ok al over xmas - drinking copious ammounts probably helped! But since New Years Eve etc. i've been pretty down in the dumps!! I'm putting it down to the fact that it was my first xmas in a few without her, feeling skint and going back to work.

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