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Posts posted by myb

  1. Has there actually been any justification for why Bulger's mother has absolutely any right to be involved in this yet either? Because as far as I'm concerned, she shouldn't be any more than any other member of public as far as this is concerned, but she seems hell bent on involved when it's none of her business.

    I find that attitude completely heartless and quite patronising on Mrs Fergus. Her 4 year old sone was tortured and killed by 2 warped 10 year olds. She has every right to know every time they squat and take a shit if she so wishes; anything that brings her solace.

    As for previous posts suggesting that she was in some way at fault for taking her eye of the toddler, again disgraceful. Any self-respecting parent knows has suffered that absolute moment of panic when you have just for a second lost sight of a child - whether thats them wondering off or falling ovrt. She was just very, very unlucky.

  2. Have not really commented on this, other than to say I think I'd have preferred that he just didn't give the penalty and we could argue till the cows come home about that. The infuriating thing for me is that he has clearly seen the incident that everyone else has and just bottled making the correct and 'big' call. Giving the penalty was the easy thing to do. That is why I don't think he's fit to ref.

  3. Going to villa park is beginning to not be fun, too many **** moaning rocket polishers around.

    Dont go then!

    They pay their money and can do what they like, the same way you pay yours to sit on your high horse.

    Good result i think, anything other than a loss to Utd is a good point.

    We're going to actually have to create something in the final mind..

    He's right, though. Don't think i've ever had a season where I've been surrounded by such dickheads. Constatly moaning and getting on the players back at the first opportunity. The term "support" is lost on some of our home fans.

  4. 2 - 0 Defoe getting both (the bastard). Milner to pick up a knock which turns out to be a broken metatarsal and keeps him out for the rest of the season.

    Feeling very pessimistic at the moment.

    I hope im wrong.

    For the record - I would take a defeat if it meant having Milner fit/a good shot at the cup.

    :| So you'd take a defeat on the basis that you have had 'thoughts' that Milner may get injured? That's a weird train of thought you've just taken....!

  5. just booked return tickets from international to euston for 28quid each (travelling on the saturday afternoon, returning at 19.45 on the sunday) little over an hour journery. sorted! Plenty available at the mo as well by the looks of it :D

    We are doing the same train journey but on the same day sunday, we decided to go for open tickets due to not knowing how long we could get delayed getting from the ground back to Euston, plus if it goes to extra time we could of been pushing it.

    3pm till 5pm normal time, extra time half hour plus the time between, then you could have penalties, watching the team parade the cupp (if we win) getting out the ground and then the delays getting to the station for a half hour trip to euston.

    Our return tickets are open, as with all off-peak returns! Checked before booking just in case that happened 8)

  6. That good news that Diaby is out, he was excellent against us at xmas. With him and song gone it does leave them vulerable defensivily in midfield so should be a bit of room for Milner to try and work his magic.

    Diaby has been key to both our recent losses IMO

    One loss my friend. Although point taken that he was superb for them in the 2-2 darw here last season.

  7. That's a tough one. Not been many has there! Gabby at the Sty (x2) was nice. You also can't beat a lastt minue winner away from home - Peter Crouch at Boro when we were down to 10 men in DOL's 1st season. Even looked like we might have a pop at 4th spot!

  8. mark my words - if Thursday is off - the Villa Park leg will be Wednesday.

    Mark my words, if Thursday is off the game at Ewood will be rearrnaged for next Wednesday. It is not a case of reissuing tickets, as those that were valid for the game on Weds will simply be valid for whenever the rearranged fixture is.b The integrity of holding a draw would have to be upheld.

  9. Yes - but that was arranged two weeks ago wasn't it.

    It isn't as simple as that.

    Lets just say tomorrow is off and they arranged the home leg again.

    We would only be one calender month from the final. There will reach a point where the games will have to go ahead

    We have Arsenal Wed 27th - and that couldnt be re-arranged as Arsneal have Champions League commitments.

    We have Man U on Wed. 10th of Feb - and they couldn't re-arrange that - for same reason.

    The clubs and league would have to get the games played as soon as possible - the final is only 5 weeks away !!

    That doesn't make sense though. They have to play the games on 2 separate dates, so Blackburn will always play their home leg first. So, if tomorrow gets cancelled we'll play the game in Blackburn next Wednesday when we were due at home. If that gets cancelled, we'd play on the date we rearranged the home leg, and so on.

  10. They will look for any excuse to get this called off in my opinion to get their players back, to get home leg advantage and to try and put a couple of results together in the league.

    They can't do that I wouldn't have thought. Surely it has to be the way the draw came out which is us at home second.

    You're right. If they had to, they'd make the away leg next wednesday when we were supposed to be at home, and then we'd have to re arrange the home leg. That's what they have done with the Mancs semi-final. There is no way they'd play the home leg before the away, IMO.

  11. Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS.

    Mate in all fainess i think that has been answered plenty of times. You can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time. But you can't please all of the people, all of the time.

    And to state that Randy and his regime have let fans down at this time, let alone any other time, is absolutely absurd.

  12. Without trying to speak on behalf of the General, I do feel sorry for him, and the club, with the reaction to the way the club dealt with the fans that went to Sunderland.

    The club made an official statement for the Sunderland game. The statement said that anybody buying a ticket for that game would get priority for further away fixtures for the rest of the competition. This was obviously to get as many fans as possible to go to Sunderland for a midweek game in an early round of the cup. Given the travelling distance involved, and the fact that we have struggled in recent years in this competition, I think it was a good idea to get as many fans there as possible to cheer the lads on. The club got a lot of negative feedback afterwards, which I guess contributed to the club not making the same gesture for the Pompey game! That, together with the fact that the Pompey game was the quarter final and against the team that is bottom of the league, which gave us a very good chance of progressing and taking a lot more support.

    The club have an obligation to the fans that went to Sunderland and I am guessing that this might be the last time that they make such a statement after the reaction it has received, although it was done with the best interests of both the fans and the players. I think that everyone has to remember that the club will get a lot of stick from those that went to Sunderland if they fail to get their hands on a ticket for the Semi!

    General, will you be attending either leg of the sem final?

    I'd echo this. Just seems at times the club can't do right for doing wrong in some people's eyes. A minority of people don't realise how good we have it in terms of the way that the club is run.

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