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Posts posted by myb

  1. General

    With all the stuff that gets put on here I feel a little selfish with this one (so sorry), but anyway thought I'd ask... For Xmas I received a superb gift. A bound collection of Villa related newpaper articles over the past 100 years. Really is great! Anyway... I was hoping that I'd be able to get it signed by yourself, Randy and MON. Obviously not just something I want to post on the off chance it would get damaged (not by anyone at the club of course!) but just hoped their would possibly be a way of arranging to leave it somewhere and collect it at a later date (such as in a brown paper bag under my seat in the Holte? :D)? I don't get the opportunity to go to the training ground and it's to big a thing to take to the match!!

    If you can help it would be appreciated.



  2. General

    How do the club decide how many season tickets they will make available? I know we sold out of half tickets... is that the maximum number of season tickets that will be made available given the current capacity, or will the club be looking to increase this and have a smaller number for general sale?? I ask as it looks like next season (much to my horror!!) work committments are going to make getting a season ticket unpractical for 12 months!

    Loving the work Sir


  3. Sorry I don't agree with all this about the club subsidising things... I certainly don't hink we as fans should just expect them to do that. Randy and the board have been very generous over the past 13 months and I don't think people should be putting the onus on them to sort out the mess created by the shite through there own pockets. The best way is to try and discredit SHA and show them up for the shower they really are.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. My sense is that Villa Shirts will be sold at all Nike outlets...as they start to be produced in quantity.

    2. Not sure what Mr. Gold is after other than publicity. When you get down in the mud and wrestle with a pig, the pig loves it...and you get muddy. I think I will just let him continue to talk.


  5. Hi General,

    I would like to support one of the previous posts ref. Tribute to Derek “The Doog” Dougan before the game on Saturday. I knew him personally and although

    his heart lay with the Wolves, he was always very proud to be able to say that he played for Aston Villa and was a favourite of the fans in the 60s and also a great

    Ambassador for the sport in his role as Chairman of the PFA

    By the way General, I would also like to add that you are leading the way for other football clubs to follow and I’m sure it won’t be long before everyone has a “General” of their own! Great job General.


    in the usual fashion of fans songs about every new player "there's only one General Krulak, one General Krulak...!

  6. General Krulak here:

    1. If you have not received Season Ticket, please call Nicky Keye...the postal strike has caused major problems.

    For anyone who needs to know what was said.. if you haven't received your season ticket by Friday, call the club and a duplicate ticket will be printed. You can then collect this from the Holte End on matchday...


  7. Hi General...

    I ordered my Season Ticket a couple of weeks ago and still haven't received it. I'm starting to get a bit twitchy with the postal strikes etc. and am worried that it may not be with me (and any others?) in time for Saturday. Will the club be announcing any contingency plans for fans who do not receive their cards in time for Saturday?


  8. General on behalf of all Villa fans, thanks for making the effort to continue to communicate with us as you have been doing. I have to admit i was half expecting to hear less from you as some people continued to moan, whinge or gripe with their extremely high levels of wit :roll: . You, the board and MON continue to do the club proud and don't let the doubters knock you!!

    Cheers Sir

  9. General on that note about your first day at the club... can I ask when you first new of Randy's interest in the Club, and your initial reactions?? And how long had something been in the pipeline?? It was only this time last year that I was convinced we were to be relegated the following season. We really were teetering on the brink of disaster.

  10. General

    Can i be the first to commend the club again on the price of tickets in the lower north stand. To have tickets at such reasonable prices will guarantee a packed Villa goal behind both ends at Villa Park - something many of us have never seen. It will be superb and i believe, be more of an advantage psycoligically to the team.


  11. are there areas 1-50?


    thanks for the continued excellent work you guys are doing at Villa Park, great to see. Are there any plans in the close season/pre season to hold any open training sessions, either at Bodymoor Heath or Villa Park?? Be something useful for kids (and their fathers...!) to do over the long summer holidays. just a thought!!



  12. So direct quotes from board members, assuming the General is as ive got not idea what is actual role is, does no count PR babble?

    What has the General said then? "I think we will sign some quality players", maybe the manager and your opinion on what constitutes quality differs. Ever thought of that?

    No figure that, MON has different views the fans on a messageboard. Alert the media. Its pretty obvious that whatever posts people make, are there own opinions. Nobody as a clubs spokes person or whatever here. Except the General, who has said we are to expect star and quality signings. Koumas is not a star and not a quality player if we are to fight with the big boys.

    as you said, in your opinion...

    In mine Star player: No. Quality player: Most definitley

  13. West Ham are very close for a deal on Scott Parker, forking off late interest from Tottenham. They just got

    themselves a very good midfielder. Problem is that if we don't sign better players than they do we are just

    going to be one in the fold next season, we could end up 6th but might as well end up 11th again. I see United

    have signed Anderson and Nani in deals worth 30M all together. I am not saying we could have grabbed them

    I just think we should go abroad and take some risks on "the best players" in some of the leagues. Look at

    United whom have bought Evra and Vidic in recent years, players we could have easily gotten if we had just

    been there before them. I do not know anything about MON's style of transfers, but my feeling is that he likes

    it British and no fuzz players. That is dangerous because you might end up with nothing; but we can only wait

    and see.


    I am flabbergasted that, after the goings on in January we are still looking at other clubs early deals, comparing them to ours at this stage (when the window isn't open) and panicking.

  14. Completely random, but there is something that really pisses me off about Fergie. He got lucky with Scholes, Giggs, Beckham and Neville. He hijacked Keanes move when he was on the brink of signging for Blackburn; waited for another club to take a risk on Carrick and Ferdinand before paying double the price; like the rest of us probably thought Hargreaves was a pile of shite before the world cup (were they going to buy him for £20million before hand?) and even my Nan could see the talent Ronaldo has when he played for the Portugese Under 21's. And he brought Veron. Nuff said. If you want a Gabi, **** off and find your own.

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