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Posts posted by GaztonVilla

  1. Denis, I'm interested in your comment that regulators might have been irritated by Padfield's comments yesterday.

    Hypothetically, what sanctions could be placed on someone if they had irritated regulators in that way? Hypothetically, of course... ;)

  2. Ian the Mail's sources said so - that has to be enough surely :crylaugh:

    Surely Gulla Bill will have thoroughly checked out the reliability of his sources yes? :roll: :oops:

    When any other journalist comes out with a report on this, then I'll give it some credence. Until then, its Gulla Bill calling a sub-editor and trying to justify his wages with a big headline.

  3. I thought AV06 threat to MON was quite pathetic as well , sounded like a spoiled child infact .

    AV06 : Look Martin if your not gonna sign a new contract with us then then then were gonna hire Lippi so there <

    I think that was a sarcastically made-up-on-the-forum threat...

  4. I was just thinking actually. IF there bid is better for the future then why not just bid the same and see what the board think. It does seem desperate to bid an extra 10%.

    Well, they need to beat the price by 5% to halt the process, but going to 10% does seem like desperation.

  5. I don't consider it likely that this bid will be entertained, unless it can demonstrate VERY CLEARLY that it is FAR superior to that of RAL.

    And I don't mean in terms of it's £70 million valuation.

    RAL's bid is at £62.6 million, a cash transaction with clear plans for the future development of the company (and the club).

    AV06 will need to have their £70 million in cash and will need to have better plans than RAL have for their bid to be entertained.

    Remember, Neville was offering £64 million which is more than Randy is paying, so the fact that AV06 is talking about £70 million is a minor consideration, I feel.

  6. A cash bid, from a single investor, with a board as strong as was presented yesterday will be VERY VERY difficult to beat. And it will be difficult for them to come up with a package to beat that in the timescale given.

    Like Neville, a bid of £70million smacks of pure desperation...

  7. I would imagine that the other parties that were involved in a bidding process will now withdraw from the process, thereby restricting themselves from any further offers for AV plc for 6 months and rendering that clause unnecessary.

  8. it appears DOL knew the club was way into the old financial mire and was the one who continued to press for more funds even knowing it was pushing the club further and further into debt and the chairman and board was too weak to resist his grandiose ideas.

    Every manager in the history of football has wanted more money to spend on players.

    Except Brian Little at Tranmere who fell foul of his board for NOT spending the funds available to him.

    If Ridsdale couldn't tell DOL "no", then it makes Ridsdale even MORE of an arse in my eyes.

  9. A prime example is the Padfield interview of 5 live.

    In that, Padfield talks about a meeting on Tuesday.

    At no point does he mentioned who the meeting is with.

    Suddenly, some fans had decided the meeting was with Ellis.

    But that was only their interpretation of it.

    Well, to be fair, Bill Howell said on Sky Sports News that he was meeting Ellis yesterday.

  10. Until last night at least no-one had submitted a formal bid for the company. Several indicative bids ("I might take this further if...this that and other...") had been submitted.

    Neville has several times indicated he was going to bid, but.....well he hasn't (up to last night).

    Does that mean there has been a change in the landscape since last night Blandy?

    Or just that we wouldn't know if there had been?

  11. What has happened to Neville's bid? I thought he was the only one to have officially submitted a bid, and yet there has been no statement to the SE. Now he's on about joining with AV06, strange behaviour if a bid has been placed with the board already

    His was an indicative offer which he submitted to Rothchilds. No statement needs to be made re indicative offers.

    It would seem, however, that ROthchilds haven't recommended that the AV board accept this offer, so Neville is exploring other options.

  12. IF (and thats a big IF)..

    But IF this is true aboute Neville, it's a disturbing revelation.

    Having said that, if Neville has shown his true colours by making this proposal to Lerner, then Randy has to seriously consider the offer. If Randy can remove Neville (and most likely AV06) from his radar at minimal cost, it will allow for a smoother purchase of the company by him.

    In the long run, if he has to contest with these 2 consortia, it may end up costing him more (in legal fees etc) than just buying them off now. And if Neville is willing to be paid off, I think that tells its own story.

  13. It's more like selling a car and the guy who's going to buy it saying, "put on some new wheels and a new stereo and I'll cover the costs when I have the log book and it's registered in my name". Hopefully.

    I think this more a case of a guy agreeing to buy a car, but doesn't mind if the current owner uses all the petrol that's already in the tank before the sale goes through.

  14. Ah no I forgot.

    We all love Doug now.

    No, bollox, we don't.

    But if JF wants to be a straight-talking, no-frills voice of reason, he should avoid stunts like this.

    It's fine that he tried to gain entry alongside a BBC journalist, I've blagged my way into many events; but, he should not be surprised that he was refused entry nor should he ring Phil Mepham to complain about it.

    Just suck it up JF, accept that the press conference was going to be heavily stage managed and make your noise outside.

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