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Everything posted by GaztonVilla

  1. If people claim to be Villa till they die, yet contribute to a cacophony of boos the first time McLeish emerges from the tunnel at VP, then I call them liars and hypocrites. There's a strong chance I won't be going to any games next season. The reason for that is my dismay at the actions of other Villa fans; both in the last 2 weeks but also in the previous 9 months. Villa Park has had an almost poisonous atmosphere and I can only see it getting worse. I'll support the team next season, regardless of who the manager is. But my absence is not due to the new manager, or the board. When you boo, it won't be in my name.
  2. Are those who are berating Lerner and Faulkner for having no football experience the same ones who are berating them for preferring a manager with PL experience? Perhaps the board are aware of their own deficiencies and feel it would be too risky to appoint a manager with no PL experience as that would leave the entire senior executive level having no PL experience?
  3. My pleasure. The Aston Villa motto "Prepared" is a positive statement of current status and outlook. The motto of the international Boy Scout Movement, "Be Prepared", can be seen as either a statement of aspiration or desired status. They are very different. They're also different on a much more fundamental level. One says "Be Prepared", the other says "Prepared". In fact, it was 30 days after O'Neill resigned that Houllier was appointed. Not even an entire month. Also, during this incredibly long tortuous 4 weeks and 2 days, Houllier underwent medical tests which showed him to be in sufficiently good health to take the job. In fact, I would argue that the process of insisting Houllier had these tests showed a good level of preparedness on the part of AVFC. And the way in which this shows a supposed lack of preparedness is? Holding interviews one at a time is unprofessional? Would you prefer that they gather all prospective candidates in a room together and set them Big Brother style tasks? I think you're confusing preparedness with an ability to see into the future on this point.
  4. Sorry to do this to you again but, no, it doesn't.
  5. I used to like you, Eames. Now, when I'm lying in bed tonight with the screeching tones of Alanis Morrisette in my head, I will forever curse you and your typing fingers.
  6. No it's not. We're not the boy scouts. so what is it then you smart arse prick It's "Prepared". Yours sincerely, Smart Arse Prick esq cheers smart arse prick esq, so then please explain to me how the motto is not ironic after the shambles that has happened Happy to be of assistance to you and remove the need for you to undertake such frivolous actions like "looking at the club crest" or "reading". As for your request regarding the supposed irony or otherwise of said motto, that was not the point which I was addressing. However, I am happy to acquiesce to your request and enter into a debate on this. It appears to me that your assertion is that the club is not, despite its motto, "prepared". This leads me to enquire as to what you think the club is not prepared for? I will await your response to this and continue the discussion with you subsequently. Yours, S A Prick esq
  7. No it's not. We're not the boy scouts. so what is it then you smart arse prick It's "Prepared". Your sincerely, Smart Arse Prick esq
  8. the Motto is 'Be Prepared', which is quite IRONIC after these last 12 months..... No it's not. We're not the boy scouts.
  9. I haven't read the article, I'll get around to it soon. For now, I'm curious about what McLeish means by "challenge". Does he see the Villa job as: - The most prestigious and high profile job he's ever had - An opportunity for him to prove himself on a bigger stage than previously - Something that he feels privileged to hold If so, then to my mind that's better than (someone like) Frank Riijkaard who would be off as soon as a bigger club fluttered their eyelashes at him. I have my concerns about AMcL and his ability to do that job but if, after an interview process, he has done enough to convince Randy Lerner of his credentials, I'll give him my support.
  10. Oh look, another board arse-licker. Arse licker is a bit strong. But if you're accusing me of supporting the custodian of our club, using evidence such as his statements and previous actions, then yes; guilty as charged.
  11. I'm so glad you started this thread. I was looking for somewhere to discuss this very issue, but the other threads were not nearly venomous for my liking.
  12. "Waa Waa Waa. The club need to issue a statement NOW and tell us what's going on. We're sick of getting our information from TalkSport." "Waa Waa Waa. The statement from the club last night has made us all angry. They should either shut up or tell us what we want to hear."
  13. Whos tweet is that? Dont they do these at BH? Whoever it is, they're setting off early aren't they?
  14. Fulham had the benefit of having met, interviewed, discussed terms and offered the job to Jol last summer. So the swiftness and effectiveness you speak of is a little bit disingenuous. In fact, you could say that Fulham got their man 12 months later than they wanted because of their incompetence at agreeing a deal with Ajax for his release. Imagine the uproar on here if a similar situation arose with AVFC and, for example, David Moyes. Agree. But they obviously had that contingency in place knowing that there was a possibility that Hughes would quit. They obviously had a plan lined up for the eventuality that Hughes would leave and were able to bring a new manager in within 7 days. Villa were in a similar situation, knowing there was a distinct possibility that Houllier would leave, probably a greater probability than Hughes leaving, yet are still dithering. I think the contingency that Fulham had was that they had Martin Jol's phone number and an idea of how much money he'd want.
  15. Fulham had the benefit of having met, interviewed, discussed terms and offered the job to Jol last summer. So the swiftness and effectiveness you speak of is a little bit disingenuous. In fact, you could say that Fulham got their man 12 months later than they wanted because of their incompetence at agreeing a deal with Ajax for his release. Imagine the uproar on here if a similar situation arose with AVFC and, for example, David Moyes. Uproar if David Moyes, who may have been first choice last summer, is appointed this summer, a year later? No, won't be an uproar. Now imagine if Fulham had signed AM ( I know we haven't yet ) there would have been a lot of funny remarks about them from a lot of our fans. That's not what I meant, and I think you know it.. I meant imagine the uproar if, in the full glare of the media, we approached David Moyes, agreed terms with him and were on the verge of appointing him only for Everton to say that they were not releasing him.
  16. Fulham had the benefit of having met, interviewed, discussed terms and offered the job to Jol last summer. So the swiftness and effectiveness you speak of is a little bit disingenuous. In fact, you could say that Fulham got their man 12 months later than they wanted because of their incompetence at agreeing a deal with Ajax for his release. Imagine the uproar on here if a similar situation arose with AVFC and, for example, David Moyes.
  17. I saw on twitter that the protest had been postponed for a week to allow the club to make an appointment... How very noble of them.
  18. I don't know what we've been doing "all this time". "All this time" being just over 2 weeks, at a time when it seems that half the footballing world is in Barbados. The manager search has, if you believe the unconfirmed press reports, broad enough to encompass Martinez, Moyes, Benitez, McLaren, McLeish and possibly Ranieri.
  19. To use your own words, "All we know OFFICIALLY". We know that the only reasons we have been told this, officially, is because the blanket of secrecy was yanked off by Dave Whelan and Peter Pannu. They haven't had two months to prepare for this. They have had just over 2 weeks. Before that, the expectation was that if Houllier was well enough to continue in the job then the status quo would be maintained. Fulham managed to bag Jol so quickly because they had already met, interviewed, agreed terms and attempted to appoint him last year. In truth, it took Fulham over a year to get their first choice manager. Now, here's a question. The person who "knows about football" that you'd like to see take control. Any suggestions?
  20. I, personally, expect McLeish to get the job now that things have reached this stage. However, if you want a crumb of solace, Randy interviewed Alan Curbishley last year before appointing Houllier. He also interviewed Sven and found him to be unsuitable. With that in mind, perhaps it's worth considering that Randy may have met with other potential candidates and decided them unsuitable or who declined the job. The point I'm trying to make is: Do you really thank Randy Lerner would blindly go into the process of appointing Alex McLeish without meeting other candidates and without considering the impact the appointment would have? I don't think that would happen at all. The Randy Lerner we've come to know isn't a cowboy. He isn't a publicity whore who craves love and adulation. He's not Peter Ridsdale, Dave Whelan or Bill Kenwright. If, after a long and considered process, he deems Alex McLeish to be the best fit for the job (for reasons of availability, willingness or other), then I am prepared to back his judgement, put my scepticism to one side and support the new manager. After all, what do I know? I thought Houllier was going to be a rip-roaring success.
  21. You're right.. What right does the owner of a business have to appoint senior executives that he feels are right fit for the strategy he has in mind for his business? After spending £65 million buying the business and then investing upwards of £150m on the infrastructure of that business, all from his family's wealth, he should now step back from making any decisions on how he feels is the best way to protect and grow that investment. Loaned the business £150m. In exactly the same way that Abramovich, Mansour etc loaned money to the business. He could have gone the Glazer route and mortgaged the business against itself. I know which investment option I prefer.
  22. Eames, Get with the program. Sound reasoning, logic and patience are out the window this week. Just fall in line, call everyone a word removed and save your intelligent posts for the "Off Topic" forum FWIW, I agree entirely with what you posted. Or, I should I say... ^^THIS^^
  23. You're right.. What right does the owner of a business have to appoint senior executives that he feels are right fit for the strategy he has in mind for his business? After spending £65 million buying the business and then investing upwards of £150m on the infrastructure of that business, all from his family's wealth, he should now step back from making any decisions on how he feels is the best way to protect and grow that investment.
  24. I've lost count.. How many times today has Peter Pannu said "We will not be commenting further.."?
  25. My God.. The awful writing in this Blues official statement sounds like the bizarre ramblings of a sobering-up Connell.
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