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Posts posted by dundeevilla

  1. One of the best bands of all time without any shadow of a doubt.

    Morrissey and Marr wrote truly original and great songs.

    One of those groups that will still be revered by music lovers 50 years from now.

  2. Was kindly given a 1st Gen iPhone the other day and jailbroke and unlocked it i now have it running on my Orange contract fine. :D

    Great to use, the wi fi is very good, no 3g but never been bothered about the internet on a phone, just use a computer! :?

    Any good apps to download, official ones and none official ones?

    Spore is quite good fun.

  3. Big weed smoker at college (long long time ago). Ended up making me para so knocked it on the head.

    Also in my younger day I was partial to the odd acid tab, wouldn't touch the stuff now though. Ditto mushrooms.

    Also did a lot of speed when I was at uni - **** horrible horrible comedowns.

    I've had the occasional E and now only have the odd line of coke once in a blue moon.

    The problem with drugs is........ they're great. In moderation.

  4. Our flat's been on sale for three months now without a peep of interest from buyers.

    Had to drop the price, all in all an extremely frustrating experience thus far.

    out of interest, why are you choosing to sell now. It's most defeintely not a sellers market.

    Is it one of those "no option" things?

    We've just got married and want to start a family - our current flat is tiny. We need some space badly.

  5. I guess the last Tory govt is now a dim and distant memory to many people, so the electorate thinks they offer an alternative. I will never vote Tory as long as I live purely based on what Thatcher did to this country. She shattered communities and families - and now we are reaping the rewards. All the deep-seated social problems the country faces are directly traceable back to her administration and its attitude towards working people. "There is no such thing as society". Indeed, mostly thanks to you Maggie.

    Perhaps the Labour party ought to have tried to address this issue rather than perpetuate this unsatisfactory situation?

    I fear it's too late. An underclass has now been created in this country thanks to almost two decades of me,me,me politics, and it will now always be with us.

    Let's see if the next Tory administration can solve it. Of course they won't be able to.

  6. Some would argue that was done in the 60's and the generation that has done the damage has come from that.

    Well i wouldn't argue that - I blame her. My family suffered greatly as a result of her policies. I saw first hand what she did to communities - it isn't a myth that people suffered hugely because of Thatcher's bloody mindedness, I saw it with my own eyes. I saw my dad, my uncles, lose their jobs and suffer depression as a result. I witnessed my family breaking up and having to disperse all over the world just in order to find work. I saw families fall apart under the pressures they faced as the traditional industries that communities had relied on for generations disappeared overnight.

    If you did well out of her "selfish society" policies then good for you. Millions of others didn't.

  7. purely based on what Thatcher did to this country

    What you mean turning it around from a bankrup place with no investment and on it's knees to unions and IMF and leaving the legacy that Labour has pissed up the wall?

    No, I mean shattering the social fabric of the country forever in the process.

  8. I thought the days of having old Etonians in charge of our country were over. It looks like one could be the next PM.

    I guess the last Tory govt is now a dim and distant memory to many people, so the electorate thinks they offer an alternative. I will never vote Tory as long as I live purely based on what Thatcher did to this country. She shattered communities and families - and now we are reaping the rewards. All the deep-seated social problems the country faces are directly traceable back to her administration and its attitude towards working people. "There is no such thing as society". Indeed, mostly thanks to you Maggie.

  9. Love the Piggy SSN interview:

    "I may have to....sniffle, sniffle, bubb, blub, blub, snort snort,..........resign."

    HAW HAW! I bet the General is having a quiet chuckle to himself today.

    Let's hope they get relegated again next season. Back to where they really belong.

    And to James McFadd, find yourself a proper club to play for son. Then I can enjoy you playing for Scotland again.

  10. It's not really valid at all though. He's just talking crap.

    If the Beatles songs have a certain magic about them, it's only because they're bloody great, timeless songs. The millions of people born since the 60s who have bought Beatles records don't really care about the 60s or who that decade "belongs to" (whatever the hell that means).

    It's the songs that people love. They do see the songs as songs. Great songs. Hornby is wrong.

  11. The Beatles changed the world.

    The Beatles... seem to have... hoovered up and become the sixties, and everything that happened in that extraordinary decade somehow belongs to them now. Their songs have therefore become imbued with all sorts of magic that doesn't properly belong to them, and we can't see the songs as songs anymore.

    Since when has what Nick Horny thinks mattered???

    He also supports Arsenal. Does that then make them a better club than Villa?

  12. General,

    Please pass my thanks on to Randy for the incredible new mosaics on the Holte.

    They are truly wonderful and show that the new board really does understand the rich heritage of this club we all love. I used to look up with wonder at the old mosaics on the Trinity Road stand. They oozed class and history, and really set the old stadium apart from those of our rivals. I can't wait to venture south to see the new mosaics.

    Absolutely superb. Thanks so much.

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