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Posts posted by West

  1. Appoint manager. Cue excitement and euphoria. He is saying all the right things, love his calm demanour, heck he could be our saviour. 

    Lose a few games. 

    Terrible manager. Is he even a manager? Get rid. Should have got Pearson. 

    Manager is sacked. 

    Cycle continues ad infinitum. 

    • Like 1
  2. Anyone follow iFLTV on YouTube? Fascinating interview with Eddie Hearn on how negotiations with the Eubanks went (well I say Eubanks but Jnr has almost zero say in matters). And also generally how revenues & costs of PPV fights occur and how the profit is distributed. Well worth a watch. 

    What comes across is that the Hearns are fantastic businessmen regardless of how they are perceived as people. 

    On the contrary, Eubank Snr could well ruin his son's career. He was haggling on things such as who the commentators were going to be and trying to cut the costs of the undercard if Eddie Hearn is to believed. 

  3. France have a lot of factors that England didn't which will cause Iceland all sorts of problems.

    Pace combined with movement all over the pitch, a powerful mid in Pogba & players who can create and score from very little in Payet & Griezmann.  

    Would not be surprised to see France bag 3 or 4. 


  4. 13 minutes ago, useless said:

    I'm a lonely voice, but before the Iceland game I actually thought England were one of the better teams in the tournament. They were an abomination in that game though, I don't know what happened. Maybe they underestimated their opponents, and  I guess when the pressure was on they couldn't handle it.

    Possibly when they went 1-0 up but then at 2-1 down they had 70 odd minutes to turn it around. A helluva lot of time. They were just hopeless. 

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Genie said:

    No way money bags West Ham will release him. They've got their new stadium too, no way they'll let him go.

    Money bags FA were paying Roy silly money. They can pay whoever they want even sillier. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

    I don't disagree really, I hope someone makes Hart watch De Gea and Buffon's performances in the game yesterday. That's what you call good goalkeeping. 

    As for Kane, why on earth was he still taking free kicks. Absolutely shocking. 

    Please somebody send me a gif of that 41m Ronaldo attempt. Absolute comedy. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

    It wasn't the music, like you say he's entitled to what he likes. It was the intro beforehand. Saying  about the day he became world champion is the start of his legacy and it is only the start etc etc... 

    Oh I see. Yeh I guess that's all part of Eddie Hearn's building the hype aspect. Boxing today is a business as well as a sport. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    ...and it would be more in the spotlight if if were on 'regular' sky rather than PPV.

    Agreed but unfortunately that is the world we live in, everything is an opportunity to make money. 

    The only thing I would say is the paying public are getting quantity if not quality. They are not getting robbed like the recent 'Haye Day' nights!

  9. 3 hours ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    Not really. This is not a PPV worthy card, selling what are largely mismatches for £15 odd a throw is not good for the sport at all.

    Disagree. It's putting boxing in the spotlight. People want to watch the careers of guys like AJ and Eubank Jnr unfold. They'll pay the money. 

  10. 1 minute ago, gharperr said:

    bale did **** all in the two games i watched of him

    quote of the tournament?. Really? its std punditry...jeez

    Not standard punditry when Ian Wright and co are going doolally over England controlling possession. 

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, CarewsEyebrowDesigner said:

    Portugal may put them out as Ronaldo would have a field day against England's attacking full-backs but anyone else England should beat comfortably.

    Austria, Hungary, Iceland all will put men behind the ball. Will be far from comfortable. 

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