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Posts posted by leviramsey

  1. Jimmy Buffett & Herman Wouk - Intro / The Legend of Norman Paperman

    Kinja was the name of the island when it was British. The actual name was King George III Island, but the islanders shortened that to Kinja.

    Now the name in the maps and the guidebooks is Amerigo, but everybody who lives there still calls it Kinja.

    The United States acquired the island peaceably in 1940 as part of the shuffling of old destroyers and Caribbean real estate that went on between Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill. The details of the transaction were and are vague to the inhabitants. The West Indian is not exactly hostile to change, but he's not much inclined to believe in it.

    Meantime, in a fashion, Amerigo is getting Americanized. The inflow of cash was making everyone more prosperous. Most Kinjans go along cheerily with this explosion of American energy in the Caribbean. To them, it seems a new, harmless, and apparently endless Carnival.

  2. I don't see where the grammatical flame that is required for an invocation of Skitt's Law is. The grammatical error "there be" is parodic of the whole "here be dragons" meme.

    If you're generalizing Skitt's Law into something akin to something about those who live in glass houses, I'm not slamming Usenet (indeed, the trolls and flamefests are Usenet's greatest social feature relative to web-based fora such as VT.

  3. They've missed off The People's Republic Of Usenet.

    Usenet is near the IRC Isles, a shadowy area of the sea (since each newsgroup would probably be viewed as its own island on the map. There be dragons, trolls, and flamefests.

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