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Posts posted by stewiek2

  1. Reo Coker's a clearing in the woods.

    Exactly the type of player we don't want at the club.

    Exactly the sort of player we DO need at the Villa. We've been to light, to nice, to fullof pussies for too long now.

    MON linked with Bellamy and the like. He's not stupid. It';s about f**kin time we had a team that ruffled a few feathers. I;m sick and tired of us being light weight mentally as well as physically, I wnt a team that the oppoisition hat eplaying aginst not just cos of their skill but cos they know we will be at them all game in every aspect, mentally as well.

    Bring it on I say! and MON likes these sort of players and knows how to get the best out of them!

  2. As this is a camera and photography thread thought best to post here-

    I've just bought an Olympus E500 8MP digital SLR camera with 17.5-45mm & 40-150mm Lenses +2GB flash card. Any good or bag of shite? Not used it yet as I'm waiting for the battery to charge up.


  3. A fit Woodgate playing under a good manager would be quality. From what I've heard his 'injuries' weren't exactly hip related *white lines* anyway that's all hearsay. I think Woodgate would a great signing.Only thing that I can see which would keep him signed at Boro is that he's a local lad and a Boro supporter, but that is all.

    As for Bellamy, MON seems to like the challenge of so-called troubled players, and seems to get the best out of them, and we do need some nasty b*stards at the club that anooythe f*ck out the opposition.

  4. Yes it's great that the club is now listening to us fans now. But if they did everything we wanted wouldn't it be a case of the inmates running the asylum?

    Putting a star in the badge simply because we want it doesn't help in the long term if success means we have to chop and change all the time the one identifiable thing that we have- the club badge.

    That's all I'm saying. And as for the Abramovich comment. Foolishly you\ve fallen into the same sort of trap that Chelsea see themselves in. They've all this money and no class. As soon as they win the Champs league they'll have stars everywhere with bells on and we'll all say how tacky it is and they have no class unlike Man U/Liverpool/Real who don't have the stars everywhere. THis is why Chelsea are not respected because money cannot buy class.

    Same as popping a star as PART of the club badge is not, in my opinion, classy for a team of Villa's stature. It's a cheap trick if the board do it (sorry general) but all the clubs with a sense of tradition do not wave their wares in the faces of other teams. That is a Chelsea trick and would be a Small Heath trick. Not Aston Villa. Proud History, Bright Future.

    Sorry for the rant General.


  5. Why Ian, cos Gerrard has scored? Sod that, the man isn't good enough. A win here changes nothing. We have a man in charge of the national team who, 12 months ago, had his own supporters throw their season tickets at and whose chairman didn't exactly fight tooth and nail to keep.

    McClown is a **** joke. End of story

  6. Genreal,

    Wish Randy all the best with his back. I suffer from my back going every now and then and know only too well how painful it can be.

    Also, I think the blanket pricing for the Everton game is a great idea. Afterall no matter where you sit you watch the same game. I wonder if it's possible for it to apply to every game next season. It always baffles me as to different pricing for different parts of a ground. If you go to the cinema, you apy the same price no matter where you sit. Ok concert pricing is different but I rally do think that generally the same price throughout (with the lower priced part of the ground being the precident of course) being the yard stick. I think you'd see more people in the ground in areas they wouldn't normally sit in.

  7. Whoever sponsors us, whether it's Red32.com or someone else is really irrelevant, what is important is that the club gets the best deal possible financially. NIke was brought in as they really are recognised as world leaders. IF Red32.cm want in after the deal is up, they know they will have to pay top dollar. It really is great news all round when the decision sis made.

  8. General,

    I was talking to a frined who is a Birmingham City supporter (Sorry, but they do exist, and Jesus himself felt true worth by walking amongst those of less repute), and we were talking about each others clubs and he was amazed at the fact that a Director, never mind anyone, club came onto fan forums and talked to us. SO Kudos to our club. Plus they do NOT do discouunts for students, so double KUDO to Villa!

    We were talking about incentives and extras for season ticket holders too and though this may seem crazy and unmanageable I came up with this idea.

    Every voucher for home games printed on a season ticket would have 2 stubs to pull off- 1 for outer stub for the guy or lady on the entrance to take off and another you took to the programme seller to claim your match day programme as part of your season ticket advantage. I know that this may not be workable but he, and a few other lads we spoke to from both clubs we know and others (a mate who followers Man U, another Liverpool, another Arsenal (legit reasons too rarely enough)), said they thought it was a good idea.

    And a cheeky request, as the club are looking to be more 'in house' in their marketing, as a Graphic Designer with 17 years experience who is about to be made redundant... No chance of a job (he said cheekily!)


  9. Premier League without a doubt then build. We won the European Cup as champions of England. It's how the competition should be. THere's enough european leagues to create a champions league with the various countries, and there has and always will be surprises on the way.

    Liverpoops win is slightly hollow in my opinion, yes theywon it and I'd be punching the air IF we did it that way. Howver, as the General has said himelf, we aim to be champions not finish fourth and win.

    That is CLASS above SUBSTANCE

  10. General,

    Great news about the 25th Anniversary celebrations. I think seeing everyone involved on the pitch with the European Cup raised will result in not one dry eye in the house.

    And love the idea of a Mega store within the future, restructured North Stand. The one at Old Trafford looks pure class. If I can ask/suggest. Please let's not have it daubed in Claret and Blue all over the exterior. THe current Club shop at the ground just looks, dare I say, a bit common.

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