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Posts posted by roonst83

  1. Its essential that even if our players are not performing that our fans are! We have received great respect and plaudits from alot of other teams' supporters for how loud our away fans have been recently and how many fans we take around the country, lets not let this slip. Its a rough time but we'll be back and our players will eventually respond to our magnificent fans and get the glory days back at avfc. We must unite and stick together.

    Loud and proud boys (and girls), loud and proud.

  2. mate dont go...

    sit in a bar and watch it by yourself...would be much less humiliating....

    it could be 5 or 6 tonight......

    But last time I went to watch us play Liverpool in a bar I was surrounded by plastic fans (mostly foreign as I was in London) and I was literally the only villa fan wearing my shirt proudly in there having to listen to loads of scouse songs. I even got bought a pint out of pure pity when their 5th goal went in. :oops:

  3. Ill be watching the game tonight round my mates house - as he has ESPN HD. However he's a liverpool fan, as is my other mate who is going and my other friend will be there too who supports.....the shit. So needless to say im not overly excited about tonight1

    My friend (the host) sent this message round to us...

    "Lads, if you're still available monday night football is a go! Ill be popping to Asda to pick up some pizzas so feel free to bring whatever you want".

    To which I replied...

    "Any chance you could also pick up a central defender and a goal scorer please mate?".

    Couldn't resist. :lol:

  4. One things for sure - if we put out the 11 players who played last night then Hamburg will destroy us.

    We need to win this group so I hope for a stronger line-up - although im also cautious of tiring out players for the saturday evening game with West Ham.

  5. I tried to do it standing up the first time, I'd never even fingered a girl before so I couldn't find the hole! I'd seen a few porno's, but it wasn't where I expected at all, poked her clit with a semi for about 10 minutes.

    Ended up doing it on the floor of a toilet in Turkey. I lasted ages, which is normaly pretty good but unfortunately I was lying in piss at the time. She was on top, I shot my bolt all over her back, but got a fair bit of it on my lovely new piss covered and now cum stained jumper.

    I was 16 years old and I loved every single **** minute of it :D

    That is **** hilarious! :crylaugh: Take a bow son..... :notworthy:

  6. Hi guys,

    just wanted to let you all know that on Saturday 27th Septmeber I finally completed the Leukaemia Bikeathon by riding 28miles through North Worcestershire. Having heard the weather was supposed to baking hot - i didnt want to be caught out (especially seeing as due to my radiotherapy treatment means I have a very poor barrier against sun protection) so I spent the early hours of saturday morning applying some sun cream. However when I got myself to Mere Hall, Hanbury at 8am it was freezing cold, the roads were packed with fog so you couldnt see much beyond 30yrds in front. Glad I didnt wear my bermuda shorts to say the least. Anyway when my cycling buddy Andy finally got here we headed off on our route - the very same route that had been flooded in various areas and led to the event being cancelled. We saw some eveidence of the flooding as we rode through Shell Ford but we managed to pass this and the rest of the route was all fine now. I thoroughly enjoyed the route, the weather actually enhacning the scenery in some unusual way. Perhaps its the photographer in me but i took great delight in looking at the scenery which was all covered in condensation and early morning dew with a blanket of mist. I had my Leukaemia t-shirt under my jumper at the start as it was too cold to revert to just the shirt, but after a while I swapped them round and felt much better about displaying to anyone we passed, be it people on horses, people walking or fellow cyclists, exactly why I was riding. Some of the houses yo pass whilst venturing through the country lanes are quite amazing, soem very wealthy people around that area I can assure you -but everyone we passed said hello - which isnt something you usually get anywhere else (what is it about the morning that people who are up and out are usually more obliged to wish you a good morning?) Anyway we pressed on woith the route and had to stop once or twice to check the route again to makesure we were going the right way - there would usually have been plenty of marshalls at the event had it not been flooded - but nevertheless we were pretty much fine all way round. The biggest challenge I faced was a huge hill right at the end when my legs were feeling the strain abit - I was riding a mountain bike which id borrowed from my brother and luckily I knew which gear did which function as I definately needed it on this hill - It was tough, very tough I was set in the lowest gear in order to decrease the strain on my legs, but as my legs spun round very fast, my bike felt was very gradually makiing progress - I had absolutly no chance of stopping or getting off the bike, I couldnt do that to myself - this was a challenge that I was determined to see through and I had everyone who had sonsored me in my mind - It may sound corny but its true, it was that thought alone, the thought of not letting anyone down that kept me going. Eventually I reached the brow of the hill and I felt great, really chuffed with what id done - then I made my way through the last half a mile to the finishing point, back at Mere Hall where id started. The day went from being a great morning to a bloody good afternoon as I rushed home to have the fastest shower ive ever had and got myself up to the villa to watch us beat sunderland!

    I just want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone of you on here who took the time out to sponsor me - most of you i've not met and that for me just shows what great people we have on here, as well as great football fans. The money you have donated will be making a difference I can promise you that.

    Here's the pictures, as promised:










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