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Posts posted by roonst83

  1. 1 minute ago, Steero113 said:

    I heed that warning as I saw what happened last time, but there is one key difference. 

    Minus DCL and Richarlison, their squad is dogshit. 

    Aren't both of those available? Both played the other day didn't they?

  2. 2 hours ago, bobzy said:

    It's a real interesting one, because I just don't understand the criticism of him, really.

    Does he play at his very best every single game?  No.  Does any player?  No.  What he does is something that none of our other midfielders do - get the whole team up the pitch whilst offering a real tenacity at winning the ball back.  McGinn is the one constantly looking to run with the ball or spray passes forward or take on long range shots.  He's the only one constantly hassling opponents in the middle of the pitch.  Our other midfielders are completely passive by comparison (probably a bit harsh on Ramsey, who I think is a cracking player).

    And if you don't want to do the eye test, take in these stats:
    - He has scored more than anyone other than Watkins and Ings.
    - Only Luiz and Buendia have assisted more than McGinn.
    - He averages more key passes per game than anyone else in our squad.
    - He averages more crosses per game than anyone else in our squad.
    - He averages more tackles per game than anyone else in our squad.
    - Only Traore and Sanson average more dribbles per game than McGinn.

    For what it's worth, McGinn also averages more through balls than anyone else and more long balls than anyone other than our goalkeepers.


    He's the most complete midfielder we have and, for me, is done a massive disservice by some of our fans - particularly when he's summarised as "using his arse well".  The guy is a very good midfielder.  Not world class, but certainly good enough for a team chasing European football in the Premier League.


    All very fair indeed. He's definitely got a lot of attributes and you're right to note that no-one is perfect or fully consistent across 90mins. It's the huge chunk of times he goes missing that bothers me as there's times he's lost on the pitch which is to our disadvantage as he is very important, and effective, for us when he is involved. As for "using his arse". Part tongue in ('scuse the pun) cheek, but part truth. He's excellent at utilising his backside to evade challenges to turn away and escape the opposition and move us forward. So it is a key strength, and one he has openly acknowledged himself. But he has other strong attributes for sure. 

  3. McGinn has often been immune to criticism by many despite often going missing for huge chunks of games. That's happened under both Smith and Gerrard. It may happen less if we have a new quality DCM, who knows, but McGinn is far from being better than any of our starting midfield, he's just much more likeable and endearing. I absolutely love the guy and when he's in a game we are a much better team for it. Likewise, when we're playing well McGinn ups his game. If we're offered silly money for McGinn (circa £50m) then we should take that, and I think we will. His best quality is his endeavour as well as his arse and how he uses it. He can spray a pass and has quite good vision, but he is far from irreplaceable. 

    I'd want to keep him and no way will we be selling him this window but if we want to progress to become a team challenging for Europe consistently we may need a higher grade player who is consistent throughout the whole game. That (the latter) goes for all our midfield. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    yeah that was a really bad sign.  Attitude in the number one attribute needed and if your game is off as well it doesn’t bode well.  Bench time will give him chance to sort himself out.

    He’s done this countless times. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    Ollie is so frustrating, too slow to run in behind, isn’t hassling like last season and his decision making is poor.  If we create more, Ings is more likely to score because he’s much the better finisher.

    Spot on.

  6. Gave MOTM to Ramsay for the goal and assist but Buendia was our best player throughout. 

    Great point considering we were 0-2 down with 20mins left. Frustratingly individual errors cost us the win. But we showed such great character. Really proud. 

    Ramsay and Buendia our best players. So good to see Coutinho score. 

    Second half was absolutely excellent minus the mistake up by Sanson. Just like on Monday night, I’d we don’t throw the ball in our own net with a soft early goal first five mins then we win that. 

    Watkins continues to frustrate. Looked slow and lagged today. He lacks any awareness and football intelligence for me. Never seems the runs of Ings and others. He just us his head down always. I'm baffled how he never gets subbed. I’d have Ings starting over him if we have to choose one as Ings will be much more in tune with the clever play of Buendia and Coutinho.  

    Digne looks decent. Much better second half which shows we can adapt and change it up. Very pleased with second half. 

    Loved seeing Martinez go absolutely  banana into the north stand when Courtinho scores. Love that.

    Still need to improve our individual errors as well as tighten up defensively. Could see the crowd was getting frustrated in second half by us passing it sideways before our second goal (I think) as Mings and Hause we’re lacking anyone in the middle dropping deep for it. As soon as Luiz came and got the ball we could drive forwards and pull the opposition apart. Made a huge difference. We need better DCM play so we can do this more often. 

    Hope the comeback gives us the confidence to push on. If we can stay right at the back and enforce our central midfield more in games then we should improve greatly. So pleased we got more reward for a decent performance against a decent team. Fed up of being applauded but having lost. Great comeback and looked like VP was bouncing. Was a great game tonight. 

    • Like 1
  7. Seeing Gerrard walk out and turn back to look at the Stratford End at the start of the game the other night with a smile on his face whilst getting pelters from the fans is the sort of confidence and swagger that I love to see. 

    • Like 4
  8. Better team lost. We had to take one of those chances. Threw everything at it and gassed ourselves out at 70mins and didn’t threaten thereafter. 

    Targett, Luiz, Cash we’re all very poor. Best game I’ve seen Watkins have this season for us. Agree with others that our subs were poor. El Ghazi offers nothing and JPB didn’t have enough time .

    McGinn very quiet second half and Ramsay shines in some moments then out of the game in others. We miss that solid DCM role massively. Needs to be a priority. 

    Detest United. 

  9. I don't want to sell him but he's been way off his best so far this season. Energy and pressing levels haven't been the same, but it's his constant moaning and poor body language that bothers me more. He also doesn't possess, in my opinion, an intelligent football brain as he often runs quite predictably and loses possession and his hold up play/strength is also way off from what ti was last season.

    When he's at his best he's such an important player for us, but I haven't seen him improve this season and those things I have mentioned above do concern me for his ambitions with our club. Hope he proves me wrong as I really like the lad.

    • Like 2
  10. Game was there to be won. But our main issue was thinking we couldn’t lose the game from being 0-1 up. Massive error. That casual approach led to mistakes and lack of focus which let Brentford win. A draw would’ve been a disappointment but we can’t take teams for granted. We’re simply not good enough to.

    Missing that bite and aggression in the middle. Luiz and McGinn passengers today. Not good enough and didn’t have enough impact on the game. 

  11. Incredibly comfortable win. Looked in full control throughout. Fantastic first half. More scrappy in the second but we didn’t let them threaten us atall. 

    Ramsay’s goal was ridiculous! Pure quality. He’s improving each week. Untroubled at the back really. Midfield in full control. Luiz quality on the ball, McGinn solid. Both fullbacks did really well. Watkins still not quite right, moaning too much and not as sharp but pleased with his goal. Two academy players making a huge impact today. So good to see. 

    A game we should be winning and dispatched them with ease.

    Gave Ramsay MOTM. But think Luiz was excellent, Cash too. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, VillaFaninLondon said:

    I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in a 4-3-2-1 formation:







    I'm guessing Bailey is injured once again but he's been disappointing last few weeks anyway. Young for Targett if Targett is out. If Ings is available that gives us another option but I'd have him on the bench. Traore probably injured as per usual.


    I was seriously impressed with Sanson last night particularly considering he hasn't played all season. He's got quality and I'd like to see him come straight in.

    I like the look of that. Although he may go with El Ghazi as a direct wing-forward replacement for Bailey. Hope not. I think that backing midfield could be strong. Doubt Sanson will start, it'll be Ramsay (who I think would've played last night from Gerrard's comments) as he hasn't had enough minutes but will likely feature.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I've got a feeling, he might turn it on tonight!

    I think City will be too canny for him. He isn't seemingly good at taking on players. Lots of tricks and flicks but doesn't advance enough as yet and is weak on the ball. But there's definite talent there, I just think he's finding the step up in quality of the opposition hard to deal with. He's in the spot light tonight though which is what he (and his step) dad wants. 

  14. 22 minutes ago, a-k said:

    But it's how they spend it. 100mil on a single luxury player they didn't need, not 100 mil on 2-3 players who would further increase squad depth and be ready for opportunities like this

    So he has a right to complain because despite the money spent it's not on many players 🙄/s

    Pep's the type of guy who finds a £20 note on the floor then complains to the council about littering. 

    • Haha 1
  15. People talking about Grealish being sold soon are missing the whole purpose of his transfer. He' been bought for the future, Pep constantly highlights how young he still is and how much potential he has. He's not expected to be playing every game for city, yet. The likes of Mahrez and Sterling will depart soon and Grealish will be starting week in week out with Foden. Grealish brings a huge fan base and marketing potential, on and off the field and that's key to his signing. 

    • Like 1
  16. Was hit and miss in the Championship. Is hit and miss in the Prem. Too weak, loses possession too easily and I think his shooting is largely atrocious bar the odd curler,  but he has a knack of scoring vital goals and can take a penalty very well.

    I like him as a person but just never want him starting. 

    • Like 2
  17. 17 hours ago, mykeyb said:

    Buendia will be fine when the midfield us working and can give him the ball further up the pitch with options in front of him

    Agree that'll be when we can utilise him much more

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